
How Will Chicago Radio & Media Treat The Legendary R&B Group "THEIMPRESSIONS" New Hit Christmas CD "I'm Coming Home For Christmas?"


One of the first community organizers to work with Barack Obama in Chicago for over 20 years. Now AssociateEditor of The South Street Journal Newspaper and 37 yearactivist/journalist, recently selected as 2010 Who's Who In BlackChicago.

The legendary R&B group THE IMPRESSIONS built their career in Chicagoand their music and their participation were an intergral part of TheChicago and Civil Rights Movement and yet while radio stations acrossthe country were giving rave reviews and playing the new reunionChristmas CD of The Impressions, they did not get what I expected fromChicago radio and media. ANYONE WHO LISTENS TO THEIR CHRISTMAS SONG "I'mComing Home For Christmas" would know that this song should fit intoANY Chicago radio station's format as they are now featuring Christmasmusic, and I hope this year that Chicago radio and media will treat THEIMPRESSIONS better, and can start by immediately adding to theirChristmas music playlists their new Christmas hit "I'm Coming Home ForChristmas." We should not have to beg Chicago radio and media on how totreat the reunion CD of a legendary R&B group "THE IMPRESSIONS" asdeep as their roots are with Chicago.

Mark S. Allen
Local Consultant 773-392-0165

Reginald Torian, member of The Impressions 708-299-1150

The Impressions

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NEW CHRISTMAS CD! "I'M COMING HOME FOR CHRISTMAS" First new recording in25 Years!!!

Chicago Contact: Mark S. Allen @773-392-0165

Reginald Torian, member of The Impressions 708-299-1150

10.16.09 | REVIEW - I'm Coming Home For Christmas (

Impressions - I'm Coming Home For Christmas - Mega Force
The long awaited newalbum from the Impressions issued in plenty of time for the 2009yuletide festivities. These are the first new recordings issued bythe Impressions since 1993 and the return of their lead singerReggie Torian (member who replaced Curtis Mayfield) after an absenceof 25 years and as you will hear it's great to have him back. Asuperb new version of their hit 'Amen' begins this yuletide feast.Reggie, Fred & Sam are backed by John P Kee and the New LifeSingers on some of these cuts. The title track 'I'm Coming Home ForChristmas' written for them by Geoff Smith bass guitarist/ engineerat Studio East where this fine album was recorded and this songshould rise to become a big hit and remain one of the future seasonannuals. The traditional songs 'God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen', ''HaveYourself A Merry Little Christmas', 'White Christmas' and 'WinterWonderland' are all given a contemporary flavour by the Impressions(who all take their turn on lead vocals), the instrumentation andthe great production values of Tim Eaton and FredCash.

Every one of the fifteen tracks has a yuletide aspect that will appeal to different family members. It was actuallycut a couple of years back for their own ReBirth Music label andjust missed last Christmas release. It has been re-sequenced sincethen and is that bit better for it. The Impressions have legions offans worldwide who should get the message in time for Christmas tobuy this great album for themselves and as stocking fillers fortheir friends. It is the absolute best Christmas album for many ayear! - And one less present to have to find. They are after all thebest vocal group on planet earth. This is all the music you willneed this Christmas and for quite a few to come.
Peter Burns

Mark S. Allen
Local Consultant 773-392-0165
Reginald Torian, member of The Impressions 708-299-1150

Soul-Patrol Newsletter

SPN: Soul/R&B - Impressions, New Release - Im Coming Home for Christmas,Rod Stewart, Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame, Curtis Mayfield, Jerry Butler,Fred Cash, Sam Gooden, Vocal Group Hall of Fame"

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NEW RELEASE - Impressions - I'm Coming Home for Christmas

NEW RELEASE - Impressions - I'm Coming Home for Christmas

"Ilistened to the album, I'm Coming Home for Christmas and of course itis excellent. We would expect nothing less from the Impressions ..."--Bob Davis

For more info, check it out here: NEW RELEASE - Impressions - I'm Coming Home for Christmas

Welcome To The Soul-Patrol Newsletter

How About Giving Some "BROWN EYED SOUL" A Litlle Consideration? (Impressions - I'm Coming Home for Christmas)

A few weeks ago we did a rather critical and detailed review of the new album by Rod Stewart called "SoulBook." Some of you all wrote back to me and while you agreed with the overallreview, you asked me what I would reccomend as an alternative for theholiday gift giving season.

