Let's Come Together & Free the Congo-Zaire.

 (The French version is attached...)



JUNE 2010




WE, who know the history of our country from European exploration to Congo Independent State to Belgium Congo to DR Congo to Zaire and back to DR Congo:


From 1887 to 1907, our country was known as Congo Independent State, but in reality it was the personal property of King Leopold II who killed, tortured, maimed, dehumanized, raped, and mutilated our ancestors ending with a HOLOCAUST of over 10 million dead. Throughout this period all the powers of the Earth at the time refused to denounce this Holocaust or the criminal Leopold II and his associates and backers. Leopold II used other Congolese and other nationalities for his criminal enterprise…


We, Congolese-Zairians who can discern, we must not be fooled, intimidated, or lead astray because of all these countries and the UN that have been giving millions of dollars to those who have occupied the Congo-Zaire.  They are only protecting their  investments and they do not care about the present-day HOLOCAUST or the gang-raping of women and little girls, all these atrocities being perpetrated by the Rwandans and Ugandans in the East and by the Rwandan Hypolite Kanambe a.k.a. Joseph Kabila in Kinshasa.  As we KNOW, not one country or government has denounced the Congo-Zaire Genocide or the occupation of the Congo-Zaire by Rwanda, Uganda, and their agent in Kinshasa, the Rwandan Hypolite Kanambe, just like during the time of Leopold II.


WE, who know Comparative History;  WE, who know the recent History of Europe, especially during the Germanic Invasions and Occupation of other European countries (i.e., World War II):


From 1939 to 1945, Germany invaded and occupied some countries in Europe (i.e. Belgium, France), and even after Germany and Japan were defeated, both were also occupied by the victors, the Allies. Yet, those of us who have studied the History of Europe (as written and taught by Europeans themselves) we know that NOT ONE European country that was occupied by others has recorded and taught that the period of Invasion and Occupation was, in the annals of its History, anything else except a period of Invasion and Occupation of its country by another or other foreign countries, and NEVER recorded that period as part of its country’s normal succession of national governments.


We, Congolese-Zairians who can discern and understand Comparative History, we are NOW writing our own History and DECLARING and DECREEING TODAY that, the same way Europeans looked at the invasion and occupation of their individual countries as nothing but an Invasion and occupation, the same way we have decided to call our country’s situation, from 1996 to now, as nothing but a period of INVASION and OCCUPATION of our country, the Congo-Zaire, by foreigners from Rwanda, Uganda, and the Rwandan impostor Hypolite Kanambe…


BASED, therefore, on COMPARATIVE HISTORY and on our KNOWLEDGE of European History as written and taught by themselves,  we scientifically, factually, and independently understand that WE, Congolese-Zairians, should not and MUST NOT ACCEPT any imposed, stupid, ignorant, and unrealistic, and non-sovereign branding of our History that the Europeans never accepted during their invasions and occupation of each other’s countries.



  1. Since the 1996 INVASION of our country to NOW, the CONGO-ZAIRE  HAS BEEN an INVADEDAND OCCUPIED COUNTRY, regardless whether the INVASION is partial or total.  AS LONG AS THE TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY and NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY of Congo-Zaire remain VIOLATED TOTALLY OR IN PART, there is NO INDEPENDENT NATION, NO SOVEREIGN NATION, OR NO “REPUBLIC” OR “DEMOCRATIC” NATION AT ALL called Congo-Zaire or DR Congo!  The Congo-Zaire is an OCCUPIED NATION, just as Belgium and France were occupied by Germany during World War II or just as Germany and Japan were occupied after they lost the war to the Allies.  The LENGTH of the occupation and the NATURE of the occupation DO NOT MATTER; NEITHER does it matter that all these nations of the world who have been pumping millions of dollars to the foreign government of occupation while NONE of these nations has exposed or declared the millions of slaughtered Congolese as Genocide while they collect the Congo-Zaire’s resources.  These nations, like during King Leopold’s Congo, keep quiet and fund the occupiers of the Congo-Zaire who pay their Congolese lackeys without exposing, denouncing, and demanding that the Rwandans and Ugandans leave eastern Congo along with the Rwandan impostor in charge of the Kinshasa government, Hypolite Kanambe, a.k.a. “Joseph Kabila”: 

The American, HERMAN COHEN, in 2003:

The 1998 effort (the invasion which started this genocide) to capture Kinshasa (the capital city of Congo-Zaire) was not done by a Congo rebel group.  It was done purely by Ugandan and Rwandan regular troops.  In fact, there is not any real Congo rebel group… I therefore get very perturbed by the persistence of news agency reports that ‘The Rwandans and Ugandans entered the war on the side of Congolese rebels.’  This is rubbish.  They (Rwanda, Uganda, and Burundi with the backing of the Bill Clinton administration and many Western powers) entered the war and created the rebels...

“Thanks also for calling attention to the vast damage and destruction of human lives caused by the Ugandan and Rwandan invasions and occupations and pillaging.  Five times as many Congolese died as a result of these actions than died in the genocide in Rwanda…”  (Washington Post, 7/2/03, Ambassador Cohen’s answer to Lynne Duke’s article of 6/29/03 titled “Whispers  of Genocide, and Again, Africa Suffers Alone”) 


The American, HERMAN COHEN, in 2008:

 And, from 1996 to today, the Tutsi-led Rwandan government has been in effective control of Congo’s eastern provinces of North and South Kivu.  This control has been maintained through intermittent militaryoccupation and the presence of Congolese militias financed and trained by the Rwandan Army. 
During these 12 years of Rwandan control, the mineral-rich provinces have been economically integrated into Rwanda.”  (Herman Cohen on 12/16/2008 in The New York Times).


