For Immediate ReleaseNational Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA)Contact:Ari S. Merretazon, Northeast Regional Representative; 215-850-1699merretazon@verizon.netBarbara Baker, Midwest Regional Representative 312-720-0648Bbaker601@att.netKamm Howard, Board Member At Large, 773-520-0369khoward.amenta@sbcglobal.netCongressional apologies are not enough, reparations accord for Blacks is needed, now!We don’t think it is coincidental that, at the same time the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA) was holding its 20th Annual Conference in Dallas, Texas during the week of “Juneteenth” -- June 19th, the day in 1865 that slaves learned at the end of the Civil War that they were free the U.S. Senate was apologizing for the enslavement and racial segregation of African-Americans in a Senate Resolution. Without a reparations accord/proclamation this is just another assault on Blacks in America .N'COBRA has long stated its position on the growing number of resolutions of profound regret and questionable apologies by units of government and private corporations. These resolutions should be viewed only as means to open dialogue about the elements of repair that must be included in a reparations accord. Our position is no different with this most recent Senate resolution.The N’COBRA twentieth conference marked a paradigm shift for the reparations movement in America , defined as The Reparations Accord: The Reparations Movement in the Age of Obama.N'COBRA position remains, notwithstanding congressional electoral politics and this age of Obama as President, that there are at least five injury areas remaining from America ’s system of enslavement that must be resolved and all apologies, proclamations or resolutions must be steps leading toward recommendations, policies, resources and programs of ways and means for repairing the damage.The issue is no longer should reparations be authorized to Blacks, but what should be the elements of a reparations accord to assure that the monstrous destruction of human life, human culture, and human possibilities never occurs again and, that repair and healing begin. N’COBRA will engage the sponsors of the bill on the real work that lies ahead. Among the many areas a reparations accord for Backs must include are five key, broad yet specific injury areas: people-hood, education, criminal punishment, wealth/poverty, and health.Obama, Change, and reparations are good for America .N'COBRA sincerely appreciates Congressman John Conyers' efforts to stay on the front line with his enduring leadership and congressional diplomacy over the last 20 years. He has helped to awaken the moral spirit of justice in the U.S. by submitting H.R. 40 in each session of Congress. The passage of H.R 40, in the age of Obama, will go a long way to repair the damage done to the enslaved ancestors of Blacks in America .Additionally, N’COBRA agrees with Senator Harkin, one of the co-sponsors of the resolution, who is quoted as saying, "Let us make no mistake: This resolution will not fix lingering injustices.” We also join with senator Harkin in the belief it is long overdue, and the real work lies ahead.N’COBRA, as a coalition of individuals and organizations recognizes the continuous, uncompromising hard work of the Reparations Activists in America and throughout the world, as fostering and creating the atmosphere within which an apology of this nature has been made.As with any true apology/confession it is expected that the perpetrator(s) of the crime state as accurately as possible what the apology is for, seek repentance, and be willing to repair the damage done by acts of commission and omission. An apology alone falls short without both full identification and acknowledgement of the conduct that caused the injuries, along with the resources to repair the damage inflicted.The Senate resolution could have been crafted in such a way that it would help lead America out of its shameful denial while contextualizing the inordinately high levels of poverty, health related issues, poor education, poor housing, crime, poor families, etc., existing in present day African descendant communities which can be directly linked to the American system of enslavement.It is not the goal or intent of N’COBRA to bankrupt America , in that the wholesale destruction of human life, human culture, and human possibilities is incalculable. It is only logical that a dialog about the elements of a reparations accord be the next step, in connection with the passage of House Bill H.R.40: Commission to Study Reparation Proposal for African-Americans Act, sponsored by Congressman Conyers, which has been held hostage in committee since 1989.The demand for reparations by Blacks in America is not about a check. Reparations are the cross-road solution to the human capital development of Blacks, and reparations are ways and means of repairing the destruction of a civilized people.So, today, we tell the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives, and the whole wide world, that we lived and are living the “Whereas’ of your resolutions. The resolve of the resolutions, resolves nothing, instead it not only insults and inflames the advocates for reparations, but also reasonable Black people throughout the world working for the various units of the U.S. Government, including those fighting America ’s wars around the world.-30-
Thanks for sharing your paper on the issue or reparations. Your key points seem to be root4ed in the zero-sum objective a reparations accord for Blacks in the Diaspora led by Blacks in America. ["The issue is no longer should reparations be authorized to Blacks, but what should be the elements of a reparations accord to assure that the monstrous destruction of human life, human culture, and human possibilities never occurs again and, that repair and healing begin."]
