KOLA BOOF: I am asking every BLACK MAN I know to please answer this question. Printed in RED is Troy Johnson's response to the furor over Puff Daddy's recent Casting CALL requesting "White, Latina and Light-Skinned African-American Models" only fo his new ads. TROY said: Yeah, I can't bring myself to get riled up about this issue. Who really other than the models who were excluded from the jobs gives a darn. If his majesty Diddy decided he wanted dark skinned models this sister would be too busy twisting her tail in a Ciroc ad to launcha boycott. Do guys actually buy Ciroc, cause some yellow gal is in (or not in) the ad with a shaded Diddy -- puhleese! Seriously, I'm sure someone has determined that the fairer sisters, with straight hair, slender bodies, less pronounced facial features, have the broadest appeal to gents of all races. While he may be attempting to capitalize on this I can't blame Diddy or even hip-hop for this... I would like to ask YOU---with Black Men having general attitudes like this, who are young black girls supposed to think are their ENEMIES in this society? And WHY shouldn't they hate black men? Isn't it natural to come to hate someone who so obviously hates you? I ask you this, because...you and others have said that I'm too hard on Black men. It's even been suggested that I "hate" black men. I have expressed very strong sentiments against Black men whose Psychological and COLORIST abuse of Black Females is Publicly OVERT and for some bizzare reason "acceptable" by most of Black America. Yet we're always called on to March for Black men's issues. Every day...on Black websites....there are TONS of articles attacking WHITE MEN for their Racist society and their POWER. Yet quite flagrant in the Black Community is a profound disrespect and Abuse of Black women's images and their humanity...based solely on their skin color and Hair texture. Why are the women like me who question it deemed HATERS of Black men? I have given birth to 2 Black men. Not mixed--fully Black. How many Black American men in 2009 can say that they love Black Men enough to give birth to one? Can ISHMAEL REED say it? Has he given birth to a Black man or a Black child? No...as he stated himself...his daughter could pass for an Arab. Cloaked in the hood of "Black male rage"--he, a non-black, has Whined all his life about the oppression of Black men...yet his balls have not produced one. So who is REALLY the enemy of Black Africoid people? A bunch of Black men who don't have the courage to give birth to to their own image? With Academic Intellectuals like yourself in particular, Professor---do you really not acknowledge that a huge bulk of the world's respect for White men, Chinese men, etc. derives from the fact that they insist on giving birth to their own image? Yet we're the opposite. Tediously, we reproduce our master's image (white or Arab). Isn't it the Dark skinned Woman who is really THE black woman? Isn't it her who makes us truly Black? And how in the name of GOD can we claim that there are no beautiful BLACK women? Thank God Harriet Tubman is not alive to day to witness what our people have become. And when it comes to Black Men claiming that Black Women Writers HATE black men....I think it's time to shut the fuck up. Because it's quite obvious that a lot of BLACK MEN---hate their damned selves. KOLA BOOF kolaboof_email@yahoo.com
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  • No one's humanity is so small as to be reduced down to the color or shade of their outer wrapping, nor the size of their lips or nose, nor the number of hairs on their heads, or the make and model of their automobile.

    The Earth is our womb, and thus we are all family by necessity since we all have one mother whom we cannot escape any longer than the astronauts have so far managed to stay away from Her.

    So far, they all keep coming back!

    Peace, Sister TechiYah

  • By the way, the couple of comments by some of these women include the sentiment that they plan to 'give up on' Black men. This is very contradictory, and points to the elements of hypocrisy, double consciousness, and self hatred these women are expressing. Yet, I want to quote the words of a couple of very sensitive and perceptive young sisters who also have comments posted in the string of responses to Kola Boof. The first is by Sister Techiyah:

    "You are in as much delusion as P. Diddy for blaming a light skinned woman who you never met for being light skinned or desired by someone as stupid as P. Diddy. I personally don't give a damn for the kind of woman he prefers. I know where true beauty lies...INSIDE! And because I know that I can see how ugly you are. Out of the abundance of one's heart, their mouth speaks....yours speaks the same ignorance as any white SLAVE MASTER that went into a continent and assumed because the people that were there were uncivilized because of the way they looked. Beauty comes from serving THE MOST HIGH CREATOR in RIGHTEOUSNESS....what you said shows you know nothing of it and with a mentality like that you never will.

