World African Diaspora Union (WADU) ;
“We need citizenship to rebuild our Ancestral Homeland” emphasized Baba John Watusi Branch, Chief Secretariat of the World African Diaspora Union (WADU) while returning from Senegal, just one of his 100 plus business
missions to Africa over the last four decades.
“Dual-citizenship is the utmost concern and aspiration of the African Diaspora
now residing in Africa contributing their skills and investments to empower
Africa.” Baba Watusi Branch will be part of the
delegation with other WADU leaders to Washington, D.C. on June 16, 2010 for a
press conference and then to Africa’s Capitol to meet with African leaders,
faith leaders, students and Pan African activists in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The WADU press conference in Washington on June 16, 2010 is its formal announcement of its mission to Africa in July “to initiate a new era in the Pan African Movement for Africa’s economic reconstruction and second liberation
based upon Pan Africanism”, stressed Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Vice President of
WADU. Dr. Jeffries also pressed this point on his recent visit to the French Caribbean
island of
Martinique promoting Pan
Africanism and reparations during Africa Month in May. According to WADU African
Diaspora Declaration (ADD) during Africa Month 2010, WADU intends to fully
engage the African Diaspora in a 21st century Pan African economic
campaign to create new opportunities and promote new networks for trade,
businesses and investments across the African world. The Africa Month ADD
stressed the importance of the mobilization of African Diaspora human capital,
financial capital and its people for the rebuilding of our Motherland. Finally,
the Declaration is urging the African Union to prioritize the African Diaspora
for dual-citizenship, political representation, and business
Ambassador Dudley Thompson, President of WADU also recently arriving from both Senegal and Ghana to celebrate Africa Day and the contributions of Dr. Cheik Anta Diop and Dr.
Kwame Nkrumah to Pan Africanism has consistently pointed to the African Union to
take actions granting “passport as a citizen of a United Africa.” The President
sent an appeal during Africa Month for Diaspora leaders to support the African
Diaspora Declaration urging the AU to redouble its efforts to reintegrate the
African Diaspora in the African Union.
The mission to Ethiopia in July 2010 will mark the 110th anniversary of the formal launching of the Pan African Movement. The first Pan African Congress in 1900 was strongly
inspired by the victory of Ethiopia over Italian imperialism in Africa in 1895
and was then supported by victorious Emperor Menelik 11 of Ethiopia The forging
of the union of African states as the Organization of African Unity (OAU) on
May25, 1963, now the African Union is so far the single the most important
achievement of African people to protect, preserve and promote African
interests, including those scattered across the world.
For more information to participate in the press conference in Washington, D.C. or the 2010 Summit in Ethiopia contact us at WADUPAM.ORG or
wadupam@aol.comRoman"">. Also, call our office in New
York at 718-523-3312 or in Atlanta, GA at
404-822-2049 Min. P.D.
Menelik - 718-523-3312/404-527-7756/WADUPAM.ORG