Chicago Hosts 3rd Follow-Up To Sharpton's National Action Plan with National Convention of Black Wall Street Organizations August 20-23
One of the first community organizers to work with Barack Obama in Chicago for over 20 years. Now Associate Editor of The South Street JournalNewspaper and 37 year activist/journalist, recently selected as 2010Who's Who In Black Chicago. Office (312) 624-8351 or cell 773-392-0165
Cheryle Robinson Jackson, ("Chicago Will Be The Next Black Wall Street,") former President/CEO of The Chicago Urban League confirmed as a Honorary Chair, and The Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr,President/CEO of The Rainbow/PUSH Coalition just confirmed as theOpening Reception Speaker For the historic 1st National Convention of Black Wall Street Organizations in Chicago August 20-23. Also confirmed as featured speaker is the legendary Civil Rights Attorney Thomas "TNT" Todd !! To register or for more information call 312-624-8351
Mark S. Allen, Board Member,Chicago Black Wall Street Project, and one of the National Community Organizers of Rev. Al Sharpton's National 12 Month Action Plan.
"We did it before in Tulsa -- We did it before in Bronzeville, We did it with Operation Breadbasket's Keeping Slices Of Our Bread In Our Own Black Communities, and we are going to do it again!!! Join this historic national planningmeeting that will lay out the plans to build and rebuild Black ownedand operated Black business and jobs districts throughout Chicago and in majority Black populations across the country"***********************************************************************************************
The success of Rev. Al Sharpton's National 12 Month Action Plan continues with
the first National Convention of Black Wall Street Organizations inChicago August 20-23. Mark Allen, one of the national communityorganizers for the development of Rev. Sharpton's National 12 MonthAction Plan is board member of The Black Wall Street Chicago Projectand one of the local organizers of the upcoming national Black WallStreet Organizations in Chicago.
Several of the key participants in Rev. Sharptons National "MeasuringThe Movement" TV Broadcast in New York are now confirming theirparticipation in promoting the ongoing agenda being adopted fornational organizing at the upcoming National Black Wall StreetConvention.
Specifically today, confirming are Hermene Hartman, publisher of N'DIGOMagapaper, the Rev. Al Sampson, pastor of the Fernwood United MethodistChurch and a former friend, and staff member of Rev. Dr. Martin LutherKing's Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and was ordainedby Dr. King, and Wallace "Gator" Bradley. Hartman, as she did in NewYork on the direction needed to sustain and increase Black businesseswill present an outline on The State of Black Business in Chicago withrecommendations for "measurable" movements for Chicago that can also bemodeled nationally; Rev. Sampson will lead the church delegation ongoing "back-to-basics" with Dr. King's "Liberation Theology," as wellas the national campaign for Black churches to adopt Black FarmersProjects in "measuring" increasing local job creation in urban areas;and Bradley will lay out a local model for national implementation forinnovative ways to increase employment and business opportunities forex-offenders and at risk youth.
With todays addition of Hartman, Rev. Sampson, and Bradley, they nowjoin others who confirmed like The Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr, LegendaryCivil Rights Attorney Tom Todd, Former Chicago Urban League PresidentCheryle Jackson, Survivors of the original Black Wall Street in TulsaOklahoma and others for this historic 1st National Convention andPlanning meeting of Black Wall Street Organization in the spirit andpartnership with Sharpton's "Measuring The Movement - National 12 MonthAction Plan," and the pledge made at Sharptons National Convention todevelop a "measurable" agenda that included rebuilding the Blackeconomy with Black owned and operated business and job districts inmajority Black and urban areas.