October 15, 2009Raynard JacksonBlack Republicans running for various offices this election cycle seem to be running from race while running their race. This is one of the most asinine things I have every seen, but not unexpected. This is why Black Republicans have no credibility within their own community.Last week I was interviewed by Kelley Beaucar Vlahos of FOXNews.com. The story was published this past Monday (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/10/12/carter-obama-allen-west-race-card/).I was appalled at the comments of these Black office seekers and their obvious lack of understanding of how their words would be interpreted by those in the Black community. Allen West, a retired Army colonel running against Democratic Congressman Ron Klein (FL-22nd), said, “Since (Democrats) have thrown out the race card, it has made me more appealing….because it shows the contrast of our principles—how different we are even though we both have permanent tans (referring to President Obama).” West continued, “A lot of people who don’t want to be part of Obama’s policies are being called racist….Then they say, Hey, this guy, Colonel West—he’s Black and I support him…. It has nothing to do with race…People don't care about your color, they care about your character.”But, Colonel West, WAIT! You said it was not about race, then you say you’re Black, therefore people in your district are supporting you (because you are Black). Which is it? So, let me make sure I understand you. White people are supporting you because you are Black so that you can speak out against the Black president, so the white people won’t have to (because they can’t call you a racist since you are Black). Oh, I get it now. You know we have a term for people like that and it begins with the word UNCLE!Ryan Frazier is a 31 year old city councilman in Colorado and is running for the U.S. Senate in the Republican primary. Frazier said that being Black is an asset. So when he opposes the president’s policies, no one can call him a racist. According to Frazier, “I don’t think they will be able to use that argument against me or engage in those tactics against me.” So, let me interpret this. Because of the skin color that you say doesn’t matter, you are able to criticize the president because of the very skin color that you say doesn’t matter? Ok, now I understand.Michael Williams has served several terms as Texas Railroad Commissioner and is currently running for the U.S. Senate seat that current senator Kay Hutchinson is vacating to run for governor. He states that his Blackness will be an asset. According to the article, “one of the things it allows me to do….it allows me to speak very, very frankly about what I believe, and what I feel, and nobody is going to call me a racist.” Again, I am confused. His Blackness is only an asset when it comes to denigrating a Black president and his policies. According to Williams, other than giving him cover in criticizing the president, his race doesn’t exist. Wow, either he is color blind or just blind to people of color.Do these guys hear themselves and how ridiculous they sound? Have you ever heard of a Jewish candidate denying or distancing themselves from their own heritage? Or a Latino or Asian? These groups use their ethnicity to endear themselves to voters from their group while at the same time building coalitions to expand their base of support.Can you be against the president’s policies and not be a racist? Without question. But, I challenge these candidates to answer a few questions for me.What does describing Obama as a Nazi have to do with healthcare? What does calling him a liar during a joint session of Congress have to do with healthcare? How does calling him a socialist, fascist, or communist, further the healthcare debate? So, you would think that if this debate was about healthcare, the signs at town hall meetings and rallies would read, “how will you pay for your plan, Mr. President, how will it be implemented, or what if I don’t want your plan?” Those would be legitimate questions.Another question for the candidates, are there any public statements by them speaking out against the actions of Congressman Joe Wilson during the president’s speech before a joint session of Congress?Are there any public statements by them chastising individuals and party officials for some of the incendiary rhetoric coming from Republicans (Barak the Magic Negro, calling Michelle Obama a monkey, or the celebration by many conservatives that Chicago was eliminated from Olympic consideration)?Just wondering because I know they all claim to be candidates of great principles and I know they would stand up for right because they are the voice of the people, right?Finally, can you tell me if you have any Blacks on your paid campaign staffs with hiring or decision making authority? Are you spending any campaign money with Black vendors (office supplies, computer services, restaurants, caterers, etc)? Are there any Black banks in your area that you are utilizing?I would be stunned if any of the campaigns could answer yes to these questions. But, this is my offer to them. I am offering 30 minutes of air time on my radios how (www.ustalknetwork.com) to each candidate to address these issues and talk about their campaigns.So, while you are running your race, please don’t continue to forget your race!Raynard Jackson is president & CEO of Raynard Jackson & Associates, LLC., a D.C.-based political consulting/government affairs firm. You can listen to his radio show every Saturday evening from 7-9:00 p.m. Go to www.ustalknetwork.com to register and then click on host, and then click on his photo to join his group.
we do we still waste our time trying to figure out why and how could such negroes behave the way they do mentally? the simple reason is because they've made up their minds to sacrifice their afrikanity in exchange ofr being allowed access to material luxury. that's that! there need be anything more than understanding that beside the effects of psychological warfare, which has the majority of afrikans-n-amerikkka in an impaired state of mind. in turn, this has solely benefitted the benefactors of white supremacy, which is the white collective.
