I am a Revolutionary

I Am A Revolutionary


I am a revolutionary

Before man black





I am a revolutionary I am a Revolutionary

revolution or death

Whatever comes first

Don’t matter

Test me

Kill me and I shall return

Like Garvey

In the Whirlwind

haunt you

Curse you

Spit in your face

For your decadence

putrid life style

Of nothingness and dread

a stunted man woman child

Too pitiful to stand erect

Homo erectus

You rather slither snake like

Before Pharaoh and his magicians

Not me

Take me to your dungeons

Where humanity lives

brothers finally come together in unity

the black hole of Santa Rita County Jail

they show love for each other

they read and share all they have

zoo zoos and wham whams

gourmet meals they cook and beg you to eat

precious food they starve for each day

Spending the day searching cooking sharing

Raman noodles and Doritos into casserole

Divided shared for all

the black hole

you must shower your funk or die

They knew me

Passed me on the street selling books

Said they were high priced too

So I knew they passed by

I am a revolutionary

I teach in jail

Like on the street

no difference

A punk out here is a punk in there

A warrior here is a warrior in the dungeon

I am a revolutionary

I stand on the shoulders of George, Eldridge, Huey,

Booker, Alonzo Batin


Aaron Ali

Ali Sharif Bey

Brother Edward who raised the college generation single handed

Men unknown who stood up to the beast at every turn

I am a revolutionary

I fear nothing

Want nothing from you

Your money your women your drugs


You cannot buy me

I am not for sell

You sold the last negro long ago

I am not the one

I am a revolutionary

Only warrior women can stand beside me

Women in the tradition of Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Ida B. Wells, Mae Mallory, Fannie Lou Hamer, Queen Mother Moore, Ella Collins, Clara Muhammad, Betty Shabazz, Angela Davis

Stand with me warrior women

To the death or to the life

I am a revolutionary

I bring forth a new world order

With the consent of the governed

No dictatorship

No presidents for life


Prime ministers for life

No tribal domination

No religiosity

Only plain truth

Simple for a child to understand

No pyramid scheme

No trickle down Voodoo economics

Let power trickle up

Bottom rail top


I am a revolutionary

I am beyond your tricks and games

Your slimy schemes and dreams

Of delay postponement pseudo stability

No delay

No stalling

Up against the wall motherfucker

Baraka said

This is revolution

I am a revolutionary.

--Marvin X


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