al-calloway.jpg?x19534[By AL CALLOWAYTypically, too many African American political leaders, preachers and so-called intellectuals shy away from the issue of Reparations. As a result, the black body politic has not risen to demand that the U.

S. government, industry, and white Americans in general, deal with rectifying the heinous wrongs experienced both by our enslaved black forebears and present day African American citizens.

In the final analysis, African people throughout the Diaspora are due compensatory justice from the global “white supremacy system/culture” as a result of slavery, colonialism and neo-colonialism. Reparation is always a divisive issue, so be it. We are dealing with crimes against humanity for which justice has to be meted out.

Reparations from Germany built most of Israel’s electrical system, railroad and other infrastructure improvements. Some American tribes have received compensation for crimes against them and now own wealthy casinos and other properties. Japanese Americans got paid for being interred during WW 11. In 2001there was a 10-day “World Conference Against Racism” in Durban, South Africa, attended by black activists, scholars, political and religious leaders from throughout the world.

The Durban conference ended with “the Diaspora United on Reparations.” However, back in America, most civil rights groups continue to side step the Reparations issue in terms of support because it is controversial. What that means is since their hustle is white corporate “gifts” and foundation philanthropy, they have chosen to operate within the status quo, (within the realm of what the white plutocracy approves).

For every Congress since 1989, Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) from Detroit, Michigan has introduced H. R. 40, a bill that would establish a Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act. Interestingly, when Barack Obama became President in 2009 and Conyers got Chairman of the Judiciary Committee and could have introduced H. R. 40 himself, House Majority Leader, Nancy Pelosi talked him out of it for fear it would be to divisive.

(Although a touted so-called liberal, Pelosi is one of the richest members of Congress at the 0.1 percent bracket or wealth in the top one-tenth of the 1 percent of Americans! She is a plutocrat, folks.)

The CARICOM group of fifteen Caribbean nations has instituted a lawsuit against the United Kingdom, France and Holland for Reparations and is being supported throughout the Diaspora. The National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA) is forever on the case. In 1993 the NAACP endorsed Reparations and stalwarts including activist Callie House, the late Black Nationalist “Queen Mother” Audley Moore and SNCC leader James Forman were early advocates.

If there is a point at which righteousness outweighs avarice and genocide on the scale of justice, then Africans throughout the Diaspora will be made whole. Whether it comes before or after the pending great destruction of WW III matters little. Africans are ordained to survive and thrive. We are the world. All human life throbs within the original human beings, the owners of melanin – the great shield.

While those conditioned to struggle for Reparations through the white man’s labyrinth political maze continue chipping away there, let the rest of us explore an undeniable, clear thrust to the heart of the matter. It is simple and profound. It is a truth that sits there waiting for us to reveal it. It is your last name black people! The white man gave you his last name. Look him up, mostly through the Mormon’s records, Census information, state and county records, like that.

One thing is certain. The progeny of those who enslaved our forebears are right here; yet enjoying the fruits of ill gotten wealth. Let us begin the final stage of the American Revolution: Reparations. Match your last names with plantation owners, records of slave ships, brokers, past presidents of the U. S., signers of the Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution. Check all political officials from before 1619 onward to 1900 (we know they still managed to sneak blacks in here from the Islands or wherever after slavery supposedly ended).

In the June 2014 Atlantic Monthly cover story on Reparations, black author Ta-Nehisi Coates wrote, “America begins in black plunder and white Democracy, two features that are not contradictory but complementary.”


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  • DMV

    Thank you for a thoughtful article.  Given the events occurring today, it is apparent the the tactics of the Civil Rights Movement are inadequate.  The clock on "Black progress" is now being turned back 50 years or more. Every right that is/was gained by our people can be (and is being) taken away with the stroke of a pen.  We deserve reparations for the suffering that we have endured and continue to endure in this country that was built on the backs of ancestors.  We are entitled to resources to advance our self determination and independence from this system of oppression.  The Black Power Movement was/is right.  We need to build our own institutions, develop our own communities, and stop relying on the perceived goodwill of this country. 

