A few months back, I wrote a piece entitled “Be Ye Thankful”. With the coming of the Thanksgiving season, I wanted to continue that thought. To the younger generation, a quick historical note from a Certified Old Guy. There USED to be a song that many of us regularly sung back in the day: “Count your blessings; count them one by one. Count your blessings and see what the Lord has done.” Blessings are different from entitlements. One may feel ‘entitled’ to a good job, more money or a solid relationship. Blessings can come from God—or through God’s people—to make your day a little bit brighter. Blessings are NOT earned—they are freely given.
One of the things that I have noticed—perhaps many of you have too—is the degree to which many young—and not so young--people have been moving through society with a chip on their shoulder. They are unthankful, unholy, and unloving. They make demands on people without bothering to think about what they bring to the table, or even to the conversation. Social media has not made many young people (or older people) very ‘sociable’. I may be surrounded by grumps…but I don’t have to become a ‘card carrying member’ of the ‘bitteraide posse’, Amen?
Years ago, during my high school and college musician days, we would occasionally have ‘jam sessions’. We would take our instruments, and just play for the fun of playing. Professional musicians (of which I was NOT one) still have such sessions and come up with some great solos and compositions—some of which wind up being published for public consumption. It’s time that many of us engage in a ‘Thanksgiving Session’, just to get back on track and to shake off the ‘bitteraide’ that others may have slipped into our spirits over the past few months—or years.
Of course, to have a good session, any musician worth his salt will have to practice! Thus, it is highly advised that we re-learn how to BE thankful, by practicing and rehearsing the blessings we have been extended by the Lord. Let me get out my first few notes in our session. First off, I’m just thankful that God is still in charge and we—as a society—have not plunged over into the abyss as of yet. This is the start of my ‘Thanksgiving session’.
In the world’s attempts to continue to push the Thanksgiving holiday out of our social landscape, making it represent ‘only’ food, football and ‘something that gets in the way of Christmas shopping’. Balderdash! Rehearse and add your OWN story to the blessings of Thanksgiving that you have received over the past year (or even during the past 24 hours). Count your own blessings and have a joyful time in being thankful that things did not go further south based upon the mercies of God.
Mike Ramey is a Retired Minister, KJV Bible Teacher, syndicated columnist and Bible Prophecy Specialist who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. “The Quick Scan” is one of a variety of his columns appearing and abounding in print and cyberspace, written from a biblical, business, and common-sense perspective since 1996. To drop him a line—or a whine—the address is still the same: mgmikeramey@yahoo.com. ©2023 Barnstorm Communications International.