The Ramey Commentaries (TM) By Mike Ramey




     As one of my favorite illustrations goes, there were four women who died on the same day.  They were a housewife, a college professor, a prostitute and the CEO of a large corporation.  The four women arrived at the gates of Heaven and were met by St. Peter.  “We’ve got a special today, ladies.  You get to spend three days in Heaven and three days in Hell.  On the seventh day, you get to choose your eternal destination.”  He spoke.

     For three days, the women got to tour heaven.  They met loved ones that had gone on before them; they met various Christian women throughout history who impacted the world, and on the third day they talked with Jesus Christ.  It was glorious!  Their time was soon at an end, and they were transported down to the depths of Hell.

     They were surprised when they arrived.

     At the train station, Satan himself appeared with a broad smile.  The four women were each given a mansion, the keys to a solid gold SUV with an unlimited gas supply; a group of servants to cater to their every whim, a fistful of no-limit credit cards, male companionship, and three days to party down like there was no tomorrow.  Each woman eagerly accepted their ‘gifts’ from the Devil—feeling like they ‘deserved’ all the special treatment.  They were unaware of his laugh as they drove off into the night.

     On the seventh day, the women came back to Heaven for their final appearance before St. Peter and Jesus.  They were each polled as to where they wanted to spend eternity.  Each on of them shouted out: HELL.  Jesus wept as the four women went back to the train station at the gates of Hell. 

     Upon their arrival to the platform on this second trip the women smelled smoke, heard screams and wails, and noticed how dark it was. Satan again met the women with a broad smile.  This time, he was flanked with four demons who each had full trip gear for each woman with the name of each recipient engraved at the top.  As the hardware was applied to each of the women, they asked in unison: “Where was the stuff that we had the LAST time we were here?”

     “Oh, that.”  Spoke the Devil.  “Well, the LAST time you were here, you were prospects.  NOW you are customers.  Demons, take them away!”



     A few years back, I read about a middle-aged Black woman who had been a college professor for a long time.  She had written an article about how she was ‘duped’ by the feminist mafia.  She was an ‘eager’ soldier on the front lines for women’s rights.  However, she was angry over the fact that as a ‘soldier for the cause’ she missed out on having children and—by inference—in getting married.  She realized that with her intellect, her degrees and her college-level experience she had made a decision to ‘sidestep’ the godly plan for her to be a wife and mother. 

     It was too late for her to ‘turn back the hands of time’.  She was angry that she had been fooled by the ‘joys’ of the feminist mafia.  She cashed a ‘sucker check’ from the feminist mafia and there was NO place to go for a refund.

     When I read about incidents like this, I just have to shake my head.  How many of her female friends (who had Jesus in their lives) warned her that this ‘feminist trip to nowhere’ would end this way?  How many men (who had Jesus in their lives) told her the same thing?  How many suitors—brothers who wanted to marry—were ‘pushed away’ by her because she made the mistake of believing that she had ‘all the time in the world’ to get married, be a mother, raise children—and pursue a career?

     Feminism—like my opening illustration—turned her from a prospect into a customer for the sucker check.  She gleefully accepted and cashed the check but didn’t like the payout.  Unless she asks Jesus Christ into her life, the devil’s chains will STAY in place.

     The years have proven unkind to a host of women of color who have been ‘suckered’ by the lies put forth by feminism.  Unfortunately for the feminists, women of color who are a large part of second and third world nations STILL believe in traditional marriage, traditional roles in the home, and education to serve as a help to their families (and not to ‘lord over’ their husbands), it is the educated women of color in affluent westernized nations who have been hurt the most by the feminist mafia and their ‘mainstream mess’ (MSM) propaganda machine.

     The media has been making it ‘cool’ to be a homosexual, lesbian, transvestite, etc.  Unfortunately, those who have been portrayed as falling into and instigating this particular feminist lie have been women of color.  If you doubt me, check some of the commercials for mainstream products and services.  If you watch carefully, you will see more and more Black women (along with a few other women of color) participating as ‘the lead’ in such relationships—with white women as their ‘lovers’ or ‘housewives’.  Now it is bad enough that Wall Street, Hollywood, Sports and the media have been assailing the Black male image for a number of years.  Beginning in the 1990s, though, this same coven has been trying to ‘program’ the destruction of the Black female image.

     It has been working with amazing success.



     There have been a host of Black women—usually of the liberal stripe—who have been anxiously holding their hands out for their feminist mafia ‘sucker checks’ and cashing them in droves JUST for a piece of political or social power, plus a heaping helping of fame and wealth—ONLY to wind up bitter, confused, drug-or-alcohol addicted, health ruined and spending their evenings with a pint of their favorite thing from the fridge and/or a bottle of their favorite vintage from their own liquor cabinet.  All the while singing the refrain from the Helen Reddy song about the ‘power’ of being a woman.

      And blaming Men of color for their willingness to become fodder for feminism.

