The Dictatorship Is Here


Our Democracy is over. We now have a dictatorship. Trump has prevailed. With his accomplices in the congress and the senate, he has immobilized these two branches and now rules by executive decrees.

The Republicans and Democrats failed to come up with a compromise covid 19 relief plan to prevent severe financial consequences for huge sections of the population. So, Trump seizes the opportunity to impose his plan by executive order.

 Previously the federal government paid individuals $600 per week in unemployment insurance, but in Trump’s new edict, people will receive only $400. Actually, the federal govt. will provide $300 and he will command the states to provide the other $100 whether they can afford it or not. The states are lucky he did not order them to pay the whole $400.

But, there is more. In his executive order, he is suspending payroll taxes. Only congress has the power to change taxes, Of course, this means he is defunding Social Security and Medicare. In the past, he has threatened to cut Social Security and Medicare, so their destruction is now underway. Much concern has been expressed at the violation of Trump unilaterally changing tax rules. But that is nothing compared to immobilizing the senate and house with the help of his Republican lackeys so that he may rule America by his administrative decrees. It’s now a dictatorship.

Recently, this dictator has accused China of using the app Tic Toc to spy on Americans. So does a lot of other apps. He has threatened to close them down. But, guess what?  Microsoft has stepped in and offered tp buy them out at, I am sure will be a bargain price under these threatening conditions. Microsoft has a reputation of buying out competitiors and small companies with great financial potential. This is one of the reasons why Microsoft is so rich and powerful. Like many other big corporations, I am sure they are very grateful for Trump’s help and won’t forget it. When a government nationalizes a company, it forces the company to sell itself to the government, but here Trump is forcing a company to sell itself l to a powerful corporation. That must be Trumpasization.

You ain’t seen nothing yet. If he is a dictator now, can you imagine how oppressive he will be if he gets re-elected?

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About the Author
Michael Irving Phillips has kept abreast of Jamaican and the rest of the Caribbean by his one-man production of Hot Calaloo, a newsletter about Caribbean news and views. From April 1992 to December 1999, it was published monthly and was transferred to the web at since then.

He was born in Jamaica and left home for Howard University in the US where he received MA (Education) and BS (Chemistry) degrees. Previous books includes :"A Jamaica Poor No More", "Boycott Money And Save Your Soul – Launching The Goodwill Revolution:, “Leave the Rat Race To The Rats” and “Poems for Husbands and Other Underdogs

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