    • Dr. Sokoya,

      This is not what I had previously written but is close enough.

      Today, we must strive to be free of this captivity and rise to the top, for we have been at the bottom for far too long.  We have the degrees to educate our own.  And we have the degrees for every major industry to become a people to be reckoned with but not in the US.  White supremacy will not permit it in this country. 

      If we are serious about obtaining Reparations, then we have to make serious decisions and do serious acts to make this government (and all governments and countries that harbor descendants of Slaves) realize that we will not rest until we obtain Reparations, our FREEDOM, and a means for RESETTLEMENT elsewhere. 

      Reparations Chapters should be established in every urban city to work with members of Congress to facilitate this debt due us for the atrocious and cruel Slave Trade and cruelty of which we still suffer.  If the govern will not hear our voices for Justice, then we must construct a voice for ourselves and for our children until an equitable distribution of Reparations is paid to descendants of Slaves, even to those who choose to leave out of this captivity. 

      As a group, Blacks, the world over must rise up and make the True and Living GOD aware that we look to HIM to save us as HE SAVED the Children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage.  We are in a horrible predicament and plight, and unless we do something about it, we and our generations to come will remain in the clutches of those who control our lives, our beliefs, and mindsets.

       Tziona Yisrael






      "While the battle for racial equality is far from over, overcompensation isn’t the answer either." 



      It was the answer for "Jews", Japanese, and Native Americans! So, why not for descendants of Slaves whose forebears were forcibly taken from their homelands and forced to work without pay under the most cruel conditions ever laid on human beings. Moreover, our forebears were the victims of ethnical cleansing and were prohibited from obtaining an education!


      Tziona Yisrael


      SGA passes resolution supporting reparations for black students


       Apr 19, 2017 Updated 17 hrs ago

      Joe Imel/Daily News

      Students with Western Kentucky University’s Student Government Association passed a resolution Tuesday supporting reparations for African-American students.

      Western Kentucky University’s Student Government Association passed a resolution Tuesday supporting reparations for African-American students.

      The resolution calls on WKU to create a task force to “assess the feasibility of test-optional admissions and geographically-weighted admissions,” citing research showing that using standardized test scores in the college admissions process “restricts the college opportunities for needy students, helping higher education perpetuate inequality.”

      The resolution passed with a margin of 19-10, with one person declining to vote.

      SGA senators Andrea Ambam and Brian Anderson wrote the resolution. Anderson said he and Ambam talked a lot about overcoming racial inequality as a society in drafting the resolution. He said they were inspired by a similar resolution endorsed by students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

      WKU President Gary Ransdell responded to the resolution through a statement issued Thursday afternoon.

      "Student success is an important ongoing discussion at Western Kentucky University, and the recruitment, persistence and success of underrepresented minority students is a daily focus across this institution," Ransdell wrote.

      "We appreciate the Student Government Association’s interest in these issues, but it’s important to clarify that their resolution is not an official position taken by the University. I have read the SGA resolution, and I understand that their intent was to spark a conversation, but the University will not adopt any such policy. I’ve spent much of the last year engaging in dialogue with black student leaders on campus, which has led to a greater understanding and appreciation of their experiences and priorities. Our goal is to ensure that WKU is both a welcoming place and a place that focuses on persistence and success."

      Ransdell said WKU will assist low-income and first generation college students. 

      "As we continue to work through elements of the campus diversity plan and on our recruitment and student success initiatives, we will focus on those things that help all students succeed," he wrote. "We will direct resources, energy and effort toward those methods that are responsible, practical and proven to achieve student success, with a particular focus on underrepresented minorities, low-income and first generation college students."

      The Daily News also contacted but has not heard back from incoming WKU President Timothy Caboni and Lynne Holland, WKU’s dean of students and chief diversity officer.

