Cuba Should Break Diplomatic Relations with The US

Racist President Trump hates  Obama and is intent on undoing everything President Obama has done. A good example is his attempt to repeal Obamacare even if it meant 26 million Americans would lose their health insurance. He withdrew US from the Climate Accords in Paris. There are many more examples.

Obama renewed diplomatic ties with Cuba. Now this anti-latino, anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, anti-immigrant racist US president will probably undo that by breaking those ties. Before he does that, Cuba should break diplomatic relations on the grounds of the Trunmp’s bias against  non-white countries citing sanctions against Venezuela as an example. These diplomatic ties would be restored when Trump presents evidence that his personal bias will not govern his foreign policy. Lifting the blockade would be a good example.

Let’s face it, white racism was prevalent in Cuba before Castro. Many white racist Cubans fled to Florida after the revolution. Many of the opposition to Maduro in Venezuela  comes from the white privileged racist upper class. There is a pattern here. Let’s not minimize what a malicious powerful white racist president Trump can do with foreign relations. Cuba needs to sever relations and beat him to the punch.

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About the Author
Michael Irving Phillips has kept abreast of Jamaican and the rest of the Caribbean by his one-man production of Hot Calaloo, a newsletter about Caribbean news and views. From April 1992 to December 1999, it was published monthly and was transferred to the web at since then.

He was born in Jamaica and left home for Howard University in the US where he received MA (Education) and BS (Chemistry) degrees. Previous books includes :"A Jamaica Poor No More", "Boycott Money And Save Your Soul – Launching The Goodwill Revolution:, “Leave the Rat Race To The Rats” and “Poems for Husbands and Other Underdogs

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