    Too bad you are too closed minded and brainwashed to see the similarities between you and your master"

    The other comment is by RealProgress, who wrote,

    "..."Im through with black men..." is almost exactly like saying your through with yourself. Whether you end up with a black man or not if you reproduce with a non black-socially speaking your child will be in fact black. This is especially true for a child traveling through the womb of a black woman-regardless of what the child looks like. DNA says this is true.

    It's not my job to judge those who express self-appointed hatred or disdain towards themselves or their reflections(a black man is the reflection of a black woman and vice versa). I just wonder if we as black ppl realize the spiritual dynamic behind a statement like that. Put plainly ppl who make claims like that really dont comprehend the true dynamics and purpose of a relationship(to relate to another) altogether and thats probably the real reason a person such as this is 'fed up' or 'too through'. Not because of the color of the skin of their polar opposite-but rather a lack of understanding or a disconnect somewhere with-in themselves being reflected off of the male counterpart.

    Lastly, the only one a person who makes a statement like that is hurting-if they intend to hurt anyone is themselves. For one thing I dont think the person you are addressing really cares who you sleep with or have a relationship with. Two-you put yourself in a very unattractive and unapproachable light to whomever comes across you whether they be black, white, male or female. Anyone with some form of intelligence knows to stay far away from such ignorant mind sets."

    I don't know that these two women would agree with everything or anything I say, but I can tell the difference between women and childish little sisters, and I hold Techiyah and RealProgress up as examples. To them I say, sisters, don't judge this phenomenal website, founded by our brother, KWASI Akyeampong, by the silly rantings of a few. This blogging site is unique and is a powerful, important thing, and we are in on the ground floor of what will be widely hailed one day. Stay with us, and keep correcting us, young sisters.
    This domain may be for sale!
  • Oh, no, they dih’ent. You Sisters wanna talk smack now, huh?

    You gonna name me in your reactionary drivel and while NAMING ME accuse ME of taking what you say ‘personally’? Oh. Now you got Professor Waller, your ELDER to deal with, little sisters. School is in. Here’s your lesson…

    “You talk black, visit black chat boards, but deep down you don't think Black people are just
    as human as everyone else. They need to be "lightened" up, "bred out", the female ones
    disrespected and banned from public view.”

    That’s crazy on ice. The woman who wrote that doesn’t know me, talk to me, listen to me comfort my daughter when she cries, watch me wrestle with my students’ questions and demands, nor has she seen a single book on my Bookshelf. You can tell a whole lot more about a person by what books they own than by the color of their skin, or the color of the skin of their children.This woman’s words certainly reflect the growing influence of a younger generation though, a generation which has replaced knowledge with, of all things, consumption. (I am astonished how often I have had it revealed to me lately that Ulysses’ theory of consumer culture is a valid, even a sound approach to understanding what American culture has turned into; what I argue is the whole focus and worldview of a younger generation is not upon knwledge but upon media images and commerical culture as if tv commercials were film, as if product jingles were music, as if magazine ads were art. Well, actually, that's Dubai American University Professor, Perri Giovannucci's theory. The younger generation are into ideational consumption: 'I consume therefore I am, I am what I consume, I am offended when the commodities supplied to me are lacking in diversity, I watch what celebrities (Puffy Daddy) and other public constructs do and say because they represent my right to consume, and anyway, I know I am human because I see my own self reflected in the commodities that are put on the media shelf for me to consume).

    “RAYFIELD WALLER, you tried to make this issue about YOU PERSONALLY instead of what
    it's about--Black men excercizing racist color coding against Black women and girls basically
    for having dark skin and nappy hair like he does!”

    My nappy headed girlfriends will all be surprised to hear that RAYFILED WALLER lives by a ‘color code’. I tried to make this about me personally? The woman who wrote this about me NAMED me. SHE made it about me. Funny, how the ‘color zealots’ as Malcolm called them, tend to project their own obsessions and self hatred onto everyone around them. Sister, it is not ME who doesn’t love you—I wouldn’t waste my time responding to you if I didn’t love you—it’s you who hates you, isn’t it? Of course, quoting Malcolm is something you self hating sisters will look down upon, right? (he was light skinned: “Detroit Red” was his nickname when he was still trapped in darkness like you are now) To wit, another ‘color zealot’ wrote:

    “Light skinned people do not come from some great tribe in Africa....They were created by the slave trade….Black people need to give up rhetoric and get a brain. The problem is that many of these stupid colorstruck black people live in their own BET worlds in the United States and they don't even know what real black people are. They don't know what a real black woman looks like.
    ...It damned sure ain't Angela Davis.”