      The resolution’s authors contend that financial aid isn’t enough to cover the costs of college, that people of color are underrepresented among WKU’s tenured faculty and administrators and that such factors send a “message to students of color that they are undervalued at our university.”

      “To their white counterparts, their expectation is that people of color work at the lowest levels of the organizations they lead,” the resolution reads.

      The resolution also states that “standardized tests perpetuate and uphold white supremacy.”

      “It is clear from research that students and families do not understand what this means, and that the use of test scores in admissions is a defining attribute of the institution and prominent piece of our image,” the resolution reads. “Additionally, the ‘arms race’ for merit aid only bars the low-income and minority students from attending Western Kentucky University.”

      As a result, the resolution’s authors demand “full and free” access to WKU for black students.

      “We demand reparations for the systemic denial of access to high quality educational opportunities in the form of full and free access for all black people (including undocumented, currently and formerly incarcerated people to Western Kentucky University.)”

      SGA President Jay Todd Richey described the resolution as a “conversation starter” in a statement sent via text message.

      “Due to discriminatory education, housing and employment policies that have disproportionately held back Black Americans, we believe this resolution is ultimately a conversation starter for discussing how to make college both more affordable and accessible for communities of color and marginalized people in general,” he wrote.

      “People can debate the prudence of actually eliminating tuition for all Black students, and it’s extremely unlikely regardless, but the point is to have a real conversation about how we eliminate racial disparities in higher education,” Richey continued. “We need to consider making reparations in the form of more equitable college admissions policies, financial assistance and campus support and resources, and we hope this provocative statement will launch an important dialogue about how to achieve that.”


      As wealthy as the Slaves made the United States, education should be free!!!

      Tziona Yisrael

      Black Students From Kentucky College Band Together, Issue Incredible Demand To School Officials
    • Thank you, Dr.

    • I am very upset, as I just wrote a reply to your post, Dr. Sokoya, and it has been deleted.  Regrettably, I did not save it to a file.  Nevertheless, your words are on point.

      Thanks for your concern.


    • DMV

      I received your message.  Thank you.

  • Thank you, Mr. Calloway for keeping our fight for "REPARATIONS" ALIVE!!!  

    I'd like to add to your list of cruel and heinous SLAVERS, and people will be astonished at this groups participation in the Slave Trade.  It is imperative for Blacks to peruse a book entitled "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews".  It is a book about White Jewish involvement in promoting the Slave Trade and about them reaping the wealth from it.  

    As it has been said, they are the "Mother of Slavers".  And all their acts to enslave Blacks were for a two-fold reason:  to keep us ignorant and destitute and to hide our true identity (Deut. 32:26).  Blacks do not know that we are GOD's Chosen and were cursed into SLAVERY for rejecting HIM for false gods (Lev.26th and Deut.28th Chapters).  But how many Blacks believe this claim enough to check it out?  We should be going to this New-day Pharaoh demanding him to let GOD's People GO to serve HIM, as did our forefathers in Ancient Egypt.  Unbeknownst to the world, we are in another GLOBAL "House of Bondage" from which we must be FREED!

    That which is most astonishing about this book, "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews", is that it is completely documented by White "Jews".  And thanks is due to The Nation of Islam for publishing it and making this information available to us. 

    Rise up and wake up, Black People!  Unless we want our progeny to forever be under the control of our CAPTORS, then we must end this status quo that purposely keeps us the "tail" and our enemies the "head" (Deut. 28:44).  With Our True GOD and HIS Righteous we can prevail.

    Thanks again, Mr. Calloway for taking the time to speak the truth.  Our Black Lives will never matter so long as we are complacent and do nothing to give credence to ourselves and to our FREEDOM out of this HELL.

    Tziona Yisrael


    • West

      Tiziona: You are blaming the victim! It is not our fault that we were enslaved. That was not a result of God's curse! I certainly don't believe that, and no right-thinking Black person would believe it either.

