hetep,in history class, whether in the amerikkkas or at home in afrika our black youth have been so saturated with the likes w. e. b. dubois that they haven't the slighest idea of who marcus garvey was. i can attest to that personally, as well as other conscious afrikans-n-amerikkka. when i was in high school i can recall ever learning about marcus garvey during so-called black history month, but i remember all the accolades that would constantly go out to dubois in the month of february.until i started learing the things that i know now, i never thought of why i hadn't learned about garvey the way i was told about dubois and how great he was, that he was one of the greatest thinkers of the twentieth century, and for that matter, the greatest black thinker of the twentieth century.then when i started learning about the red, black and green, that a black man from the caribbean had given us those colors, as a form of national identity, espousing looking to afrika for our legacy, and building a black economy, had i begun to realize why garvey was never one of the objects of the desire of black history month. and along right on the heels of that, i began to realize why dubois was one of the mainstays of black history month, side by side with martin luther king and booker t. washington. it was because dubois was a safe negro, who was the total opposite of garvey's black nationalistic ideology, which gave rise to the likes of elijah muhammed, malcolm x and the black panther party, at least in their early beginnings.it was because dubois had belonged to a secretive group of intellectual negroes that malcolm x had been warning us about when he would use the expression "the big six." he had said that there were two revolutions going on in the black community: a negro revolution and a black revolution. the negro revolution was in cahoots with our natural enemy, while the black revolution was the enemy's greatest threat within the borders of the united snakes of amerikkka.and dubois was a member of the negro revolution, which called for the acceptance and promotion of white capitalist hegemony, as long as they were allowed access to some of the perks, allowed to carve out for themselves a small black utopia, while the rest of us continued to rotten, at the hands of politico-economic and religio-cultural white anglo-saxon-amerikkkan warfare.so, dubois, knowing that garvey was fomenting an ideological practice that sought to produce a black rockefeller, a black rothschild and a black ford, viewed garvey as a threat to the well-being of the negro intelligentsia that he referred to as the talented tenth. so, dubois, as clever as he was, got together with more members of the negro revolution and decided that they would go into action, and help our natural enemy take garvey down, which destroyed a potential and growing black nationalism that called for a link with the homeland abroad.and succeed they did. and since then, the black revolution has been trying to resurface for almost a century, via the stunting of its reemergence during the so-called civil rights movement. and just a cursory glance at the term civil rights reveals that the negro revolution had remained in the forefront of the minds and internalization of afrikans-n-amerikkka, who now call themselves afrikan-amerikkkans, when it was all about human rights, the rights to be self-determined.it is anamoly that white nationalism is practiced on a daily basis, an the ilk that came out of the dubois coup against garveyism, has not one problem with it, but scoff at the idea of black nationalism, which is no different than white nationalism in ideology, in terms of what's best for euro-amerikkkans.from black nationalism to afrikan nationalism, which is the grand scale of afrikan survival all across the board, now known as pan-afrikanism, how can we reconcile dubois and garvey, one of the founders of pan-afrikanism, who was reviled by dubois, deemed as a black hero by an unsuspecting black collective, kept in the dark, thanks to the negro revolution?uhuru!

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