3828595385?profile=originalFor a basic introduction to a proactive approach to personal finance, I highly recommend 10 Things College Students Need to Know About Money by Shay Olivarria.

LeShelle A.Smith | I have been sitting on this book, waiting for the right time to post my book review and after seeing the extravagance my people exercise during prom season, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to reign some folks back into reality. 

Stuntin’ on social media is not what’s hot. Real rap. My vernacular may be dated, so let me say this another way. Renting, borrowing, leasing, pretending and spending money you don’t have to take photographs of material possessions that you can’t afford to impress other people, hoping to go viral on the internet for 4 seconds of “fame” is not wisdom. Flat out.

Allow me to give you a disclaimer: I have been a self-sufficiency program facilitator for 6 years. I advocate for entrepreneurship and against poverty, assisting individuals as they acquire resources on their path towards building wealth. Before I became a facilitator, I was a program participant… living 120% below the poverty line, in college as an adult learner, working two part-time jobs and three – yes – 3 internships, with a child at home (or in class with me).

I personally know about being broke and broken, chasing the American dream that begins with a college education. I finally got my BA in Corporate Communication (yay, me) in 2014 and it cost: Blood. Sweat. Tears. And. Money. I may not be a millennial but I paid millennial college tuition so I feel their/y’all’s plight.

What I see coming behind the millennials are lot of young people (individuals in high school, born after 1998) whose mindsets are on being rich, but not being wealthy. So let me spell it out for them if no one put them on to game – Wealthy is quiet; Rich is loud; Broke is flashy.

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