    This woman clearly is a fool. To reject Angela Davis because of the color of her skin means that SHE is color struck for disrespecting one of the great Black women of our history, not ME for mentioning Angela, her work, her struggle, her writing, her coalition building, her risking her life in The Movement for young sisters who likely have not READ her BOOKS who denigrate her because of the color of her skin. The self hating woman who rejects Angela stands on the roof of her own self hatred shouting down into the streets that everone down here hates her. She should go back and look at the photograph I posted of Angela. Look at her nose. Her lips. The canthus of her eyes. This fool who rejected Angela should also READ SOME BOOKS. That’s right, young, dumb, little sister: turn off TV (BET) and read about genetics. Race is a mythological construct in the first place, but in the second place, racial ‘features’ are both subtle and gross. Only an unlearned person focuses only on the gross attributes of race (such as skin color) and arrogantly pronounces them the basis upon which to declare who belongs to a race and who does not. Halle Berry is beloved by racist white consumers because they think she looks white on the shelf. But her so-called ‘whiteness’ is only a collection of PHENOTYPICAL traits. Surface traits. GENOTYPICALLY, she is BLACK.

    The ignorant (or if one is a cynic, the very ideologically knowing) focus of racists upon phenotype rather than genotype is characteristic of two groups of people: the first are white slave traders (1500-1800AD), who invented the concept of ‘race’ in the first place to support capitalism, and white Americans who seek to maintain segregation and deny their own inevitable inculcation into Blackness due to the proximity to Africans through rape and miscegenation that they've indulged in. The second are the German fascists of the Nazi party who tried and succeeded in isolating a segment of German society (Jewish Germans) based upon phenotypic traits so as to make them soley Jews not Germans, and to tell themselves they were 'pure' Germans not Jews. Do you get it, Color struck little sisters who watch BET but do not read? You are by any true, historical definition, and by your all too familiar words and behavior (the personal attacks, the use of pseudo psychological denunciation, the ascribing of moral torpitude to a group of people because they are not ‘German’ (or ‘Black’) enough, and the evocation of a concept of ‘nation’ (in your cases ‘community’) that turns on who and what it EXCLUDES all on the say-so of the few ‘pure’ members of the nation/community) you are fascists. Black fascism is not any prettier or more palatable than German fascism was. You can have dark skin and be ugly, as RAYFIELD WALLER mentioned somewhere in an earlier post, but then maybe these sisters missed that.

    “You look the other way and delude yourself into thinking nobody sees what hypocrites we
    are to degrade and hate our own mother for being dark skinned...But the dark skinned woman is the true African beauty. Her blood is the most powerful and her soul is the strongest that we have. She is the mother of this race and when you put her down, you automatically put all of us down.[emphasis mine]"

    The sister who wrote this is paraphrasing Goebbels, who charged that Jews have ‘weak blood’ and thus ‘weak souls’. It is amazing in fact, how boringly similar all fascists are, though separated by time and geography and presumably though they don’t tend to read each other to know what earlier fascists have said: this is because fascist thinking, ‘blood thinking’ has certain basic, constantly repeated attributes, no mater who does it or when in history it arises. ‘Blood’ (anatomy and biology) is linked to ‘Soul’ (spiritual power or strength—as in the sacred power to procreate the ‘pure’ nation—in the case of you little sisters, ‘the community’). The Afrikaners did much the same thing in fascistic, Apartheid South Afrika. Even Idi Amin Dada tried to institute a kind of pure blood doctrine during his regime. One of many sure signs that Fidel Castro was NOT a fascist dictator as the US Government has tried to label him for forty odd years is the fact that he did NOT enact a caste regime in his country but instead gave a chance of upward mobility to the dark skinned peoples of Cuba.

    READ BOOKS. Turn off BET and PUFFY DADDY WADDY and come back from the SUPERMARKET of capitalism and READ.

    Ignorance, however is no excuse for you young, self hating sisters attacking the very thing (your elders) that you have NOT read. Ignorance is the reason, but not an excuse. Your butts are showing, with regard to the child-like simplicity you are bringing to these posts you are spitting out.

    “What you raised about having the right to fall in love with whoever you want to is fine, we all
    feel that way...But it's dang funny how 97% of White People marry and co-habitate with White people. They think being White is beautiful and normal and they routinely produce White children who look like them.”