As luck would have it I got atelephone call from Fred Cash, one of the founding members of theImpressions, about a week ago. I had met Fred several years ago at theVocal Group Hall of Fame ceremonies in Wildwood, NJ and of course hisson often performs with our own Martha Redbone. He told me that theImpressions had just released their very first Christmas album called "I'm Coming Home for Christmas." Fred wanted me to check it out for a possible feature on Soul-Patrol.

I listened to the album and of course it is excellent. We would expect nothing less from the Impressions.

The release of "I'm Coming Home for Christmas."is also quite ironic, coming right on the heels of the Rod Stewartrelease (remember he is probably most famous for his cover of "PeopleGet Ready") and also the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame concert runningcurrently on HBO which prominently features the song "People Get Ready,"but strangely enough fails to feature the Impressions.

Scroll down to read a press release about the Impressions newalbum entitled; "I'm Coming Home For Christmas," as well as a detailed album review from yours truly.

Let's give some "brown eyed soul" a chance....

Thanks in advance...Check this stuff out and let us know what cha think?

--Bob Davis

PRESS RELEASE: The Impressions 2009

NEW RELEASE - Impressions - I'm Coming Home for Christmas"TheImpressions, who are world-reowned performers and a legendary vocalgroup, have solld over 60 million records throughout their many years ofperforming around the world. They have toured with many other legendaryartists such as the great Eric Clapton as well as having the pleasureof recording an album with him which is called "Reptile".

Theimpressons are also thrilled to have had the opportunity to have playedat Camage Hall in New York with artists such as; Elton John, Sting,James Taylor, Tom Jones, Ricky Martin, Gladys Knight and Stevie Wonder.At the end of that particular show, all of the artists came on stage tojoin in with The Impressions in singing their hit song, Amen

TheImpressions were inducted into The Rock N Roll Hall of Fame in 1991 andalso into the Vocal Group Hall of Fame in 2003. The Impressions werealso honored by being inducted int the Rhythm and Blues Foundation andrecieving the prestigious Pioneer Award amondothers too many to list.

The Impressions are proud of the musicthat they have recorded over the years including their hit songs like;Keep On Pushing, Were A Winner, Choice of Color, This Is My Country,Mighty Mighty Spade and Whitey, and the great People Get Ready. Thesesongs have played a big part in the civil rights movement. TheImpressions were also proud to have been part of the move Three The HardWay. They also performed the title soundtrack to the movie startringthe great NFL players Jim Brown and Fred Williason. The Impressions alsohad a feature part in the movie thanks to their good friend Jim Brown.

Inclosing, The Impressions have been Musca ambassadors and advocates forlove, peace and justice for all people. Fred Cash and Sam Goodenconsider it an honor that the songs they have recorded along with CurtisMayfield have had such an impact on the world. the Imp;ressions, whichnow consists of Fred Cash, Sam Gooden andReginald Torian are still sccessful and performing over 100 concertsevery year and still selling out venues all over the world. They willKeep On Pushing.

ALBUM REVIEW: I'm Coming Home for Christmas

NEW RELEASE - Impressions - I'm Coming Home for ChristmasEachyear it seems that there is a whole lotta new Christmas music that isreleased. As a person who is at least peripherally involved in the musicbusiness, I can understand why that is.

Simply put, it is a wayfor artists & labels to put "new product" into the marketplace veryeasily. And if that "new product" can somehow catch on with the public,you will havequite literally created for yourself "a gift that keeps on giving,"because it creates a yearly revenue stream that can last forever.

