For those who may have tuned in late, REAL men—the ones who have Jesus Christ in their lives—have been pushed out of the discussion on a slew of issues involving the family. Three of them come immediately to mind: No-Fault Divorce, Child Support and Visitation, and the largest quicksand pit of the three—Abortion on Demand. Further, biblical marriage—between one man and one woman for life—has been disregarded by BOTH Pro-Life and Pro-Murder (Pro-Choice) groups as they have fixed their eyes upon power, money and greed associated with the abortion issue rather than dealing with the truth—traditional marriage LOWERS the likelihood of the need for an abortion, and those women who are single and love to ‘mingle’ and are focused on their careers have the HIGHEST abortion rates, per any number of reliable studies and published reports.
Of course, simplicity itself would dictate that abortion rates would fall to low levels if feminists and weak males would just stop fornicating and save themselves for marriage. Further, IF one should make the choice NOT to marry, they ALSO should make the choice NOT to fornicate…and CEASE public complaints about NOT finding a person TO marry.
Abortion on Demand—when you really get down to it—is about rebellion, selfishness, and power. The feminists like to ‘think’ that they control their own bodies, yet they cannot show enough ‘restraint’ when they have the ‘urge to merge’? That’s the rebellion portion. The ‘power trip’ comes in when they do find a ‘male’ for the weekend, regret being so ‘weak’, and want to get rid of the evidence so they can continue to their next ‘rendezvous’. Meanwhile, the Hollywood feminist celebrates baby ‘bumps’ with those males whom—in many cases—they have no intention of marrying. That’s where the selfishness comes in—attention needs to be ‘focused’ on them because they are ‘with child, but without husband’.
The ‘pushback’ on this issue has never stopped. Groups such as Promise Keepers and the like have been around for years. Yes, PK has ‘dropped a few notches’ since they made the decision to ‘wimp out’ and allow women into its fold (which, in my view, weakened their relationship with their core target audience—Christian men). Simply put, since we live in a feminized culture, and God has removed REAL men from society (as covered in the Book of Isaiah) the upright man is—in a word—outnumbered.
Nevertheless, as was urged back in the day, the remaining upright REAL men in society need to get back on the teaching wall and remind the current crop of ‘males’ in the house that it costs to be a REAL man. Sure, it will be tough to turn the tide…but turn the tide we will. That’s what REAL men are great at doing in situations with heavy odds—turning the tide.
The world system will not welcome real men; men which have submitted their lives to Jesus Christ, and who are under the control of the Holy Spirit. Even IF the Lord allowed the streets to be flooded with such men, the world system—fueled by feminists and rebellious ‘girly’ males—would always take the side of Satan, while at the same time trying to ‘justify’ themselves by overlooking THEIR shortcomings in being marriage worthy and blaming real men for opting to follow the biblical pattern for marriage and procreation rather than lusting after the ‘table scraps’ of sin being offered by the world. We see this played out every time a man under the power of God stands up and ‘represents’ his belief in what God’s view of marriage IS!
Real men, as I mentioned before, are not perfect. However, they have the courage to hold out for the best that God has to offer—and this includes a right view of marriage between one man and one woman. It also means being willing to be mocked and uninvited by BOTH sides of the Abortion on Demand issue for the sake of building a marriage and family God’s way. In the end analysis, BOTH sides of the Abortion on Demand issue are wrong when they exclude marriage and biblical living from the equation.
Remember, no one thought that Roe v Wade would fall! That took a LOT of prayer and the involvement of a LOT of real men. The fight to turn this society BACK to where REAL men are respected, honored, and cherished may not take that much longer, and is going to be resisted by the world system and its supporters all the way down the line. IF real men want to take this society back, it begins by getting marriage and home in upright order. Real men will have to work to turn males into men, and feminists into wives and mothers. Nothing is too hard for God if he has men yielded to His purpose; men who are willing to turn this society upside down for Jesus Christ.
Marching in front of Abortion clinics does NOT build strong marriages and Abortion is not an ‘honored’ name for birth control. Real men set the mark and honor the standard. NOT the rebellious mobs in the street or suites.
Mike Ramey is a Retired Minister, KJV Bible Teacher, syndicated columnist and Bible Prophecy Specialist who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. “The Quick Scan” is one of a variety of his columns appearing and abounding in print and cyberspace, written from a biblical, business, and common-sense perspective since 1996. To drop him a line—or a whine—the address is still the same: mgmikeramey@yahoo.com. ©2024 Barnstorm Communications International.