The Belgian, LUDO MARTENS, in 2005:

It is true that the Congo, as a State, does no longer exist in many domains.  But here, we see the hypocrisy of the leaders of Western governments.  They are the ones who imposed the present government on the Congo in order to completely weaken a State already brought down by the terrible Rwandan-Ugandanaggression and occupation,… which was led by the Americans (the Clinton Administration).  Let us recall here that these aggressors have committed a genocide of four million Congolese.

Instead of acknowledging that the Congo was invaded, the Western powers pretended that it was an ‘internal Congolese Civil War’.  They have imposed on the Congolese negotiations between Congolese government, the former Mobutu officers who are responsible for the Congo disaster, and the criminals of the present Congolese ‘rebellion’, meaning Congolese who were nothing but fronts cover for the invading armies of Rwanda and Uganda.

Since the summer of 2003, all this crowd has been put in power in a country with a president (the Rwandan Tutsi and officer in the Rwandan Tutsi army of Paul Kagame, Hyppolite Kanambe a.k.a. Joseph Kabila, whose ONLY family connection to the native Congolese people is that his Rwandan Tutsi mother became Laurent Kabila’s umpteen wife after the death of his Tutsi father, Christopher Kanambe, a friend of Laurent Kabila) and four vice-presidents (they are calling it the 4+1 formula) 

In Europe, in 1944, the major Nazi collaborators were sentenced and shot dead.  In the Congo, the US(the Clinton Administration) demanded that the invaders’ collaborators become (president,) vice-presidents and ministers…”. (The Belgian investigator and expert on Congo-Zaire, Ludo Martens, in Belgian’sLe Solidaire, June 28, 2005). 


The German, DR. HELMUT STRIZEK, in 2006:

“… this war (the invasion and occupation of the Congo-Zaire) was not waged by rebel Congolese, but by Rwandans and Ugandan soldiers with American financial and logistical backing. This could no longer be denied, after Kagamé admitted, in a July 7, 1997 interview with the Washington Post, that the Americans had supported his troops all throughout the war...”  (Dr. Helmut Strizek interview in the German Foreign Policy.com, 5/29/2006).


In fact, Paul Kagame, James Kabarebe, and Nyamwasa Kayumba have confessed – both in print and on videotape –, that Laurent Kabila was neither the real leader of the invasion of the Congo in 1996, nor was he in charge of both the official armies of Rwanda and Uganda and the movement (AFDL) that removed Mobutu; but that rather he was picked, by accident, and used as a front in order for the Rwandans and Ugandans to justify their invasion and occupation of Zaire”;


  1. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CONGO-ZAIRE in Kinshasa is also A GOVERNMENT OF OCCUPATION because it is headed by a Rwandan “subject” and controlled by Rwanda and Uganda.  As the UN, the EU, and governments of other nations have declared, there is no system of government at work in Kinshasa; the judiciary and legislative bodies are not only useless and ignored by the Rwandan impostor president Kanambe a.k.a. “Kabila”, and the Congolese members of these two bodies KNOW that the president impostor is Rwandan and they KNOW that one wrong word or speech out of their mouths questioning the occupation of Congo-Zaire or the identity of the Rwandan Kanambe will cost them their lives and the blood money they are paid; so they keep quiet like those Congolese who used to serve and work for Leopold II against their own Congolese people:

The Belgians, the Europeans, knew from the beginning that so-called Joseph Kabila was a Rwandan Tutsi and grew up in Tanzania:

Already in January 2001, right after the forces that assassinated Laurent Kabila (with the participation of Hypolite Kanambe a.k.a. Joseph Kabila) had put into action their plan to install Kanambe as president, no smaller a perennial presence in Kinshasa and in all things Congolese-Zairian than the BELGIAN COLETTE BRAEKMAN, expert on Congo-Zaire, political journalist, and international investigator, matter-of-factly wrote in Belgian’s LE SOIR, on January 19th, 2001,


“… In fact, in Kinshasa, it is being openly stated that Joseph Kabila, who is taking over the post of his father (?) (Laurent kabila), is English-speaking and of a Tutsi mother, and that he grew up in Tanzania; and, he also has close relations with many of the leaders who are on the opposite side of this conflict…” 


By 2003 when she, Colette Braekman,  published her book, Les Nouveaux Prédateurs, the Rwandan Tutsi identity of Hypolite Kanambe had become, in her words, “… troublants secrets de famille”, French for “troubling family secrets.


In February 2005, the then-foreign minister of Belgium, Karel De Gucht, in the plane on his way to Kinshasa, distributed a “Who’s Who” in the Congolese government to the media accompanying him in which it was stated that the president of Congo, “Joseph Kabila” was “UN SUJET RWANDAIS”, in English, it means “ a RWANDAN Subject”…







Written in New York City, June 26, 2010, by Professor Yaa-Lengi Ngemi: Historian, Scientist, Lecturer;

Author of Genocide in the Congo-Zaire and Translator (French to English) of Cheikh Anta Diop’s magnum opus, Civilization or Barbarism;

President of the Coalition for Peace, Justice, and Democracy in the Congo-Zaire (Congocoalition); and

Former elected President in the United States of the U.D.P.S. (during the period of “L’Union Sacree”). 






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