-- In "I Hope He Fails" the author theorizes that the election of Barack Obama as the first African American President of the United States of America has served as a catharsis for the resurgence of racism and hate groups in America and that these two entities are being fueled by the rightwing media.Courageously taking on the biggest names in conservative talk radio and TV -
going where even politicians and the mainstream media dare not go. --
Walls, MS ( -- Robert J. Walker announces the release of his new book, I Hope He Fails. With all the paraphernalia being sold on the internet using the slogan, "I Hope
He Fails," referring to Rush Limbaugh's statement, made shortly after Barack
Obama won the 2008 presidential election to become the first African American
elected President of the United States, at first glance one would probably
conclude that this new book, I Hope He Fails was yet another rightwing
attack on President Barack Obama. However, when you read the subtitle you
instantly get a clear picture of the content of this book.
country during the 2008 election. I was in Ethiopia, Africa training teachers. I
voted in the 2008 election by absentee ballot. When I returned to America, I was
surprised and hurt by all the anger and false accusations hurled at the
President by the conservative right. That is what inspired me to write this
book. I wrote I Hope He Fails as a play on Rush Limbaugh's words - to
defuse his statement and as a trumpet call to awaken people of faith and good
will who have fallen asleep after the 2008 election. If those of us who went to
the polls in 2008 to elect President Obama, especially those of us in a minority
group; whether religion, race, gender, or sexual preference, if we want to
continue to have a voice in this government, we must recharge the zeal we had
during the 2008 campaign. We must rally around the President and push back
against those on the radical far right and Tea Party movement who want to take
the country back to the 1950s when everything in America was, 'for whites only.'"
Throughout the pages of this controversial book, the author walks the sensitive tight rope of the three most divisive issues in America: Race, Religion, and Politics to make the argument that hate in America towards
President Barack Obama is being fueled by the rightwing media. The author
believes that Rush Limbaugh leads the Republican Party and the rightwing attack
against President Obama.
Walker says, "The book also gives my somber and revealing assessment of how I believe the rightwing media has joined forces with the Religious and Political Right in establishing a 'Legion' for the purpose of destroying the Presidency of Barack Obama. I compare the rightwing media to the demon named Legion as found in Mark 5:1-18 and Luke 8:28-39. Throughout the book, I give current event
examples to support my hypothesis that the rightwing media has polarized the
country on the lines of Race, Religion, and Politics so much to the point that
nothing is getting done in Washington, D.C. for the good of the American
Walker concludes by say, "With a Black man in the White House, the conservative rightwing media has a perfect hate target to attack each day on their radio and TV talk shows. If anything should happen to President Barack Obama, his blood will be on their hands."
About the Author:
Dr. Robert J. Walker is the recipient of the 2009 President's Volunteer Service Award and was selected the International Foundation for Education and Self-Help (IFESH) organization Outstanding Educator
of the Year 2008-2009 for the year he served in Ethiopia, Africa training
college teachers. He is chair of the Department of Education at Southwest
Tennessee Community College - the largest community college in the state of
About the Book:
I Hope He Fails
By Robert J. Walker
$14.95 paperback 164 pages
ISBN 978-0-557-40752-1
Available online at,,, or