Howeveras a music consumer, the perspective is quite different. There isn't asingle time in my life that I can recall thinking to myself "I have acompelling need to hear some new Christmas music because the Christmasmusic that I already have isn't enough for me."

Enter the Impressions (including original members Fred Cash & Sam Gooden) , with their VERY FIRST CHRISTMAS ALBUM....

Thefirst thing I think to myself is; "wow the Impressions." They arecertainly one of the legendary "brands" in Black music and almostrequire no explanation. The music of the Impressions is quite literallythe "Soundtrack of the Civil Rights Movement." Everyone knows theirmusic regardless of age, race, religion, nationality, politicalaffiliation, etc. The Impressions also play a key role in the history ofBlackmusic for being the launching pad of the solo careers of legendaryartists like Jerry Butler and Curtis Mayfield.

--Their music is sensual, without being sexual: "Gypsy Woman"
--Their music is spiritual, without being religious: "Amen"
--Their music is political, without being partisan: "We're A Winner"
--Their music is pro black, without being anti white: "Choice of Colors"

Assoon as I place the album into my CD player and the first song (I'mComing Home (For Christmas) starts playing, I get a nice warm feelinginside. As you can see most of the songs are the traditional Christmassongs that we all know and love so well. Some of the songs have a "jazzarrangement," some have a "gospel arrangement" and some have a "classicsoul arrangement." Regardless of the arrangement of the individualsongs, at the heart of the matter is the vocal group harmony of theImpressions themselves that we have come to know and love over theyears.

Bottom line is that the album I'm Coming Home for Christmas, bythe Impressions, is quite literally "comfort food for your ears." Ihighly recommend it.

Today as we are facing multiple wars,widespread unemployment, global warming, widespreadcorporate/governmental corruption, and more. In 2009 we live in asociety that is simultaneously in denial about just how bad things areand increasingly dealing with reality of just how bad things are.

This is a good time for the Impressions to return to the scene. We need their message of hope and potential just as much today as we needed it during the 1960's.The fact that it takes the form of a Christmas album, is perhapsironic, but if you think about it for a moment, perhaps that is the onlyway that our advanced and troubled society is even capable of receivingthat message in2009?

TRACK LISTING: Impressions - I'm Coming Home for Christmas

1. I'm Coming Home (For Christmas)
2. Winter Wonderland
3. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
4. This Christmas
5. The Christmas Song
6. Christmas Just Ain't Christmas
7. White Christmas
8. Deck The Halls
9. Mary, Did You Know
10. Amen
11. Please Come Home For Christmas 12. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
13. Got Tell It On The Mountain
14. Sweet Little Jesus Boy
15. Fred's Lullaby (Silent Night)

Pick up on it via at the following link: Impressions - I'm Coming Home for Christmas

--Bob Davis

--Bob Davis

If you have a news item, update, review, commentary, etc that you would like to submit to theSoul-Patrol Newsletter, please send them via email for consideration to:

Hopefully you enjoyed this edition of the Soul-Patrol Newsletter.
We will be back soon with the next edition, with email alerts for localevents, Soul-Patrol website updates/chat sessions or breaking news inbetween, as required.

If you have any comments, questions, etc feel free to drop me an email and let me know what's on your mind.
Bob Davis

Soul-Patrol Email Blast/Sponsorship Oppurtunities:

If you or your organization is has a need to reach Soul-Patrol Newsletterreaders (Soul, Funk, Jazz, Blues, Rock n Roll fans) on a worldwidebasis, then you may be interested in talking with us about doing atargeted email blast. They are inexpensive and highly effective forannouncing a new CD, concerts, website launches, new products, new orexisting businesses, etc.
We also have sponsorship oppurtunitiesavailable for Soul-Patrol's Website, Soul-Patrol's Daily InteractiveMailing List and the Soul-Patrol's Newsletter.
Contact us for the current rate schedules via

Bob Davis - Soul-Patrol
798 Woodlane Rd
Suite 10264
Mount Holly, NJ08060

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