Winnie Mandela Speaks

 Winnie speaks! --

This name Mandela is an albatross around the necks of my family. You
all must realise that Mandela was not the only man who suffered. There
were many others, hundreds who languished in prison and died. Many
unsung and unknown heroes of the struggle, and there were others in
the leadership too, like poor Steve Biko, who died of the beatings,
horribly all alone. Mandela did go to prison and he went in there as a
burning young revolutionary. But look what came out.

Nelson let us down. He agreed to a bad deal for the blacks.
Economically, we are still on the outside. The economy is very much
‘white’. It has a few token blacks, but so many who gave their life in
the struggle have died unrewarded.

I cannot forgive him for going to receive the Nobel [Peace Prize in
1993] with his jailer [FW] de Klerk. Hand in hand they went. Do you
think de Klerk released him from the goodness of his heart? He had to.
The times dictated it, the world had changed, and our struggle was not
a flash in the pan, it was bloody to say the least and we had given
rivers of blood. I had kept it alive with every means at my disposal.

Look at this Truth and Reconciliation charade. He should never have
agreed to it. What good does the truth do? How does it help anyone to
know where and how their loved ones were killed or buried? That Bishop
Tutu who turned it all into a religious circus came here.

He had the cheek to tell me to appear. I told him a few home truths. I
told him that he and his other like-minded cretins were only sitting
here because of our struggle and ME. Because of the things I and
people like me had done to get freedom.

The people of Soweto are still with me. Look what they make him do.
The great Mandela. He has no control or say any more. They put that
huge statue of him right in the middle of the most affluent “white”
area of Johannesburg. Not here where we spilled our blood and where it
all started. Mandela is now a corporate foundation. He is wheeled out
globally to collect the money and he is content doing that. The ANC
have effectively sidelined him but they keep him as a figurehead for
the sake of appearance.

Sent from Nova Felder via casr google group.

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  • South
    It was a pleasure to know that this African Queen is still standing and still willing & ble to spktruth. It is amazing how as time goes by many choose to either forget, ignore or deny the fact that for 27 long grueling yrs this Queen held down the fort.
    She took no hostages,& accepted no quarter because she overstood that only WINNERS take all. My only regret is that she was not elected President..moving forward , but then again i overstand the reasons why

    Sistah Winnie, whom i have had the pleasure of meeting and sharing with twice, both in her country as well as in Cuba has always been in my view the real revolutionary. She has stood up in the face of the most rabid racist GOV, and used thier own actions to claim freedom for herself and her well as her former husband.

    One thing which i love more than anything. is the fact that she held her head up when Nelson disrespected her by choosing to allow Israel , the US and the colonizing SA GOV to assassinate her character and reputation, and all that she had suffered and struggled to achieve for her country while Nelson, laid in the belly of the beast.
    Where i respect what Nelson did in his early days..What Winnoe did for her people her country and her man..far outshines those 27 yrs at Robben island..

  • NYMetro
    I can not begin to tell you how good it was to hear from our beloved sister Winnie Mandela. She has stated and confirmed what I have been thinking and saying ever since I saw no change in the way that the majority of the Azania citizens have faired since Nelson release. But we should not be surprise by this news because the ANC was never a "true" revolutionary organization but rather one that was only interested in reforms. The repressive nature of the white South African government is what pushed the ANC in the direction of taking up arms as a final solution. The PAC (Pan-African Congress) with it revolutionary pan-africanist agenda was the true revolutionary organization. They, the PAC, wanted all of those whites who are still their and in control, out of Azania (South Africa). The solution to the brain drain and expertise of running a country would be Pan-Africanism and their first overture would be towards the African-American. When the time came to make the necessary cosmetic changes to preserve the power relationship within the country for the white miniority, the ANC was allowed to succeed as the safe chose by that same white South African government.
  • DMV
    What she said is absolutely correct. He failed the people of Azania (South Afrika) He sold out. Before he came out of prison and even after he came out of prison and became President, Caucasians controlled 98% of the land and natural resources. When he stepped down from the Presidency, Caucasians stilled controlled 98% of the land and natural resources and as April 23, 2010 they still control 98% of the land and natural resources. Absolutely nothing has changed at all. The people have nothing more than flag independence. Baba Olatunji
  • South
    This Queen Goddess, Winnie Mandela represent the Strength of the Black Nation and she speak that which I long knew concerning brother Mandela.

    As I share with you, The Wise Learn From Mistakes But The Fool Keep On Making Them.

    The Struggle must continue in South Afrika and throughout Afrika until Afrika become for the Afrikans, as so stated by the Honorable Marcus Garvey.

    What Queen Goddess Winnie must come to realize is that she must focus on establishing a Pan- Afrikan Relationship with her long lost Kit and Kin in North America and she must join the Garvey Black Nationalist Revolutionary in Demanding our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation, with her voice being the voice of the Children of the Middle Passage, the gate to Afrika Freedom will begin to open.

    So if this Missive get to Mother Winnie, let it resonate in her Mind to the extent that she will be able to see the wisdom in that which I state, knowing that there is much more that is not to be said on this wide world web.

    Be kind To Your Self, Beloved

    Chief Elder
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