I am disgusted by the tone and expressions of the the note inserted below.

It is past time to take stock of our selves and set aside our childish behavior or get off the stage.

Cut it out!!!

It is a shame that the two premier Pan African organizations should engage in this public fratricidal brawl - no different that the current state of the state war current on the African continent.

I am so happy you don't have access to guns.

What's the point to all our African Studies if you and I are not able rise about our base instincts.

Dear brothers, UNITY is not UNANIMITY.


As long as we are fascinated by our own grandiousity and the reverberation of our own voice the status quo at "home and abroad" IS the status quo.

What are we really committed for our selves and our people?

What are we committed to as a now possibility - as a way of being that would result in an outcome called UNITY and FREEDOM.

UNITY and FREEDOM are outcomes - results, product of  our commitment and the the way be about our selves and the world we live in.

It requires always that give something up and be responsible for choosing and accepting another's point-of-view.

So what are you committed to?

What are you will to give up to create an outcome and result called UNITY and FREEDOM?

By all means stop, stop, stop, this blasted demeaning comversatiom

Kwasi Akyeampong

From:    Min. A. Menelik
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2011 08:19:00 -0500
Subject: The WADU Executive has NOT support SRDC WDC Initiative with David Horne

The Executive Council of WADU has NOT taken any action to support the BELOW promoted by David Horne, SRDC Leader & former WHADN/FDA Organizer with Ras Nathanial. This is the same type of propaganda used in the past by Ras Nathanial in their attempts to hijack the Pan African and Rastafari Movement to control the AU Diaspora agenda. He was exposed but not before a number of ‘leaders’ and fell for spell!!! Nonetheless, the Pan African Movement is still in jeopardy from within and without and at Home and Abroad. There are a number of meetings NOW on Africa for the U.S. government and businesses to collaborate with African and African Diaspora mis‘leaders’ to control the Pan African agenda. Worse, the G20+ is now part of this agenda (worst than Berlin conference). With the U.S. Black agenda is already muted under the direction and management of Obama (U.S. government) and his key supporters, this is their final attempt (after destroying Libya and thus wreaking havoc on the AU) to control the Pan African agenda. Indeed, the Euro-American and their Black lackeys will have ‘free’ (trade, democracy) access to the wealthiest continent in the world if their plans continue without resistance. Never before such danger - It is truly Pan Africanism or Perish!
                         TO THE PAN AFRICAN UNITY SUMMIT, DECEMBER 16, 2011
At this momentous time, we, the undersigned collective leadership urge the attendees at the Summit to sign your agreement to the following four issues, as we have done. In order to accept the AU’s invitation to join it as voting members, we must present a relatively united voice. Our acceptance is already late and does not need to be delayed any longer…
This above is an excerpt from a letter featuring David Horne to key Diaspora leaders with WADU listed as a priority supporting their dubious agenda. This is another attempt to deceive, distort, confuse and hijack Pan Africanism. You were tricked, beaten and brutalized into slavery – do not be bamboozled again, again and again.

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  • From: "ukdahi@aol.com" ukdahi@aol.com

    To: sendmeyournewstheblacklist@gmail.com; tblenews@yahoo.com

    Sent: Wednesday, December 7, 2011 7:46 AM Subject:please note

    GREETINGS! please read below -
    As President General I agree 100% with what is shared by the host of the Blacklist out of NY.
    Within our own, we have those who are becoming the very enemies within our own African Race, Marcus Garvey warned us all of, whose ego's and childish ways are all going to be espoused for what they are, by their own hands. "Garvey said we had become our own worst  enemy."

    Professor David Horne is the International Organizer of the UNIA-ACL government and a proven committed Garveyite Professor and Activist. His works speak for themselves. Glad to see the host of the Black List responded to this insult to African intelligence sent out on line.

     Let those of us who are committed, continue to organize and close ranks with those who are working to close our ranks across progressive government, organization and movement lines, despite disagreements.  For truly we each have more in common and at stake and become stronger when we work together.  Unity without uniformity is key in the 21st century for Africans those at home and those abroad. No one is being forced to sign anything, they don't wish to sign. This, however shall not halt forward and progressive movement. Up you mighty race we can accomplish what we will!
    President General and 9th successor of the Right Excellent Marcus M. Garvey,
    Senghor Jawara Baye
    Note: You may share this with whomever you wish for I am simply speaking truth to power. 
    Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
    Dear Moderator,
         SRDC and PADU do not engage in public tit-for-tat, flame-throwing tussles with any African-centered groups doing positive things for Black people. We also do not mud wrestle over weasel words. We only ask your indulgence in re-posting an item from October 4, 2011 called "A Code of Pan African Conduct--PADU Ma'at."  On that, we stand.
                                                                                Forward Ever, Backward Never,
    Inserted by the editor/moderator:

    PADU MA'AT - A Code of Conduct for Pan Africans in the 21st Century


    "...PADU, the Pan African Diaspora Union, a role model organization of organizations (i.e., a partnership of African-centered organizations based on unity without uniformity), offers the following Ma’at Principles to be used in organizing the African Diaspora. We can get there together if we discipline and monitor ourselves. PADU’s recommendations here are taken from SRDC Ma’at (see www.srdcinternational.org), aka, the Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus, and it, in turn, is based on a modern interpretation and pragmatic summation of the 42 Principles of Ma’at:..."


  • New Afrikan Consenous Models are abundant throughout the New Afrikan Liberation Community. either we begin to use to the tools or stop fakin' the funk. it is hard, if not impossible, to win the war against our external enemies when we are fighting internally. "Of all of our studies, history is best qualified to reward our research." when we study Malcolm's story, we can begin to image the work that could have been done for our people had he and Martin King got together earlier. i prayer that our people, in particularly "our leaders", do not continue to make the same mistakes and expect different results.

    “America's greatest crime against the black man was not slavery or lynching, but that he was taught to wear a mask of self-hate and self-doubt.” - Guess who?

    • Caricom

      Y M Hotep: 

      Honored by the succinct words of power and wise focus in Maat shared above by Kwasi Akyeampong and the solution driven replies herein.  Synthesizing our use of the African Consensus paradigm, in 2010 members of several Pan African organizations communally hosting African Liberation Day in the United Virgin Islands (on multiple islands over a 4 day period) prepared an international statement and press release requesting the expeditious resolve of internal imbalances exhibited from WADU and PADU to support efforts for Organizing our African Diaspora and beyond.  (Anyone desiring a copy of that correspondence may request it via email to perankh@gmail.com )

      In light of the work witnessed, observed and engaged in as RAevolutionary cadre for our liberation, unification and social ascension as Indigenous Ancestral AfRaKan people, the following quotation from one of our illustrious DOERS, PRACTITIONERS and MAATIKAL LEADERS who's life was snatched like many of our other progressive, positive freedomfighters and leaders will be shared- (note this writer shares this having had the living experience and honor of working with and learning from him and many within his administration in the 1980's) :

      "It must be proclaimed that there can be no salvation for our peoples unless we decisively turn our backs on all the models that all the charlatans, cut from the same cloth, have tried to sell us for the past twenty years.  There can be no salvation without saying no to that.  No development without breaking with that.

      Moreover, all the new 'intellectual leaders' emerging from their slumber, awakened by the dizzying rise of billions of men in rags, aghast at the threat that this famished multitude presents to their digestion, are beginning to revamp their speeches.  In an anxious quest, they are looking in our direction once again, for miracle concepts and new forms of development for our countries...

      These men of Africa and the Third World must come back to who they are--that is, to their societies and to the misery we have inherited.  They must understand that the battle for a system of thought at the service of the disinherited masses is not in vain.  They must understand too that they can only become credible on an international level by being genuinely inventive, that is, by painting a faithful picture of their people.  This picture must allow the people to achieve fundamental changes in the political and social situation, changes that allow us to break from foreign domination and exploitation that leave our states no perspective other than bankruptcy...Homeland or death, we will win!"--Words of the Honorable President Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso from a speech delivered in 1984 to the UN's 39th General Assembly in New York.

      There's more but this is a maatikal recommendation for the internal warfare within our PanAfrican movement to be minimized and actually cease to strengthen and insure our engagement, participation and complete implementation of AFRICAN UNITY for the prostablishment of a Union of African States/Nations, an African World Union and/or a United States/Nations of Africa.  May we move forward progressively in harmony for the greatest and highest good for our people, our lands, our resources, our spirit and beyond. Disrespect is disrespect and juvenile counterrevolutionary behaviors and slander have no place in our AfRaKan People's Liberation with Unification Agenda. (period) Wathint'Abafazi Wathint'imbokodo! (Now you have touched the women, you have struck a rock.)  We are moving forward ever and upward always for our VICTORIOUS ASCENSION IS CERTAIN.  One God One Aim One Destiny.

      Nesut Mwt Dr. Chenzira Kahina Herishetapheru

      Per Ankh M Smai Tawi

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