Additionally human capital development must be parallel to "economic development." ["The demand for reparations by Blacks in America is not about a check. Reparations are the cross-road solution to the human capital development of Blacks, and reparations are ways and means of repairing the destruction of a civilized people."]
Thanks for the invite to stay in contact with you via email and by phone. And I shall. I teach several courses in the science of community economic development and will start my communications directly with you after 7-8-20009. In the interim, take a look at my other posts regarding reparations, I am eager to read/hear your views about each topic.
Bro Ari,
I welcome the invitation to engage in dialogue over the issue of Reparations. I consider Wautella and Kibibi to be friends and comrades in struggle. First, let me say, that my response will take place in the context of the paper I wrote on the National African American Congress. I just added a feed to my latest paper on Development, which I hope you will get a chance to read.
Reparations, as a concept and potential reality, must be viewed in a much broader context, What path to development for people of african descent. Without a strategy for development, reparations is a meaningless concept, and remains void of any social, political and economic significance. I my view, there is too much energy and emphasis put on reparations as a remedy for enslavement, and not enough put on development strategies, where reparations would and could play an integral part. Africans, African Americans and Caribbeans must come together to forge development strategies which utilize the collective resources of our peoples to become self-reliant, self-determined, and that takes us from a dependendcy on aid from our former oppressors to dependentcy on our own resources in order to compete equally in the global economy. African Americans have accumulated capital. Africa has natural resources that the world market needs and wants. The Caribbean has the potential of becoming a tourist Mecca, an agricultral base, and vast labor pool. Given these factors, how do we develop a strategy which take all into account. African Americans need to be pooling our economic resources and forming consortiums which invest in development projects in Africa and the Carib. For example, we could get African American churches to build orphanges in Haiti, have the children work on a project to grow seedlings, which can be transplanted in the rich African soil, to grow crops that will feed Africans, and be exported into the Americas where AA's and Caribs own and operate our own grocery stores. This is just one example. this same or simular process can also occur in the areas of manufactering, sustainable development, natural resource production, tourism, trade, and enviromental protection. These are the key areas where I believe our fucus and energies are better spent. However, in this context, reparations can take on an essential role, and enhances our argument to be made whole as the result of enslavement. Reason being, is that, we can point to specific areas where reparations can be used for economic develpment of our whole community, as opposed to just giving sosme negores money to buy some bling and dope and see it consumed up in th underworld economy. Additionally, the strategy above points to economic self-sufficientcy, whether we get reparations or not. We, as a community cannot continue to condition our people to just sit around waiting on another hand out after getting there welfare checks. Such behavior, only lends itself to corruption and does nothing to lead to self-sufficientcy. Now that the appropiate apologies have been given by the respective levels of government, reparations should now be put in the hands of the lawyers, to seek proper redress for these genocidal grievences, based on the precedents already established in law, by the Native Ameircans and Japanese. Let the lawyers do there work on the reparations issue, while the rest of us focus now, on formulating and implementing development strategies. The Africans are begging us to come there now after seeing how European and US corporations continue to exploit and foster corruption on the part of government officials. The Chinese and Koreans are not too much better. Africa's development is ,now, in the hands of African Americans and we must step up to assume our historical role. I welcome your response. My direct email, fyi is and my number is 323 325 2560 for immediate contact, if you like.
Ngone Aw, I am interested in knowing how you see the utility of the Wachovia Divestment Guide at Please take a look.
Thank you for this powerful article. Not only was it an insult since they put a clause stating nothing in the apoligy was meant to agree to reparations. No clause was put in the apolgy to the Japanese or the so called imposter jews. Yes indeed a slap in the face because it was all phony PR, to CYA for the intended ongoing planned final solution in Amerikkka. America is already bankrupt, and has been in Bankruptcy re-organization since 1791, Revolutionary war, add 70 yrs you get 1861 the 2nd bankruptcy re-org, 70 yrs to 1861, Civil War, you get 1931 Great Depression & WW2 and the last 70 yrs, you get 2001, 911 WTC demolition, now go figure, each one of those time periods has something in common, a transfer of wealth and mass death. Think Katrina !
As quite as it's has been kept, 7.5 million perished in the Great depression of 1933, 5 million children died of starvation. Mr Obama has been feeding the very Criminals that waxed wealthy off the enslavement and empoverishment of our Ancestors.Obama is worse than KKK President Woodrow Wilson, and killer man Hoover. he has made it plain, he is not our friend.
History Repeating Itself?
AMERICAN HOLOCAUST (Hidden Hstory of The Great Depression)
Thanks for sharing your paper on the issue or reparations. Your key points seem to be root4ed in the zero-sum objective a reparations accord for Blacks in the Diaspora led by Blacks in America. ["The issue is no longer should reparations be authorized to Blacks, but what should be the elements of a reparations accord to assure that the monstrous destruction of human life, human culture, and human possibilities never occurs again and, that repair and healing begin."]
