Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani’s  vicious attack on President Obama’s patriotism is obviously racially motivated. Obama has spent both terms trying to appease Republicans at the expense of the principles for which he stood as a candidate. But this attack is not political as the president is a lame duck. It is racist. If being president is no safeguard against racism, how is it for ordinary black folk?

Of course these prominent racists like Giuliani are not overt about their racism. Some like egomaniac Donald Trump use ‘birthers’ as a cloak screen.(Birthers claim Obama was not born in the US.)  

  • That bomber of schools, Israeli President Netanyahu, had the nerve to  lecture Obama in public when Netanyahu  was a guest here, which he would do to no other president. Why?
  • The number of smears and  insults levelled at Obama is unprecedented. Why?  
  • No other president has to put up with such disrespect as Obama. Why?  ?

Because Obama is black.

Many of us were euphoric when Obama won. But the racists were incensed because he is black. As a black person, I am well schooled in recognizing racism. I see through you Giuliani and others of your ilk even though you are not wearing your white hoods.

 For more info on Giuliani check out the following:

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About the Author
Michael Irving Phillips has kept abreast of Jamaican and the rest of the Caribbean by his one-man production of Hot Calaloo, a newsletter about Caribbean news and views. From April 1992 to December 1999, it was published monthly and was transferred to the web at since then.

He was born in Jamaica and left home for Howard University in the US where he received MA (Education) and BS (Chemistry) degrees. Previous books includes :"A Jamaica Poor No More", "Boycott Money And Save Your Soul – Launching The Goodwill Revolution:, “Leave the Rat Race To The Rats” and “Poems for Husbands and Other Underdogs

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