Dr. Mustafa Ansari ~

I am the Dean of the American Institute of Human Rights and I received this communication from one of our family members[Mandingo] in the U.K, and I believe it is necessary to clear up some of the parochial notions of "Reparations". The brother inquiry was so well written and brave that it was necessary to reply through a international legal analysis. 

Dr. Ansari I agree with reparations but you are talking about a group which you say is more indigenous than the misnamed Indians.The natives are not Indians because Columbus thought he had reached some islands near India.You say that you and others are native because you are an admixture of Afrikan,Indian and European.Europeans,Chinese,Indians,Arabs,Turks,Japanese ad infinitum could also say that they are natives because they are admixtures of other races as there is no pure race so to speak.Elizabeth 11 of Britain has Afrikan blood.Does that make her Afrikan? Hell,no.Winston Churchill's US born mother had misnamed Indian blood.Does that make her and Churchill natives of the US.I am an Afrikan and your quest for reparations based on your admixture identity means you are not a part of the global Pan Afrikan family as Marcus Garvey,Malcolm X,Kwame Nkrumah,Kwame Ture,Paul Bogle,Patrice Lumumba and present day Afrikans at home and abroad like President Mugabe,Danny Glover et al are.Mandingo

How to analyze Reparations:

General Assembly Distr.: General
21 March 2006
Sixtieth session
Agenda item 71 (a)
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
[on the report of the Third Committee (A/60/509/Add.1)]
60/147. Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy
and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of
International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations
of International Humanitarian Law

My response to brother Martin is by addressing a threshold issue that may clarify the legal analysis. This is a "political identity" issue not a 'pure race' analysis. I submit my analysis under Art X  of UN General Assembly Resolution 60/147 called restitution:

Restitution should, whenever possible, restore the victim to the original
situation before the gross violations of international human rights law or serious
violations of international humanitarian law occurred. Restitution includes, as
appropriate: restoration of liberty, enjoyment of human rights, identity, family life
and citizenship, return to one’s place of residence, restoration of employment and
return of property.

When we were captured by our fellow Africans and sold to the English, French, Spanish, Dutch, and Swedes [U.S slave traders] we were members of the Mandingo, Fulani, Mende, Temne, and about 400 other tribes. The historical facts say that when the Africans who captured us, they separated our tribal members so that we could not fight, or escape easily. When the slave ships brought us to the Atlantic board of the United States. The people called Indians had been working on the Plantations for nearly 150 yrs, [1493 to 1636] ((Indian slavery lasted until the early 1800's) and there were many women, because  many of the men had been shipped to Hispanola, and Puerto Rico. This is an important point, because on Hispanola [Haiti and the Dominican Republic] and Puerto  Rico, there were slaves there who were Taino, or Arawak [African Asian admixtures] and members of the Mandingo, Fulani, Mende, Temne, and about 400 other tribes---Who are now Indigenous and called Dominicans, Haitains, Puerto Ricans, Barbadians, Bahamians, Brazilians, Mexicans, etc. In fact, the peoples indigenous to North and South America are all African, Asian, and European admixtures. We now know that the Africans reached the Americas first because of many African skeletons who have been unearthed and dated 3,000 to 60,000 years a head of the Asian tribes for China [Taiwan]

Now this is the important part, all of these people are INDEPENDENT, and INDIGENOUS, and we in the United States have the same admixtures as they do, and we have been mischaracterized as Negroes, Niggers, colored, etc. by the illegal apartheid characterization of the United States. Under the indigenous laws when a people are created on a soil, they are indigenous to the soil.Secondly, when a people have been illegally removed from their country they have the "RIGHT OF RETURN"....Consequently, we and every African harmed by the Europeans have the right to restitution, yet we have been harmed differently, so are "human restoration" restitution is different.

We are African American and we have a dual right to reconciliation with our tribes in Africa, and the right to American lands as a result of being admixed into the largest tribe in the world. The African American tribe. Many of our scholars feel, that do to our wealth and historical place that we will be instrumental in bringing Africa into competitive race with the Europeans, and Asians for resources and a higher quality of life. 

Our attorneys and professors have written books, and are now preparing legal briefs, and plebiscites [elections) in this regards. Visit our website, register and receive our newsletter, and listen to our broadcasts as we are preparing to broadcast our discussions and movements towards full restitution with the Europeans, and reconciliation measures with our African, Asian, and Europeans brothers and Sisters.

Dr. Mustafa Ansari
American Institute of Human Rights
Author, " The Framework"
Author, The Right to a Political Identity




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