CHICAGO MAYOR EMANEUL MUST INCLUDE "ALL" BURGE LAWSUITS IN SETTLEMENTS, including those filed by former Chicago Corporation Counsel James Montgomery, Wallace "Gator" Bradley and others !!
by Veteran Political Activist Mark S. Allen
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel must settle "all" Burge lawsuits, including the most recent filed by formar Chicago Corporation Counsel James Montgomery, Wallace "Gator" Bradley and others ---- Chicago Mayor Rahm Emaneul cannot ignore the federal lawsuits most recently filed by Attorney's James Montgomery (a former Chicago Corporation Counsel); Sam Adam, Jr and Professor Linda R. Crane of The John Marshall Law School who is representing a team of JMLS law professors and students who are assisting the attorneys with the case; along with veteran activist Wallace “Gator” Bradley, consultant and “urban translator”
They held a joint Press Conference on Thursday June 30th at The John Marshall Law School announcing the 21-count class action civil lawsuit against former Chicago Police Lt. Jon Burge, former Mayor Richard Daley, former Cook County State’s Attorney Richard Devine and others accused of torturing 135 African-Americans, or of refusing to take action to end these alleged torturous actions.
Also speaking at that June 30th Press Conference was Melvin Jones who is the named plaintiff in the law suit that has been filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois on behalf of the 135 victims
Today Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanusl has announced the fact that he may indeed intend to settle all of the remaining "Burge" lawsuits starting with Michael Tillman whose initial case may involve former Mayor Richard M. Daley being deposed. And going through various media reports I keep seeing the names of former Governor Jim Thompson, Flint Taylor of The People's Law Office, and others. However, in none of the media reports have I come across the names of Wallace "Gator" Bradley, Melvin Jones, The John Marshall Law School, Attorney Sam Adam Jr , or the legendary Attorney and former Chicago Corporation Counsel James Montgomery, who continues the law practice of he and the late legendary Attorney Johnnie Cochran.
It is a good thing for Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to want to get the Burge cases behind him and the city move forward.
And it is commendable for major media like The Sun Times and others that all these outstanding lawsuits should be settled, but I wanted to state for the record that "all" means "all" and should not overlook the last federal lawsuits filed on behalf of Melvin Jones and another 135 victims, but should not also overlook those who were an active and systematic part of years of covering up the tortue.
For more information contact Wallace "Gator" Bradley at 312-371-6914