Hail Trumplandia!

In quest to make America great again, I have to remove many obstacles. The first is the name, America. Do you know the name America includes many other countries including a bunch of shithole countries?  How disgusting! So, from now on, America will become Trumplandia. Citizens of Trumplandia will be white only. Blacks and all non-whites, immigrantsand Muslims, will continue to be Americans.

As for the impeachment inquiry, sure it was ‘quid  pro quo’. I have abandoned that old America policy for my new Trumplandia policy. And do not think for a moment that the Ukraine is the only country I have used it on? How do you think I got those countries to go along with our Venezuela sanctions policy? Take Jamaica, for instance. They were reluctant. But, when I threatened them with banning certain of their most respected citizens from ever setting foot on Trumplandia again by withdrawing their visas, and actually started to follow through with it, they stabbed Venezuela in the back on my orders.  I did not even have to threaten economic sanctions on these individuals like I have done with Iran.  From now on Jamaica will do whatever I tell them.

This new Trumplandia policy is great. Instead of impeaching me, they should be crowning me. But give them time. They will learn. Soon, because of this policy, all I have to do is snap my fingers and countries will snap to attention. This includes even NATO countries. As a matter of fact, in deference to me, NATO will no longer mean North Atlantic Treaty Organisation but will become North Atlantic Trump Organisation. Oh my faithful Trumplandians, I am so fantastic!

Editor, Hot Calaloo
1."Leave the Rat Race to the Rats"
2. "Boycott Money and Save Your Soul
- Launching The Goodwill Revolution".
3. "Poems For Husbands and Other Underdogs"


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About the Author
Michael Irving Phillips has kept abreast of Jamaican and the rest of the Caribbean by his one-man production of Hot Calaloo, a newsletter about Caribbean news and views. From April 1992 to December 1999, it was published monthly and was transferred to the web at hotcalaloo.com since then.

He was born in Jamaica and left home for Howard University in the US where he received MA (Education) and BS (Chemistry) degrees. Previous books includes :"A Jamaica Poor No More", "Boycott Money And Save Your Soul – Launching The Goodwill Revolution:, “Leave the Rat Race To The Rats” and “Poems for Husbands and Other Underdogs

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