Never before in the history of America have citizens become so alarmed over the direction our nation is going. many have awakened to a new reality that an elite clique of super rich has taken control of what once was a constitutional republic. This criminal elite has rigged our election systems,jettisoned many of the protections afforded the citizenry in our Bill of Rights, and become the virtual dictators of our once, great country.
Banding together in an illegal financial cartel and political combination, the elite have conspired to deconstruct the United States, terminate our national independence and sovereignty, and integrate our land into their infamously planned New world Order. Through financial machinations, these international outlaws are systematically devaluing the dollar currency; they have become the Money Masters of wall Street; and our Congress and legislatures do their bidding.
Through propaganda and financial fraud, the elite have bankrupted our treasury, taken trillions of dollars for themselves, increased our taxes, and run public debt tounbearable levels. Still, they want more. They ultimately seek the death of America, intending to bury the wasted corpse once and for all.
Terrible things the Elite have done to us.
YES, we can make America a great nation once again, a prosperous and shining city on a hill and beacon of light for a desperate world. OVERTHROW the responsible.
And the only way to do it is to all speak out. Voices get louder as they gather together making differences.
Remember the movie "ANTS". If not, you must watch it. Let's be loud!
No. Islam is best defined as Submission to and Acceptance of Divine Intervention.
I do agree with this.
I am talking about Islam in which GOD Almighty Intervened on behalf of the suffering slaves of Arabia, Africa, Asia and Europe. It took centruies for slavery to disappear in most of these lands. But, eventaully it came to America. Now, it is generally accepted that slavery is not acceptable in any place in this world.
I disagree with this.Religion is not the answer as religion itself is slavery and sne cold for real slavery is alive and well all over the world as we speak.
In the case of Divime Intervention, we already have it. But, many do not relaize it. The reason so many fail to see it is that they expect an ideal solution in which GOD will simply put an end to the mess. Maybe that will happen. Maybe not. The thing to understand is that a realistic solution is already in place. Being relaistic and not idealistic, it is not obvious overnight. But, if we look at it over a period of time, we see the solution in progress.
I am talking about Islam in which GOD Almighty Intervened on behalf of the suffering slaves of Arabia, Africa, Asia and Europe. It took centruies for slavery to disappear in most of these lands. But, eventaully it came to America. Now, it is generally accepted that slavery is not acceptable in any place in this world.
But, similar injustices still do exist. And, it by the same principles of Justice, Divine Justice, that we fight all injustice.
You may know about these issues whole heartedly.
There are too many out there who are just stumped. Were waking up the sleeping as much as possible.
It will be new to them for sure. This is new if folks don't know yet. There are too many out there sleeping.
Thank You for your comment.