As a International Human Rights Attorney and Political Science Professor what I have to offer is my knowledge of Politics, Nationalism, and Human Rights. So, I am offering my time and a course that is valued at $2800.00 per student for free. The only cost is a 55.00 registration fee because it is an online class.This is the Syllabus that will give us the knowledge to obtain autonomyAmerican Institute of International Law & DiplomacyOn line Course-Election Commission Training 101Tuesday 5:00-7:00PMSpring Quarter, 2010Instructor: Dr. Mustafa Ansari, B.A Political Science, J.D Office: (510) 545-7184On line www.africanation.org/moodle/ E-mail: dr.mustafaansari@gmail.comOffice Hours: By appointmentThe Power of Self is to Be, to Know, and to ServeREADINGS• UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples available at http://www.iwgia.org/sw248.asp Working Group on Indigenous People• International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (21 December 1965; Entry into force 4 January 1969)• UN Human Rights Resolution 60/147 Basic Principles for Victims, Reparations(Available on http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/humanrights.html)SUPPLEMENTAL READINGS• International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (16 December 1966; Entry into force 23 March 1976), Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (16 December 1966; Entry into force 23 March 1976), and Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,• International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (16 December 1966; Entry into force 3 January 1976), Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (10 December 2008; not yet entered into force)INTRODUCTION to Self-determinationThe American Institute of International Law & Diplomacy is an online Law School that trains lawyers, Human Rights Defenders, Election Commissioners and Human Rights Activist throughout the United States man. These content areas ensure that Human Rights advocates obtain the required knowledge, skills, and values needed to perform as competent Human Rights professional .Core CompetenciesIn accordance with the Declaration on Human rights Defenders, the American Institute of International Law & Diplomacy has 10 core competencies that all of its students must demonstrate mastery in across the micro-mezzo-macro continuum. Competency-based education is an outcome performance approach to curriculum design. Competencies are measurable practice behaviors that are comprised of knowledge, values, and skills. The goal of the outcome approach is to demonstrate the integration and application of the competencies in practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and the United NationsTEACHING METHODSTeaching methods will be seminar/interactive in nature. This course will incorporate lectures, power point presentations, dialogue, group activities, the internet, media, quizzes and possibly office funding and a training field trip. Students are expected to read the assignments and come prepared to ask questions of the instructor, and to discuss the material in class. Additionally, group assignments/experiences will be offered in which full participation is required. Students may also participate in additional extra credit activities.COURSE ASSIGNMENTS1. Group Activity/Presentation: The class will be divided into groups of three to four to which group activities are assigned. Each group will select a Self-Determination Convention, related to reparations, Self-determination or both.Groups will “meet” outside of class, in person, by phone, by e-mail or other internet based communication tools to discuss the right to self-determination and Reparations embedded in United Nation Convention.Students will demonstrate learning by the following:A. Presenting an analysis of the United Nation Convention or UN General Assembly Resolution by leading a class discussion on the principles remedies, possible applications, issues or social policy controversies presented by the UN Resolution or Convention, and any suggested resolution or not, and;B. Providing a handout to the class that outlines and illustrates the above. The group must demonstrate the full participation of each student member (i.e., provide a print out of email exchanges, etc.). Presentations are due as noted on the schedule. The class presentation may include Power Point, video, DVD, CD, or audio clips , or any other creative and interesting appropriate elements to illustrate and explain findings and conclusions.2. Students will choose an International professional journal article, published after 2008, relevant to a National Election. Students will write a critical analysis of the chosen article (see rubric) that is to include and list references. Some suggested topics are (but not limited to):3. Students will research and analyze the right to a UN structured Victims Trust Fund, or Presidential Order 13107.COURSE SCHEDULESchedule is subject to change with advance notice if warranted by any unforeseen circumstances, necessity, or needs required to meet the purpose of the course and listed content.Date Topic and AssignmentsWeek 11/26 Introduction to Course• Class Introductions• Overview of International Conventions• Hierarchy of law______________________________________________________________________________Week 22/2 History of the Africans in America• Lecture/PP Presentation Class discussion & participation• Professional Journal/Article Critique Topic DueRequired Reading DUE FOR CLASS TODAY: Can an Indigenous Vote Save the African Americans – Chapters 1_____________________________________________________________________________________Week 32/9 Indigenous Rights• Lecture/PP Presentation• Group selection of program due• 3 unit project choice of Autobiography/memoir reading selection dueRequired Reading DUE FOR CLASS TODAYText: Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples _________________________________________________________________________________Week 42/16EXAM #1 (Chapters 1, Declaration on Indigenous Rights; lecture notes• Exam Review and/or Video______________________________________________________________________________Week 52/23 TBA_____________________________________________________________________________Week 62/10 How to set up an Election Precinct••Required Reading DUE FOR CLASS TODAYText: TBA____________________________________________________________________________Week 72/17 Reparation under International Law• Lecture/PP Presentation Chapters 20-21 pp. 494-531• Professional Journal/Article Critique Due• EXAM #2 HAND OUTRequired Reading DUE FOR CLASS TODAYText: UN General Assembly Resolution 60/147______________________________________________________________________________Week 82/24 EXAM #2 lecture notes & PP presentations) TURN IN.Election Issues and Perspectives• Democracy (Hand Outs)• Indigenous Elections (Hand Outs)• Onward to a National Assembly (Hand Outs)Text: TBA______________________________________________________________________________Week 9 Guest Lecturer To Be Announced3/3• Project papers due__________________________________________________________________________________Week 103/10 PRESENTATIONS• Group Presentations (Minimum 15 min / maximum 20 min per group ONLY)______________________________________________________________________________Finals Week FINAL EXAM COMPREHENSIVE EXAM- 6:30 pm3/17
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  • West
    Upon completion of this course the student will exhibit the following outcomes:

    Knowledge: Election Commissioner

    1. Be able to explain a political identity ballot
    2. Be able to establish a ballot station,
    3. Be able to open up a local election office
    4. Understand the historical development of African American identity and self-determination .
    5. Become familiar with critical issues relevant to supervised elections,
    6. Media relations-We have our own radio station.
    7. Understand the difference between Civil rights and human rights outcomes.
    1. Establish election office.
    2. Demonstrate an understanding of the components of a democratic political system, International remedy of reparations, and the comparison with current African American status and the one proposed under indigenous status.
    3. Voters registration.
    4. Community organizing around specific ballot measures and issues.
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