Additionally human capital development must be parallel to "economic development." ["The demand for reparations by Blacks in America is not about a check. Reparations are the cross-road solution to the human capital development of Blacks, and reparations are ways and means of repairing the destruction of a civilized people."]
Thanks for the invite to stay in contact with you via email and by phone. And I shall. I teach several courses in the science of community economic development and will start my communications directly with you after 7-8-20009. In the interim, take a look at my other posts regarding reparations, I am eager to read/hear your views about each topic.
Ari, unbutu
I welcome the invitation to engage in dialogue over the issue of Reparations. I consider Wautella and Kibibi to be friends and comrades in struggle. First, let me say, that my response will take place in the context of the paper I wrote on the National African American Congress. I just added a feed to my latest paper on Development, which I hope you will get a chance to read.
Reparations, as a concept and potential reality, must be viewed in a much broader context, What path to development for people of african descent. Without a strategy for development, reparations is a meaningless concept, and remains void of any social, political and economic significance. I my view, there is too much energy and emphasis put on reparations as a remedy for enslavement, and not enough put on development strategies, where reparations would and could play an integral part. Africans, African Americans and Caribbeans must come together to forge development strategies which utilize the collective resources of our peoples to become self-reliant, self-determined, and that takes us from a dependendcy on aid from our former oppressors to dependentcy on our own resources in order to compete equally in the global economy. African Americans have accumulated capital. Africa has natural resources that the world market needs and wants. The Caribbean has the potential of becoming a tourist Mecca, an agricultral base, and vast labor pool. Given these factors, how do we develop a strategy which take all into account. African Americans need to be pooling our economic resources and forming consortiums which invest in development projects in Africa and the Carib. For example, we could get African American churches to build orphanges in Haiti, have the children work on a project to grow seedlings, which can be transplanted in the rich African soil, to grow crops that will feed Africans, and be exported into the Americas where AA's and Caribs own and operate our own grocery stores. This is just one example. this same or simular process can also occur in the areas of manufactering, sustainable development, natural resource production, tourism, trade, and enviromental protection. These are the key areas where I believe our fucus and energies are better spent. However, in this context, reparations can take on an essential role, and enhances our argument to be made whole as the result of enslavement. Reason being, is that, we can point to specific areas where reparations can be used for economic develpment of our whole community, as opposed to just giving sosme negores money to buy some bling and dope and see it consumed up in th underworld economy. Additionally, the strategy above points to economic self-sufficientcy, whether we get reparations or not. We, as a community cannot continue to condition our people to just sit around waiting on another hand out after getting there welfare checks. Such behavior, only lends itself to corruption and does nothing to lead to self-sufficientcy. Now that the appropiate apologies have been given by the respective levels of government, reparations should now be put in the hands of the lawyers, to seek proper redress for these genocidal grievences, based on the precedents already established in law, by the Native Ameircans and Japanese. Let the lawyers do there work on the reparations issue, while the rest of us focus now, on formulating and implementing development strategies. The Africans are begging us to come there now after seeing how European and US corporations continue to exploit and foster corruption on the part of government officials. The Chinese and Koreans are not too much better. Africa's development is ,now, in the hands of African Americans and we must step up to assume our historical role. I welcome your response. My direct email, fyi is and my number is 323 325 2560 for immediate contact, if you like.
Mutual respect...
Thank you for this powerful article. Not only was it an insult since they put a clause stating nothing in the apoligy was meant to agree to reparations. No clause was put in the apolgy to the Japanese or the so called imposter jews. Yes indeed a slap in the face because it was all phony PR, to CYA for the intended ongoing planned final solution in Amerikkka. America is already bankrupt, and has been in Bankruptcy re-organization since 1791, Revolutionary war, add 70 yrs you get 1861 the 2nd bankruptcy re-org, 70 yrs to 1861, Civil War, you get 1931 Great Depression & WW2 and the last 70 yrs, you get 2001, 911 WTC demolition, now go figure, each one of those time periods has something in common, a transfer of wealth and mass death. Think Katrina !
As quite as it's has been kept, 7.5 million perished in the Great depression of 1933, 5 million children died of starvation. Mr Obama has been feeding the very Criminals that waxed wealthy off the enslavement and empoverishment of our Ancestors.Obama is worse than KKK President Woodrow Wilson, and killer man Hoover. he has made it plain, he is not our friend.
History Repeating Itself?
AMERICAN HOLOCAUST (Hidden Hstory of The Great Depression)