Pregnancy is a blessing because no other experience can be as great as experience of being a mother. However, there are times when females do not want to carry the fetus and undergoing surgery to abort the fetus is the last option for them. So, taking help of home remedies for abortion is the best available option before them.
Making use of home remedies to terminate the unwanted pregnancy is the best thing you can do. It is 100% safe, natural and effective. When a fetus is aborted, there are symptoms of weakness, pain in urinating, nausea and dizziness etc. However, these remedies are to be followed only at an early stage of pregnancy when the fetus is no more than 3-month old.
Making Use of Indian Gooseberries:
Taking juice of Indian gooseberries early in the morning is very helpful in terminating pregnancy successfully. Gooseberries are immensely rich in Vitamin C and it is a healthier form of abortion too. Taking gooseberry juice in the morning weakens the bond between the wall of uterus and egg.
Parsley Helps:
It is said that a drink of parsley is good enough to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The drink is to be taken a few times and on a daily basis. A bunch of fresh parsley leaves can also be inserted directly into the vaginal cavity of a woman. Doing so prepares the cervix for the release of the fetus.
Pineapple is helpful:
Taking raw pineapple several times a day is helpful. It is said that the fruit is taken by the pregnant women that want to terminate a pregnancy as it capable of causing uterine contractions that can result in aborting the fetus.
Take the right dose of Cinnamon:
Cinnamon is a commonly used spice in every household. Taking the right dose of Vitamin C can abort the fetus easily. It can induce the miscarriages and can stop the pain naturally. It is a natural abortifacient and can lead to the stimulation of uterus when taken in the right dosage.
There are several other home remedies for abortion also. For instance, taking a hot shower bath several times a day or indulging in rigorous exercises, taking aspirin or taking the foods that are immensely rich in Vitamin C. These all methods are absolutely safe and help the ladies get rid of the fetus they want to carry. Instead of taking pills trying these natural methods of terminating the pregnancy is the best thing you can do.
Seems to me that the best remedy is NOT to have sex until one gets married. The best solution is abstinence, NOT abortion. Get married and have all the sex you want! Better to give the child up for adoption than killing that baby, and being an accomplice to murder. Would you like it if YOUR parents decided that YOU were unnecessary and ended your life?