Unwitting Trump Supporters


We have a solemn duty to prevent the most disastrous crisis America has ever faced.. I speak of the re-election of Donald Trump. So, a few days ago, I could not believe my ears. I was listening to my favorite radio station, the progressive WPFW 89.3 in Washington DC.  I heard criticism of the Democratic presidential nominees, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.  

Any criticism of the Biden-Harris ticket is helping Trump. Now the conservative media and the rest of the Trump base is heaping criticism on them. That is to be expected. But, also some, who call themselves progressives, are criticizing the Democratic nominees too. This criticism is not limited to personal conversation, but they are spouting off on TV, radio and other media. They are helping Trump..

Of course the Democratic pair is not above criticism, but for Gods sake, not now! Such timing shows abysmal judgment and helps Trump. I can’t believe such smart and even highly respected people do not realize this. Stop helping Trump.  They should be doing everything to dislodge the Trump menace and voting for the Biden-Harris ticket is the only hope.

Of course, meanwhile Trump, with the acceptance and even approval of his followers, will engage in a campaign of lies, distortions, racism and every dirty trick in the book. Integrity is foreign to them. We all know this. So, now is the time to rally around the Biden-Harris Democratic nominees and urge every American to vote for them, despite expected Republican voter suppression.

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About the Author
Michael Irving Phillips has kept abreast of Jamaican and the rest of the Caribbean by his one-man production of Hot Calaloo, a newsletter about Caribbean news and views. From April 1992 to December 1999, it was published monthly and was transferred to the web at hotcalaloo.com since then.

He was born in Jamaica and left home for Howard University in the US where he received MA (Education) and BS (Chemistry) degrees. Previous books includes :"A Jamaica Poor No More", "Boycott Money And Save Your Soul – Launching The Goodwill Revolution:, “Leave the Rat Race To The Rats” and “Poems for Husbands and Other Underdogs

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