    ?? 97% ?? Really. Where did she pull this statistic from, MacStatistical Abstract? Did she pick it up at the drive thru along with an order of fries? The little sister who wrote this is doing what Nazis always do: concede the human rights of one’s victim while taking that right away out of the other side of one’s mouth. So, in response to Ulysses a sister is saying something like, 'while everyone has the right to love who they wish, you BLACK MEN don’t because I own you racially, culturally, and genetically (though I don’t read books, I use blood thinking, so I have no idea what genetics really is or what geneticists say)'.

    Yeah. Right. We are a Brudder bund, we Black men, right? And the purity of the race is our charge? Only a sister who is herself awe struck by white skin would fail to recognize the implication of her own fascist race grubbing: when you mix black and white genes, according to white racists themselves, you get a black baby. In genetic terms, the skin color phenotype is, indeed, recessive. YOU DO NOT NEED TO REFRAIN FROM MIXING WITH WHITES IN ORDER TO PRESERVE THE RACE, YOU SILLY RABBIT: MIXING WITH WHITE PEOPLE INSURES IN FACT THAT THERE WILL EVENTUALLY BE NO MORE WHITE PEOPLE--and in fact THAT is the real reason white supremacists forbid miscegenation; because everybody will eventually be African and Asian if the people of the earth keep mixing. It is not your corny assed, refried cultural nationalist dogma that will make the planet colored, but love itself. Of course, Asisand (the majority of the human race) probably are not 'Black enough' for you, right? Silly, SILLY rabbit.

    Blood thinking. Simplicity. Racial purity. Pseudo psychology. Simple minded rancor. that expresses itself as angry fervor.

    An article published in TIME magazine back in 1939 exposed the simple-minded, ugly thinking of the kind of child-like cuture that Nazism creates:

    “Nazi poets write in fervid, ABC language. Sample verse:
    Not! . . . Not! . . . Not! . . .
    Hunger, und kein Brot,
    Herd, und kein Brand,
    Und kein Vaterland!-

    Need! Need! Need!
    Hunger, and no bread,
    A hearth and no fire,
    And no fatherland.”

    “Black men have a terrible delusion. They actually think people don't notice that they are
    giving birth to children who look nothing like our race and parading these kids around like
    they would never parade a real black child in public.”

    I do research on fascism and on German ideologies. A Nazi professor wrote, in the early thirties (my translation):

    “German men lie to themselves. They imagine the world does not see that they give birth to children who do not resemble the Aryan ideal, but who are mongrels, who do not look like our race, and they expect the world to respect us when we take these bastard children [schweinen kinder] into the public eye [ague; klieg, optika—there is no real translation for this part, but he means ‘viewing in public’] where the world sees our shame.”

    Do I need to say anything more about the correspondence between fascists? As Jung wrote, there is a collective unconscious that speaks through the ages in one voice, from different mouths. Which leads us, mein kinder, to the insanity of the reductive cultural nationalist movement, the psychotic, brutal, ugly, violent manifestation of it provided by Kawaida theory and Ron Karenga (aka Ron Everett, aka, Maulana Karenga—the same Ron Kerange who invented the travesty of ‘Kwanzaa’ (a ripped off distortion of west Afrikan harvest celebrations) and who founded the US organization whose very name pronounces the insular, neurotic, cult-like will toward exclusion that US represented, the same Ron Karenga who beat women.

    Patricia Calloway, a 40-something Black woman, like me remembers first hand the reactionary, proto-fascist, cultural nationalist movement’s effects on the Black community and the sharp distinction between these corny, self hating, bullying, ideologue kneegrows talking about skin color and the truly revolutionary nationalist theories of the Black Panther Party, a humanist, universalist political party that DID NOT judge people by the color of their skin. Patricia said to me about the color zealot cultural nationalists:

    “That was a movement that attracted a lot of criminals, because you could be angry and act out, under a false banner and not be called on it. A lot of sisters took a lot of abuse from these men..you had some serious, psychotic mutherfuckers in the movement, and borderline personalities who had free rein to reek their special kind of havoc. Nobody stopped them, because the more expressive your psychosis the more down you appeared to be to the movement. Until you did something foul, like throw your wife down a flight of stairs, or say something foul to your children. Nobody wants to be with these kind of angry people, so the movement provides a cranny for them to get into. Any movement in American history has had crazies at the periphery, who can’t get to the center.”

    Class dismissed. There will be a makeup at my blog. Look for the post, "Far From Heaven" Be careful driving home, Sisters.

  • Chicago-Midwest
    Thank You

    I'd ask you to forgive my language, but I felt attacked for
    1) agreeing with another person that felt it no big deal for another person to have a color preference
    2) and personally not having the desire to pimp dark skinned women (women in general) to prove my love for them. Especially when it comes to a product that is not produced by or is beneficial to the people that it's most heavily and effectively marketed to.

