Dear All Concerned about Africa, especially to those of African Descent.
Time is of the essence. Daily I see online and offline watching others working towards making Africa attractive to non African Diasporians. Constantly seeing photos of Europeans doing projects on the ground in Africa, while so many of us are stuck on old issues that do not project us into the future. We must become involved in projects on the continent, getting a foot hold and being engaged.
I am working on several campaigns for projects in Ghana that have already begun, just workng on expanding them, as they say building capacity. I was in Ghana in April of 2012 connecting to projects that I had spent four years networking with, it was wonderful to physically make the connections. I worked very hard over the past four years. I visited several sacred forest and sacred groves in Ghana. I visited Africans from the Diaspora that have repatriated to Ghana, and got their stories. I embraced the sacredness of who we are. We are a nature based people.
I visited village projects where communities are rebuilding their villages from the ground up, community banking,recycling projects, etc. I took the three day Permaculture Design course in Techiman. I saw wonderful community based initiatives turning recycled plastic water bags and black bags into products. You can go to my Youtube channel Belrivers and there are seven videos from my trip to Ghana.
Our way of eating healthy is different from the West in that we are more orientated towards herbs for dinner, in our food, as our medicine than European style annual vegetables. This is knowledge that needs to be more fully documented which I plan to do on my next trips to Ghana.
Please check out Indiegogo website at You can see photos from trip on my Facebook acct, Linda Fletcher.
Please people there is so much to do and so much to love about Africa. Africa's economy is growing by 6 percent, and the U.S. America the last I heard by 2 percent.
Please let us stop our petty differences and put down our petty egos that get in the way and work together, not as separate petty kingdoms threatened by each other.
Let us not miss out on the chance to rebuild, and to recreate ourselves and enjoy doing it.

Adjoa Linda Fletcher
Outreach Resource Coordinator,
Adele Women Association (Volta Region) Nkwanta, Ghana
& Ghana Permaculture Network

" belief in the capacity of ordinary people to do extraordinary things".
Barack Obama

"... God must become an activity in our consciousness"...
Joel s. Goldsmith

"In the end we will conserve only what we love.
We will love only what we understand.
We will understand only what we are taught."

Legendary Senegalese Conservationist
Baba Dioum

"You cannot plow a field by turning it over in your mind."

"Our pathway must be up through the soil,
up through swamps, up through forests,
up through streams and rocks,
up through commerce, education, and religion!
In my opinion, we cannot begin at the top to build a house.
If we try to do this, we shall reap in the end the fruits of our folly."

Booker T. Washington
"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people."
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
....we shape our lives and we shape ourselves...the choices that we make are ultimately our responsibilitiy."
Quotes by Eleanor Roosevelt



Fwd: Ghana Project!, Adjoa Linda Fletcher, 12/29/2012




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