Kemet (Egypt) is the oldest country in the world as it has at least 6000 years of recorded history - Kemet (Egypt) is centrally located in relation to other concentrated population centers in Europe, Asia and Africa for that Kemet (Egypt) set in the middle of commercial, invasion and migration routes . When we look at the map of the world we can say that Kemet (Egypt) occupies the northeast corner of Africa or the land between the Red sea and The Mediterranean Sea. Its existence is bound up with our Nile Nation’s river, so because of Nile River Kemet (Egypt) is a vibrant country with 85 million inhabitants,in the words of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus *Egypt is the gift of the Nile* . The Geographic Of Egypt land can be divided into five regions: The Nile Valley, The Nile Delta, The Western Desert, The Eastern Desert and The Sinai Peninsula. In all Kemet Travel program either the study program or the adventure one, we will notes this geographic remarkable notes especially in adventure to let our clients combine or blend on the itinerary according to their holiday’s days. The Nile River enters Egypt from Sudan, to the south but its headwaters lie in the lakes of Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, and Tanzania and in the Ethiopian Highlands. It is the longest river in the World; it has long eased the transport of people and goods in Egypt and part of Sudan . The Nile Delta lies along Egypt `s northern coast , where the river empties into the Mediterranean sea. A widening flat area totaling some 8,500 square miles (22 thousand ) it has been built up over time as the Nile deposited sediment near the river `s mouth . The Western Desert constitutes more than two – thirds of Egypt `s total land area, the western desert is an extension of the Libyan Desert and hence the easternmost part of the Sahara.The population density of Egypt `s deserts is about 1 person per 2,5 Square miles (6 ) . The Eastern desert does not resemble its western counterpart .The western and the northern hills contain lower , limestone plateau . Its mountainous south is closely related to the Red sea hills.The southern Sinai is especially renowned for Jabal Katrina (Mount Saint Catherine, the side of the famous Greek orthodox monastery of that name) .
So if It can be said that nature plays favorites, then EGYPT was her favorite Child. There are several geographical features which combine to make this a unique land.
1-An isolated land Ancient Egypt was isolated from the rest of the world by its Topography. To the west was a vast desert. To the north was the Mediterranean. To the east was the red sea. There were only two points of entry into Egypt aside from sea Routes. A. The south. The Nubians to the south of Egypt often proved to be troublesome, but they were rarely a match for the more advanced military of Egypt.
B. The Northeast. Most of the invaders who came against Egypt Moved down through Palestine and then across the northern section of the Sinai Peninsula. To counter this threat, the Egyptians built a line of fortresses along the western edge of the Sinai. 2. The Nile River. The Nile is the longest river in the world. It flows from three Branches: The Blue Nile, The White Nile and the Atbara. They join far south of Egypt to become a single river a mile wide. Just as the surrounding deserts and oceans gave Egypt Security, so the Nile gave Egypt prosperity. The Nile was almost wholly responsible for Egypt economy.
A - It made Egypt an agricultural nation.
The Nile River flooded on a regular basis each year, depositing rich sediments on the plains. Crops were planted in the fertile soil as soon as the river had receded. The result was a full harvest.
B - It determined all real estate values.
The value of land was determined by how close to the Nile it was located and whether or not it was flooded annually.
C. It provided transportation.
Ancient Egypt was made up of a long narrow strip of land over 700 miles long and only a few miles wide. The Nile was the unifying factor of Egypt. It provided the best means of north-south transportation. This factor led to the political unity of Egypt very early in her history. The Nile might have also served as a path for invading forces from the south, had it not been for the many waterfalls to the south of Egypt.
3. The climate of Egypt.
Because of the warm climate and the rich, fertile soil, the Egyptians were able to take life rather leisurely .This gave them time to engage in philosophy, religion, and Developments in architecture, astronomy and mathematics. Egypt sees very little rainfall. Its water comes from the mountains of central Africa, many hundreds of miles to the South. This dry climate has brought the added benefit in the preservation of thousands of monuments and papyrus scrolls. Many archaeologists used to mistakenly believe that the People of Palestine were mostly illiterate. The truth is that, except for a few areas around the shores of the Dead Sea, papyrus has a very short life span in Palestine due to its high humidity. The absence of papyrus documents in Palestine is not a sign of illiteracy, but only the lack of longevity in the documents. Egypt did not suffer from this problem. The dry climate was perfect for the preservation of papyrus. It is for this reason that some of our oldest copies of the Bible were found in Egypt. We have already contrasted the geography of the Mesopotamian river valley with that of the Nile, but it would be well to repeat some of those points of contrast.