How Africa Can Solve Its Problems
Many have blamed Africa’s agony on the intervention of foreign governments (read: intelligence services of the Western industrial powers), or the depredations of multinational conglomerate corporations.
Some have recognized, and even explained the contribution of Africa’s indigenous corruption and materialism. And a few brave souls have even acknowledged the contributions of Africa’s own indigenous cultures.
But the fact is that all these factors and more have contributed to the agony of Africa’s position as the poorest continent in the world, the only one remaining where widespread suffering and grinding poverty is the norm.
The Problem
Anyone who has been to sub-saharan Africa has seen the problem: a tiny minority, living in fabulous luxury, a small and largely struggling middle class, and a sea of squalor, suffering and poverty, in which the vast majority of Africans are mired.
its not for a lack of talent, ambition or intelligence. Africa has become a source for highly intelligent, carefully trained professionals of a wide variety of skills, who practice their professions all over the world, particularly in the industrial nations of the West and the rapidly industrializing nations of South Asia.
It isn’t a lack of resources, either. Everyone who has traveled in Africa has seen the vast variety resources, agricultural, forest, mineral, human and of other kinds, which Africa has in some of the greatest abundance in the world.
Why, then, has Africa come to this terrible state?
Poverty, Corruption, And The Legacy of Colonialism
I have written extensively elsewhere of the terrible corruption in which Nigerians, with whom I am most familiar, have found themselves mired. The problems...CONTINUES>>>
Africa's problems have been discussed, analyzed, dissected and fought about for centuries. The conclusion of those who get involved in such discussions always come away amazed that the African people cannot come together and solve their own problems. The same amazement is expressed whenever the plight of Blacks in America are discussed and analyzed. The elements to solve their problems are sitting in place, but without unity of purpose and action they remain inert and ineffective. Africa's and Black Americans problems persist.
Africa's problems will not be resolved unless and until the "curse" upon the Hebrew Israelites in America is lifted. These enslaved, brutalized, raped, defrauded and cheated people are living out a prophecy of the Most High that, unfortunately includes Africa because of the role it played in the enslavement of God's covenant people.
And so, the fate of the entire world rests upon the deliverance of the Hebrew Israelites of America by the Most High God. Strange, but true nonetheless.
For proof, begin by reading Deuteronomy 28:15-68 and notice a graphic description of a form of slavery unknown until the enslavement of the God's people for their disobedience to God's commandments. After years of research, I am unable to find any other people on the planet in all of world history who were subjected to ALL of the signal features detailed in that prophecy written over 3,500 year ago. If anyone is willing to dispute my claim that this prophecy applies specifically to blacks in America, also known as the Hebrew Israelites, I am ready to examine your dispute.
Of course, no one pays any attention to an old book reputedly full of myths and legends. Yet, upon investigation, one is loath to dismiss the accuracy of the prophecy and the exact match of the history of blacks in America.
This is an issue that must be viewed personally because everyone will be impacted, whether they like it or not. Failure to do the research, carefully and prayerfully sift the information then draw your own conclusions could be disastrous to you and yours.
The world is in the grip of a great spiritual dilemma that requires a great spiritual solution. Meanwhile the world continues to seek solutions through politics, military, education, social engineering and religious exploitation approaches that have failed for centuries. Despite these massive failures that lie stacked in the ash bin of history, the world keeps looking in the wrong place.
My hope and prayer is that some of you will take the challenge and do the research for yourself.
Shalom family.