     Really?  It’s the Black man’s fault that y’all fell for this?  Men of color have been warning women of color for YEARS about what was at the end of this particular road.  Women of color have not thought to listen, and they have the sucker checks to prove it.

     They started out as prospects.  Now they are bitter customers.

     Here’s another ‘sucker check’ that women of color have eagerly signed up to cash: Abortion on Demand.  Yep, take a good look at the ‘foot soldiers’ in the streets for this one.  They are not hard to spot.

     As I wrap up my column for the month, I want to leave some obvious points with the reader about Abortion.  First, many of those women ‘higher up’ in the power structure (of the lighter hue) won’t kill their children.  Nope.  They want you to sacrifice your children on the altar of the ‘feminist cause’ so that THEIR children won’t have ‘as much’ competition for jobs, housing, and marriage-ready mates.  Yep…many of the ‘headline making’ abortion supporters are bolder than Margaret Sanger, original founder of the Planned Parenthood organization.  They make no bones about the fact that Black children are ‘in the way’ of society.

     But not THEIR children.  Not in MY backyard.

     Second, many women of color have shed their relationship to Christ and His church to play in the streets of the world.  Many grandmothers and great-grandmothers are rolling over in their graves.  The KJV Bible—laugh at it as many Black women may—is against Abortion AND has a heavy penalty for those who not only DO the deed…but those who support them in their SIN.  The wages of sin is death.  When you cash the sucker check, ladies; you are also cashing a death check!  Death to your OWN body; death to your relationships and families, and death to your souls.

     Third, I find it highly amusing that ALL of the female politicians who take money from Planned Parenthood—including female Muslim politicians—are more interested in taking blood money from those who would like to see people of color shackled, and the progress of the American people surrendered ‘for a few dollars’.  Wow! 

     The choice for the express to Hell seems to be getting more real for some, day by day.


     Mike Ramey is a Retired Minister, KJV Bible Teacher, syndicated columnist and book reviewer who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana.  “The Ramey Commentaries” is one of a variety of his columns appearing and abounding in print and cyberspace, written from a biblical, business, and common-sense perspective since 1996.  To drop him a line—or a whine—the address is still the same:  ©2022 Barnstorm Communications International.


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Rev. M. G. “Mike” Ramey (Retired) served as the Certified Modern Street Gangs Specialist & Media Consultant of “The Gang Line”. He had been interviewed in the U. S. and abroad on radio, television, and Internet about the dangers of Modern Street Gangs since 2007. His writings on Modern Street Gangs abound in print and online. Previously, he served as an award-winning broadcast journalist, producer, and TV/Radio talk show host. He has also served as a staff writer, section editor, and syndicated columnist. Ramey has won—or helped to win—some two dozen journalism awards and citations. He also holds a Police Citation for Citizen Bravery from the Indianapolis Police Department (1986). Ramey is also married, an Ordained Minister (Retired) and a KJV Bible Teacher.

Ramey is a Certified Modern Street Gangs Specialist with Certifications in Law Enforcement (2006), Non-Law Enforcement (2010), and Gangs & Cults Ministry (2017). He also has endorsements in K-12 Gang Issues and Transnational Gangs. He also carries Specialist Ratings in Cult/Occult Crime, and Transnational Human Trafficking. Ramey has also served with several International anti-gang ministries, including of Washington state (2004-2009), Thug Exposed Ministries of California (2010 to 2015) and Bishop Outreach Ministries of Florida (2010 to 2015).

In 2011 “The Gang Line” offered training and certification coursework for those interested in becoming certified Modern Street Gang Specialists: Training approaches the anti-gang ministry field through the combined use of spiritual (biblical principles/discipleship) and criminal (gang members and gang crime). From 2015-2017, Ramey served as an Advisory Board Member for the School of Criminal Justice at Harrison College, Indianapolis, Indiana, with a specialty of Organized Crime & Gangs. From 2017-2019, Ramey served as a Bible Teacher to at-risk detained juvenile offenders at the Marion County Juvenile Detention Center with his own Bible-based Curriculum centering upon Biblical Life Skills taught from the Book of Proverbs.

Rev. Ramey’s skill set includes having been a veteran substitute teacher (Secondary Education), a college instructor for two Bible colleges in the Indianapolis, Indiana area, a Probation Officer (Intensive/High Risk & School-Based) with the Marion County Juvenile Court, and a peer grant reviewer of anti-gang grant programs with the U.S. Department of Justice (2010). He also created, designed, and taught the course “Modern Street Gangs: Developing Urban Ministry Strategies—UM-190” at Crossroads Bible College, Indianapolis, Indiana (2009 & 2010). In 2013, Ramey served as a post-production Consultant for Chick Publications’ national anti-gang comic: “Black Angel”. It was translated into Spanish in 2014.

Ramey has written extensively on the topic of Modern Street Gangs with two Internet columns: “The Gang Line” and “The Gang Line Blogger” which abound in cyberspace. In a post-pandemic society, the motto of The Gang Line still rings true: “Spiritual Solutions for Spiritual Problems!”

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