    @Black people are HUMANS
    You were through with Black men long before you read what I have to say.

    I'm somewhat dyslexic, so I read very carefully and rarely stray from the actual subject matter.

    The subject is: Black women that are angry because celebrities won't use them in marketing cheaply made, mass produced poison to trend following African American youth.

    Okay I'll be a coward. If it makes you feel better
    Okay I'll be selfish if it make you think
    Okay I'll let you walk away without ever considering the truth

    In general

    I, being a man that loves my cultural heritages (all of them, even the tragic elements) and the women that helped to make me the person I am and understand the person I strive to be, personally resent the demand that the majority of men believe, feel or think the way that the author that started this thread states. Because I don't want to be the exception, even in my own eyes.
    Yes! I feel unloved!

    1) every Black child is born of a Black woman, somehow that kind of excludes Tiger Woods. Allow him to embrace everything he comes from.
    2) In America, nearly half of the African American males born don't make it through their first year. Whether it be planned or just too many accidents, it should be sad enough to do something about.
    3) The #1 cause of death for African American boys under 14 is automobile accidents the #2 is Accidents in general, #3 Gun shots #4 Police intervention.
    4) In urban communities with large African American populations, the ratio of women to men can be absolutely astounding. I've heard of concentrations that can reach 40 to 1, when you break it down to only the available, healthy, heterosexual, employed and educated beyond the ninth grade.

    I'm paying attention Sisters
    And this is the most interaction I've seen since I've been on this site.

    Thank you
  • NYMetro
    Ulysses, UP YOURS.

    I'm through with Black men.

    You're some sorry selfish mofos who above all else can't read.
  • Chicago-Midwest
    If all of you powerful, beautiful, brilliant Black women must tell us how we think and feel
    Please dictate something that you would like.
    Otherwise, you're absolutely right.
    We hate you, because you say we hate you!

    Since my presence is proof that it is impossible or highly improbable for a Black woman to birth a man child that will ever be able to adore and praise her as she believes herself worthy and deserving. You should all immediately after each and every sexual exchange, run and get a D&C or a coat hanger and avoid any chance of giving birth to a black male.

    And unless we meet you'll never know if I find you physically attractive, because you have no picture posted. Is that some sign of shame?

    Seal was abandon and raised by a White European family in European.
    But regardless his words he writes and sing hold true

    "Ya'll don't wanna hear it
    You just wanna dance!"
    -Andre Benjamin - "Hey Ya"

    I am not going to worship you for doing what most any beast does for it offspring.

    Reality is God's gift to people with no imagination.
  • Chicago-Midwest
    I agree, we all have major problems

    Starting with people feeling unloved because someone they deem to be some kind of personal icon won't express the kind of love that they desire.

    Love that I believe is exploitive and abusive and personally want no part of.

    "Please Ditty, Make everybody believe I'm beautiful"

    To use the image of someone I respect to sell a product to people that I don't respect or have a genuine love for and have nothing to do with what they mean to me as a person is wrong to me.

    Like I said, I have a crush on B. Smith, few women in American media actively express the style that I'd like to entertain the social groups I'd like to invite to network with my family and Jean Grae and you don't get very much more African in America than her.

    Like I've said in other exchanges, Jay Z may never get a crying red penny of the money I earn for a concert or a CD but, I'll sacrifice money, time, thoughts and sweat for causes like "Water For Life", but what's that got to do with drinking Ace of Spades Champagne or some mass produced vodka, riding around the Mediterranian in power boats and exotic sports cars, wearing things that we can't pronounce and other people's hair.
    I didn't set that standard, I don't live by that standard and like I told the woman I was dating when she asked me what I thought of her weave, "If I was attracted to your clothes or your hair and nails I'd date the people you got them from".

    I don't think of myself a beautiful, except in the eyes of my God, my son and my grandmothers, And why that is has never been important to anyone except me.
    But I'm going to tell everyone here.
    Show me one recent public mass media expression of a Black woman's love and the beauty she sees in the men of her culture that she does not sleep with or has given birth to. I'm not saying that it doesn't exist, I'm just it's very rare.

    To embrace those standards as some type of acceptance into a society that you really have no desire to truly interact with on an equal level is just plain stupid.

    What I market and who I choose to wake up with should be totally different issues.

