Since the truth is the best defense in all things, I just wanted to have some fun with this month’s column by examining how the truth has surfaced from underneath a lot of lies and propaganda concerning social issues. Just plug in the phrase “Ain’t It Funny That…” before each of my observations to get the full effect:
*…some of the same cities that boldly closed churches during the pandemic (in violation of the first amendment clause on freedom of religion) are now crying the blues because now that the pandemic is over, businesses IN those bold cities are laying off hundreds and closing their doors—or moving out altogether…
*…if you are Black, believe in God, are pro-life, believe in a honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay, and are willing to build your own business without affirmative action or government handouts, you are branded as a ‘sellout’ or ‘you ain’t Black’…until the liberal people who ostracize you need your help in getting money, a job, or a scholarship…
*…some of the same ‘megaphone motormouths’ that will threaten places like McDonald’s and others over ‘allegations’ of racism and discrimination are dead silent when organizations like Planned Parenthood have discrimination lawsuits in the courts against them by Black staffers…
*…some of the same liberals in the tech and social media sectors who acted as if they were ‘better’ than the middle class when they were on lockdown during the pandemic ask the middle class to ‘feel sorry for them’ as their liberal bosses have been laying THEM off by the thousands…
*…the same social justice warriors who hold press conferences and file lawsuits to take away guns from the law-abiding public have been secretly buying the SAME guns they want to outlaw and are brandishing them on the streets to try to intimidate those who may want to exercise their free speech rights against them…
*…the same Teacher’s Union brass that closed YOUR child’s school and forced them to miss in-person learning because it was ‘too dangerous’, sent THEIR kids to private and religious schools that were ‘exempt’ from closure mandates AND have gotten indignant when they have been caught in their hypocrisy…
*…the same girls that try to beat up boys in middle and high school wonder why no boys will ever ask them out on a date…
*…the same churches who beat former members over the head with the ‘need’ to attend services ‘because the Bible says so’…are filled with some of the kinds of people that the Bible warns Christians to stay away FROM (Revelation 2) …
*…we have had Black Democrats in leadership posts in minor and major cities around the country for quite a long time and Black on Black crime spirals out of control while police departments have been defunded, gutted, and are losing manpower. These same Black Democrats have their OWN security details…but the citizens that voted them in (time after time) aren’t afforded the same security with a strong police presence…
*Lastly…we know that the majority of a city’s criminals live in our homes and eat our food but we won’t drop-a-dime on them until AFTER five-o and the media show up on our doorsteps with the video tape of their latest in-the-street antics…
Mike Ramey is a Retired Minister, KJV Bible Teacher, syndicated columnist and Bible Prophecy Specialist who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. “The Quick Scan” is one of a variety of his columns appearing and abounding in print and cyberspace, written from a biblical, business, and common-sense perspective since 1996. To drop him a line—or a whine—the address is still the same: ©2023 Barnstorm Communications International.