Hi Everyone, Hope that all is well with you. I am peeking up from a dreadful chest cold which hlas literally forced me to bed for over a week. Up I come ready to get to work raising funds for a trip to Libya. Our scheduled trip was halted because of the Obama Sanctions which for bid acceptance of any finances or other assistance from Libya. We have to engineer our own fund raising drive to make the trip previously scheduled for last Thursday. We are the new age Freedom Riders (Boats to Gaza) enroute to Africa to join hands with other freedom loving people who oppose the invasion of North Afria, Lybia by greedy USA and Europe.
This is a fact finding mission consisting of a team of folk lead by Cynthia McKinney. Most of us are from the USA but there are folk from Canada and other sectors of the West. It would be great to have you join us. We will fly into Tunisia and from there figure away into Libya. We had hoped to be there in the time period of the African Union but no go from Obama madness. This was hte week of April 15.
I don't have to explain to anyone that our presence in Libya is beneficial to promoting the actual situation as eye witness to the present European invasion of North and West Africa in the name of democratic rights and ideals or to keep African folk from killing themselves. There is of course the misconception that these invaders are legitimate under international law. Talk of a UN mandate, Arab League approval. As we know the Arab League did not respond in full only 11 of 22 nations listened to the aims and objectives of this invasion and of these eleven, two refused to sign on. In fact Algeria and Syria vehemently opposed this reckless proposal. Are we talking of an Arab League or just the same Saudi lead do what we are told group of Arab states?
Is the UN Security Council representative of African and other third world nations who form the largest group of nations represented not America and European states? Africa has 54 nation States and none of these supported this violent invasion into North Africa. What role does the General Assembly play in reality? This invasion is a slap in the face with a threat of the same to you for members of the African Union. The UN has a number of truly questionable ventures in which it is presently engaged. Most infamously is one of our closet neighbors, the Republic of Haiti. I think that we must challenge the UN to become what its founders proposed not to continue acting as an agent for western capital.
Tripoli is the most populated city in Libya. I cannot imagine it being pounded by bombs without a heavy toll on the citizens who reside there. We will do whatever is necessary to bring comfort to the People of Libya. Somewhere there is an old scriptures which I am paraphrasing here: 'No greater love has any man (people) than this to lay down their lives for their fellow men and women'. We are not suicidal. Rather we are committed to letting the world know that we are not guilty of these horrendous illegal genocidal pathologies carried out in the name of the American people. We stand with hands on the wheels of justice. Our hands are clean.
One of my objectives is to speak to some of the local Imams about financing this venture. Its rather costly with air and hotel/food costs all to be provided by each Freedom Rider. It is my aim with your assistance to raise $3000 to cover my share of costs for this trip. If anyone has contact information for local Imam who might consider taking the Freedom Rides to Libya up with there Mosque, please forward that information to me.
If you can assist with my trip, please send check via pay pay to coliaclarkdn@aol.com This is not tax exempt. Checks can also be sent to Colia Clark, P.O.Box 1651 FDR Station, New York, New York 10022. I will pick-up donations in New York City, if you call 646-657-7207 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 646-657-7207 end_of_the_skype_highlighting. We need this immediately. Thank you for your continued support.
In Lasting Solidarity,
Colia L Clark