    • Anne, please permit me to present my “point of view”.

      I greatly appreciate your reply, and my hope is to respond with the GOD’s TRUTH and the facts regarding our history, i.e., the “Old Testament”/Hebrew Scriptures, for therein are the realities for addressing your post. 

      I must first reiterate that we have a history; we are descended from the Biblical Israelites.  Our CREATOR GOD of Israel brought us out of Egyptian captivity, and with HIS MIGHTY HAND destroyed the idol worshipping Canaanites and gave us their Land (the Land HE called “Milk and Honey”) – the Land HE renamed the Land of Israel.  Our GOD also gave our forefathers power, gold, silver, and an abundance of farmland with fruit trees, vineyards, oliveyards that were there when they went into the Land, and Our GOD of Israel kept us safe from the wicked nations that surrounded our forefathers.

      After all that Our GOD did for our forefathers, the Children of Israel, forsook HIM and turned to other gods.  Countless times, the GOD of Israel caused the Israelites to go into captivity, and each time the Israelites cried unto HIM to SAVE them, HE did (Nehemiah 9th Chapter).  But in the end, the Children of forsook their SAVIOR GOD after all HE had accomplished for them and flatly refused to take heed to abandon their gods.  Finally, when the GOD of Israel saw that our forefathers had it in their hearts to worship other gods, HE cast them from HIS Land and scattered them into the “Four Corners” of the Earth to serve their enemies.  We are the victims who inherited the curses that Our GOD put upon our forefathers.

      “IF YE FORSAKE THE LORD, AND SERVE strange gods, then he will turn and do you hurt, and consume you, after that he hath done you good.”   Joshua 24:20

      “Thus saith the LORD unto this people, Thus have they loved to wander, they have not refrained their feet, therefore the LORD doth not accept them; he will now remember their iniquity, and visit their sins.”  Jeremiah 14:10

      “…WHEREFORE HATH THE LORD PRONOUNCED ALL THIS GREAT EVIL AGAINST US? or what is our iniquity? or what is our sin that we have committed against the LORD our God? Then shalt thou say unto them, BECAUSE YOUR FATHERS HAVE FORSAKEN ME, SAITH THE LORD, AND HAVE WALKED AFTER OTHER gods, and have served them, and have worshipped them, and have forsaken me, and have not kept my law (Ex. 24:12); And ye have done worse than your fathers; for, behold, ye walk every one after the imagination of his evil heart, that they may not hearken unto me: THEREFORE WILL I CAST YOU OUT OF THIS LAND into a land that ye know not, neither ye nor your fathers; and there shall ye serve other gods day and night; where I will not shew you favour.”   Jeremiah 16:10 - 13

      “It shall come to pass, IF THOU WILT NOT HEARKEN UNTO THE VOICE OF THE LORD THY GOD, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that ALL THESE CURSES SHALL COME UPON THEE, AND OVERTAKE THEE:”   Deuteronomy 28:15


      “THY SONS AND THY DAUGHTERS SHALL BE GIVEN UNTO ANOTHER PEOPLE, and thine eyes shall look, and fail with longing for them all the day long: and there shall be no might in thine hand.”   Deuteronomy 28:32


      “Thou shalt beget sons and daughters, but thou shalt not enjoy them; for THEY SHALL GO INTO CAPTIVITY.”   Deuteronomy 28:41


      These passages not only prove our true identity, but they provide reasons as to WHY Our GOD of Israel scattered us from HIS Land into the hands of our enemies to serve them and to worship their fraudulent religions.  Our GOD of Israel gave our forebears exactly what they wanted – other gods!

