My favorite holiday falls on February 13th and that holiday is, drum roll pleeeeaaaase...
From the moment I discovered Black Love Day and met Ayo Handy-Kendi, the creator of the holiday, I have been applying the tenets to my life. This profound holiday focuses on 24 hours of love in action practicing Love for the Creator, Love for yourself, Love for your family, Love your community, Love for the Black Race.
Click here for a how-to guide for those interested in observing
Black Love Day today and every day!

Supporting Black-Owned Businesses is another way you can celebrate Black Love Day. Below you will see exactly "why you should" and "how you can".
Why You Should Support Black-Owned Businesses on Black Love Day
There are 365 days in a year and if buying Black is a lifestyle, then you are already ahead of the game. But, if you are behind the curve and you are not buying black regularly (at least on a weekly basis), then Black Love Day is the perfect day to replace a known name brand with a Black brand.
Choosing to spend your Black dollars with a Black-owned Business on Black Love Day is an effective way to practice all 5 of the tenets. It is truly a blessing to be a blessing and when you buy Black, you are in essence blessing a business with your support. You are helping to create jobs that contribute to the local economy, positively impacting your community. This is the time to be intentional about supporting Black businesses and other institutions like banks, HBCUs, non-profits, and community organizations.
How You Can Support Black-Owned Businesses on Black Love Day
I'm going to start you off with the obvious - subscribe to my newsletter and YouTube channel! I never want you to miss an interview with a Black entrepreneur or an honest product review from a Black-owned Brand.
GOOGLE. Google "Black-owned", "Black businesses", or "Black businesses near me" and watch the information be delivered to you. PRO TIP: The more your use Google to search for "Black-owned Businesses", the more advertisements for Black-owned Businesses will begin to appear on social media and in more Google ads placed on the websites you visit most.
I always refer people to their local African American Chamber of Commerce. Most major cities have chambers for Black entrepreneurs to network with one another. On a national level, there is the National Black Chamber of Commerce and US Black Chambers, Inc. I follow both on social media as well as the one located in my hometown.
There are various apps, directories, and online marketplaces committed to providing you with access to thousands of Black-owned businesses providing both products and services. Here is a short list:
Instagram is such an excellent tool for finding start-ups and smaller, independent Black-owned shops to support. A simple hashtag search using #SupportBlackBusiness, #BlackOwned, or #BuyBlack will yield numerous results. Use the bookmark IG provides to save items you see and may want to buy later.

Create the change you want to see by practicing Group Economics rooted in love, Black Love this Black Love Day and every day. Tap the video below for an inspiring message from me to you for Black Love Day.
Need more resources like this to help you Buy Black? Sign up for the Daily Black Business Newsletter here so you never have to miss a blog post, interview, or an honest product review. Get Minority Report news and a few coupons delivered directly to your inbox!