The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      It seems simple to me.  IF countries—including the United States—want to put a sever crimp in the number of abortions performed every year, traditional marriage should not only be encouraged, but held up as THE example of the best way to have children—and that is in wedlock.  Let the critics of such an action be damned!

      However, do NOT expect the ‘wizards of smart’ of the two political parties to catch my drift for three reasons: 1) BOTH Democrats and Republicans have made BIG money with the current tax structure which actually works AGAINST traditional marriage; 2) BOTH Democrats and Republicans get BIG campaign contributions (and votes) from the groups that represent BOTH the Pro-Choice (pro-murder) or Pro-Life (anti-murder) side of the street, and; 3) policies would have to be changed in order to ‘claw’ back the USA from the ranks of ‘feminized’ nations.

      We—who have done our best in the traditional marriage arena—are going to have to get back to teaching about the beauty of traditional marriage from the grassroots up—from the Scriptures.  Note that I didn’t say ‘have reached perfection’ in the traditional marriage arena.  There are some—myself including—who have had to suffer through divorce, and all that comes with it.  However, praise be unto God who does allow for second (and third) chances to get it right HIS way through HIS Word.

      While it is true that a solid majority of abortions take place among single women (at least better than 80 percent at last word) this means single women can fornicate to their hearts desire AND use their abortions as the ‘sacrament’ to prove, in their rebellion, that they “don’t need a man” AND can have the career path of their choice. 

      The ‘dirty little secret’ is that many women would rather get married, stay home, and raise children.  They’ve been ‘hard wired’ by God this way, no matter how ‘feminist’ they proclaim themselves to be.  The only thing stopping them?  A society that has grown addicted to all the money to be made off the corpses of the unborn.  IF you doubt me on this matter, I merely direct you to the holidays of Valentine’s Day, New Year’s Eve, and the months of June, July, and (in some cases) August—and those fancy ‘Bridal Shows’.  The traditional marriage industry is still making money—and has many an anxious female eyeball looking for the ‘shoes, rice, church, preacher, and husband’.  And, I might add, why did the Barbie movie do so well when it wasn’t that long ago when Barbie was protested as an ‘anti-feminist tool’?

      You guessed it!  Tradition!  Ta-dah!  Seems times are ripe for a real marriage comeback!

      It has been documented that—since 1973 to the end of Roe Vs. Wade a full one third of the abortions that have taken place are of Black children.  You and I have met young, angry Black women who revel in their singleness—with more than a few OOW (out-of-wedlock) children in tow and have been ‘sold’ the bill of goods that there are “no good men” out there. 

      Of course, these same women never want to admit that their desire to fornicate (look this word up) without restraint has taken them off the ‘traditional marriage market’ shelf and put them into the ‘hook up’ isle.  I’m not picking on young Black women; they are the ones whom the mainstream press and social media STILL hold up as the ‘majority stereotype’ of OOW births, while white women are doing the same thing!

      Bottom line?  It has been documented that one of the lowest groups for abortions is that of married women.  Seems to me that traditional marriage has made its worth known…just like the Scriptures have noted and God has stated.  More to come.

      Mike Ramey is a Retired Minister, KJV Bible Teacher, syndicated columnist and Bible Prophecy Specialist who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana.  “The Quick Scan” is one of a variety of his columns appearing and abounding in print and cyberspace, written from a biblical, business, and common-sense perspective since 1996.  To drop him a line—or a whine—the address is still the same:  ©2024 Barnstorm Communications International.


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Rev. M. G. “Mike” Ramey (Retired) served as the Certified Modern Street Gangs Specialist & Media Consultant of “The Gang Line”. He had been interviewed in the U. S. and abroad on radio, television, and Internet about the dangers of Modern Street Gangs since 2007. His writings on Modern Street Gangs abound in print and online. Previously, he served as an award-winning broadcast journalist, producer, and TV/Radio talk show host. He has also served as a staff writer, section editor, and syndicated columnist. Ramey has won—or helped to win—some two dozen journalism awards and citations. He also holds a Police Citation for Citizen Bravery from the Indianapolis Police Department (1986). Ramey is also married, an Ordained Minister (Retired) and a KJV Bible Teacher.

Ramey is a Certified Modern Street Gangs Specialist with Certifications in Law Enforcement (2006), Non-Law Enforcement (2010), and Gangs & Cults Ministry (2017). He also has endorsements in K-12 Gang Issues and Transnational Gangs. He also carries Specialist Ratings in Cult/Occult Crime, and Transnational Human Trafficking. Ramey has also served with several International anti-gang ministries, including of Washington state (2004-2009), Thug Exposed Ministries of California (2010 to 2015) and Bishop Outreach Ministries of Florida (2010 to 2015).

In 2011 “The Gang Line” offered training and certification coursework for those interested in becoming certified Modern Street Gang Specialists: Training approaches the anti-gang ministry field through the combined use of spiritual (biblical principles/discipleship) and criminal (gang members and gang crime). From 2015-2017, Ramey served as an Advisory Board Member for the School of Criminal Justice at Harrison College, Indianapolis, Indiana, with a specialty of Organized Crime & Gangs. From 2017-2019, Ramey served as a Bible Teacher to at-risk detained juvenile offenders at the Marion County Juvenile Detention Center with his own Bible-based Curriculum centering upon Biblical Life Skills taught from the Book of Proverbs.

Rev. Ramey’s skill set includes having been a veteran substitute teacher (Secondary Education), a college instructor for two Bible colleges in the Indianapolis, Indiana area, a Probation Officer (Intensive/High Risk & School-Based) with the Marion County Juvenile Court, and a peer grant reviewer of anti-gang grant programs with the U.S. Department of Justice (2010). He also created, designed, and taught the course “Modern Street Gangs: Developing Urban Ministry Strategies—UM-190” at Crossroads Bible College, Indianapolis, Indiana (2009 & 2010). In 2013, Ramey served as a post-production Consultant for Chick Publications’ national anti-gang comic: “Black Angel”. It was translated into Spanish in 2014.

Ramey has written extensively on the topic of Modern Street Gangs with two Internet columns: “The Gang Line” and “The Gang Line Blogger” which abound in cyberspace. In a post-pandemic society, the motto of The Gang Line still rings true: “Spiritual Solutions for Spiritual Problems!”

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