    Like I said before, Sean-Puff Daddy-Puffy-P Diddy-S-Ditty Combs is a product of design used to market other products to a wide segment of subcultures. None of which represent my personal taste in lifestyle social strata or women, I want to wake up with. Which you agree, has little to do with who anyone wants to fantasize about or just sex.

    It's not important who he uses to sell an item, unless you want to be the device or item being sold or you've purposely given responsiblity and authority to these businesses and individuals to influence the design of your life and the people that you bring into the world.

    Love is a gift, a product, a verb and a responsibility
    Love is not an obligation and it shouldn't be a fleeting emotion.
  • NYMetro

    RAYFIELD WALLER, you tried to make this issue about YOU PERSONALLY instead of what
    it's about--Black men excercizing racist color coding against Black women and girls basically
    for having dark skin and nappy hair like he does!

    That is the issue.

    What you raised about having the right to fall in love with whoever you want to is fine, we all
    feel that way.

    But it's dang funny how 97% of White People marry and co-habitate with White people. They
    think being White is beautiful and normal and they routinely produce White children who look
    like them.

    Ditto for Latinos, Asians and every other group but Black people, especially well to do Blacks
    who are either upper class, educated or celebrities.

    For you to ignore those social facts when even Stevie Wonder can see it clear as day is
    cowardice and denial.

    Our community is a horribly colorstruck and self-hating community, my brother.

    People like you Co-sign those attitudes and behaviors by pretending that it has something to
    do with love. Truth is, all you want to do is get some "good hair" and be seen with somebody
    who isn't exactly black because it makes you feel better about yourself.

    You talk black, visit black chat boards, but deep down you don't think Black people are just
    as human as everyone else. They need to be "lightened" up, "bred out", the female ones
    disrespected and banned from public view.

    Sorry but I can't support your way of ignoring this problem RAYFIELD WALLER.

    I agree with the Nigerian sister. I do see Tiger Woods and Seal as "MASCOTS." That's exactly
    what I see them as. If there were a handful of black men doing this, I could believe that it's just
    love. But when it's like 40% now who co-habitate/date/marry White or Other, and no other race
    has that level of men rejecting their own kind, then it becomes obvious that BET and the various
    magazines by Black Men are buying into some old slave plantation beliefs about "good hair, light
    skin, white beauty."

    I see gorgeous sexy black women all the time everywhere. I see young black girls who are refined
    and cute and very dark skinned everywhere.

    If you ask any White man or Latino man or Asian man about sexing different races of women, they
    will all tell you that they see no race or color when it comes to "SEX." They will sleep with any type
    of woman of any race gladly for sex. But when they get ready to have children and a family, they preserve their cultural identities by marrying their own.

    They make it a point to mostly date their own and love their own so that they have sons who keep their
    seed going.

    To hear you tell it WALLER, God made a whole race of women that he didn't intend to be loved or
    have mates. It just so happens that when these black women don't have love or mates, black
    men don't get born.

    Oh wait. Black men don't get born.

    GEE, WALLER--why does that work in the favor of the White man?????

    It works because White men programmed negroes like you to support and perpetuate this b.s.

    You and Ulysses and all you negroes need to stop being cowards and face up to the fact that
    our community has a major problem. We worship anything that's not black and then blame it on
    black people having "attitude" or "there's no attractive dark people" and other b.s.

    Why is it wrong to give birth a Black man who looks like a Black man WALLER?
    Why is it wrong for the majority of Black men to love Black women?

    How come everybody else loves their own kind and sees beauty in their own kind?

    A whole lot of Black men are weak, stupid and selfish.
  • Chicago-Midwest
    I'm going to ask some people what they think of this
  • Wow. Totally hermetically sealed ideology? Am I crazy or did I just write a long explication of an alternative to the racialism of seeing Africa as a totality? Did anyone read it? Am I invisible?

    I have to say I reject the madness of the obnoxious idea of 'THE race' and the still fascistic idea (it was fascistic in the 70's when reductive Black nationalism failed due to a poverty of ideas and of imagination, and it's still fascistic). "WE" are not one, we are MANY, and I have no obligation to love and certainly not to reproduce with a woman based on the color of her skin. I find such a suggestion offensive. If folks would get over their obssession with 'celebrities' long enough to pay attention to our artists, writers, and musicians (from Baraka to Angela, to...

    Oh, forget it. Why am I going on in the face of a religion. Religion breeds fanaticism, and fanatics never listen to or respond to points of view that lie outside the dogma. The non believer is simply branded 'sick', 'blind', and 'unsaved'.

    I love you all,

    R. A. Waller
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