      “The LORD shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other; and THERE THOU SHALT SERVE OTHER gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, even wood and stone.”   Deuteronomy 28:64

      “I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence, and seek my face: IN THEIR AFFLICTION THEY WILL SEEK ME EARLY.   Hosea 5:15

      You are obviously not aware, but Blacks around the world in the thousands have already returned back to the GOD of Israel and to HIS Righteous Way of Life – HIS Book of the Law and have abandoned the White Man’s religion.  Moreover, the GOD of Israel has said that HE will gather us out of this captivity.

      “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. THEN SHALL YE CALL UPON ME, AND YE SHALL GO AND PRAY UNTO ME, AND I WILL HEARKEN UNTO YOU. AND YE SHALL SEEK ME, AND FIND ME, WHEN YE SHALL SEARCH FOR ME WITH ALL YOUR HEART. AND I WILL BE FOUND OF YOU, SAITH THE LORD: AND I WILL TURN AWAY YOUR CAPTIVITY, AND I WILL GATHER YOU FROM ALL THE NATIONS, AND FROM ALL THE PLACES WHITHER I HAVE DRIVEN YOU, SAITH THE LORD; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive.”   Jeremiah 29:11 - 14

      This is our history, and the following is what we can look forward to if we will return back to Our GOD of Israel:

      “It shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, THE BLESSING AND THE CURSE, which I have set before thee, and thou shalt call them to mind among all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath driven thee, And shalt RETURN UNTO THE LORD THY GOD, AND SHALT OBEY HIS VOICE according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy children, with all thine heart, and with all thy soul; That THEN THE LORD THY GOD WILL TURN THY CAPTIVITY, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath scattered thee. If any of thine be driven out unto the outmost parts of heaven, from thence will the LORD thy God gather thee, and from thence will he fetch thee: And the LORD thy God will bring thee into the land which thy fathers possessed, and thou shalt possess it; and he will do thee good, and multiply thee above thy fathers. And the LORD thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live.”   Deuteronomy 30:1 - 6

      So, you see, we did not just come out of the woodwork and start the Slave Trade.  We were an established NATION with power, but because of our forsaking Our GOD, we were taken into Slavery and for good reason, which Blacks very much need to understand.  When we know the GOD’s TRUTH we can return to the GOD that brought all this HELL upon us.

      “The LORD, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt with great power and a stretched out arm, him shall ye fear, and him shall ye worship, and to him shall ye do sacrifice.  AND THE STATUTES, AND THE ORDINANCES, AND THE LAW, AND THE COMMANDMENT, WHICH HE WROTE FOR YOU, YE SHALL OBSERVE TO DO FOR EVERMORE; AND YE SHALL NOT FEAR other gods.”   II Kings 17:36,37

      We do not learn these TRUTHS in Church!

      Yes, I do blame the victims.  We are in the lands of our enemies because we forsook the CREATOR GOD of Israel, Our ONLY GOD and SAVIOR – the GOD that DELIVERED the Children of Israel out of Egyptian Bondage.  And today too many of us still do not know Our GOD and do not seek to know HIM.  So, yes I do blame the victims.  Nevertheless, it behooves us, victims, to return back to Our GOD before it is too late. 

      Again, I thank you for your reply, and I hope I have shed some light on the reasons for this long and painful captivity. 

      This has been my point of view,

      Tziona Yisrael


    • West

      Thank you for expressing your point of view, Tzonia. I must say that I disagree. I do not believe that the Old Testament (nor the New Testament either) is "God's word" or "God's Truth". The Bible was written over the centuries by human beings, mainly old Jewish men, and it reflects their point of view about the world and the nature of human beings. They may have believed that slavery is a punishment for those who have fallen away from their image of what God wants, but we don't have to. Blaming the slave for being enslaved is incorrect and immoral. We should be blaming the enslaver, not the slave. Are there any passages in the Old Testament that state that owning another human being is immoral? If not, why not? Please tell me. Don't you think that it is? I don't understand why you would advocate belonging to a religion that teaches us that we are cursed. That is not the kind of religion that I would wish to believe in, nor would I worship such a cruel deity.

This reply was deleted.