Ujima People's Progress Party
Baltimore, MD 21207
Solidarity statement presented by Obasi Camera, Outreach Coordinator of the Ujima People's Progress Party organizing committee, to the founding convention of the New York Freedom Party on February 12, 2010 in Brooklyn, New York. The New York Freedom Party is the first independent African-led electoral party to be formed in the State of New York.
Brothers, Sisters and Comrades in the Struggle for Social Justice and Human Dignity, we greet you with the African slogan, "Uhuru Sasa" which means Freedom Now! A concept we believe should be on the minds of African, Puerto Rican and other oppressed peoples all the time!
We salute your leaders Charles Barron, Eva Doyle and Ramon Jimenez for their brilliant election campaigns to represent the people of New York and to shake up the status quo.
I bring you warm greetings from the State-wide Organizing Committee of the Ujima People's Progress Party in Maryland. The UPP is a people's party led by the African community working to accomplish the very same objective you are consolidating today with your convention. The UPP will be Maryland's first Black community-led independent electoral party later this year!
We come today to stand in solidarity with your party and to salute our brothers and sisters in New York for building this historic party of the people! We unite with your call for a electoral party led by African, Puerto Rican, other oppressed and working peoples to break the economic and political blockade put in place by the established ruling class parties on poor and oppressed communities.
We unite with your work to build an institution that will fight for the rights of the people. To create a courageous fighting party that is able to represent the people in the electoral arena or on the streets of Brooklyn.
We denounce the deception and double-cross tactics implemented by the Democratic and Republican parties to play working class, poor and oppressed peoples against each other. We denounce what can only be called Black mis-leadership for taking for granted the votes and support provided to elected officials without ever fighting to advance the needs and interests of the African community.
We recognize the founding of your party, and hopefully more parties like this, representing a split by African, working class and oppressed people from supporting imperialist parties which do nothing but make the rich richer and the poor poorer.
Lastly we extend ourselves to your party and members to build a broader coalition of progressive independent parties that will commit themselves to winning power to the people and making real change we control.
Long live the party of Freedom!
Long live people's struggle for justice!
Uhuru Sasa!
Nnamdi Lumumba
February 17, 2010