what it boils down to at the end of day is whether black folk wanna continue to keep getting swift kicks up the ass by their mortal enemy and his negro henchmen, who wanna parade around as though they have the key to our problems (whether jackass or elephant it doesn't matter), or do we wanna be sovereign just like white folk, eventhough they appear to be getting the shaft by their own elitist brethren and sistren. and like malcolm x once said when the question reporter asked him: what's the price of freedom? he responded by saying that the price of freedom is death. so, until then ain't trying to understand them pitiful negroes beyond being white man made black amerikkkans. there are four types of us in the united snakes of amerikkka: afrikans, blacks, negroes and niggas. which one are you?
Brother Raynard, you know the answer to just about all of your questions is "Because these candidates are self-hating". They want to run as Blacks, but only on the part that will get them elected by Black people. Everything else is "Look Massa, I hate Obama just like you!" Why else wouldn't Wilson be denounced by them? To denounce him is to set yourself apart from the white man, and you wouldn't do that because that means you would be labeled as a Black sympathizer, and who wants THAT?
I have never seen Black people so openly Tom and Jemima as I have seen in the past five or so years; these people are totally unashamed of their shuffling and head bowing. They do it openly as though we don't see them Tomming, or like we don't know Tomming when we see it. I will be keeping a close watch, for I am really interested in seeing who's going to take up your offer of air time on your radio show.
Now, just between me and you, I don't think any of them will take the offer simply because you're Black and they can't be seen associating with you; whitey might not like it, or worse, might view it with suspicion. And the last thing a Tom needs is suspicious massa.
The American political system is "One Snake" with two heads, neither party is worth a dam, When one examines the issues that are supported by both sides, expl, Patriot Acts, Homeland Security, Warmongering, the upcoming Copenhagen Treason Treaty, Obama is expected to sign in Dec, which will give away the sovereignty of U.S. , so at the end of the day what does party politics accomplish for Black people? Remember the story about the woman walking through the woods and came upon a snake frozen in the snow, she picked it up and revived it, then it bit her, she was shocked, U bit me, and I saved U! says the women, the snake replied, U knew I was a snake when U picked me up.
"AMERCIA ,ONE SNAKE, TWO HEADS" so why expect loyalty racial or any other kind
from a snake of any hue?
Delete Comment I will come back and read this blog at length, but right now I want to give you my gut reaction to the topic of your post by saying this:
The only Black People that these White People like, promote support and will have anything to do with are the ones that don't get along well with their own. Surely these same blacks do cater to the interest of their white constituency, exclusively.
And to run a campaign for office under the Republican banner means that you are not in tune with the flow of the majority of your own peoples' opinion, coming from poor!
Why is this so?
To me, an independent minded person (especially a Black) who is self-sufficient, progressive, and takes own any task in earnest, is as worthy as the next man. But why is the person who makes his own way depending on no one but self "always" viewed (by these Republicans, especially) as some kind of Black Nationalist or even worst ( and yet, recently more prevalent) a Socialist; suffice to say what's with this "radical" point of dissention ?
So to keep your campaign "PURE" , you side-step any assistance you might be offered by your own without any acknowledgement of said, and just keep right on with your KISS ASS and BROWN NOSE tactics.
Hence, the opportunity might be there for us to fall into, but at what price will we assimilate ourselves (and why for that matter) into an old out-dated way of political doing things?
Mr Jackson, this article is very clear and to the point, I just want to add one dimension that we often do not consider when racial antipathy has been stirred up in the land, CLASS WAREFARE, To understand it clearly, all we have do do is reflect on the politcal structure on the Continent of Africa.
Could it be possible that these candidates comments do not make sense because they have no loyaltiy to their "race" and even though you referenced "Jewish" people and how they interact with their constituent or fellow Jews, are they not a dominate force in this country already?
One other point, you asked the question;
"What does describing Obama as a Nazi have to do with healthcare? What does calling him a liar during a joint session of Congress have to do with healthcare? How does calling him a socialist, fascist, or communist, further the healthcare debate? So, you would think that if this debate was about healthcare, the signs at town hall meetings and rallies would read, “how will you pay for your plan, Mr. President, how will it be implemented, or what if I don’t want your plan?” Those would be legitimate questions."
Answer: EVERYTHING - The proposed Health Care Reform Bill is exactly the same as the T4 Bill implemented under Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany, But because we are so emotionally blinded by the game of race in Amerikkka, we are unable to exaime the facts of this Bill objectively.
October 14, 2009 (LPAC)—On Oct. 13, Sen. Jay Rockefeller's (D-WVa) comments at the Senate Finance Committee vote on the Baucus bill on IMAC and end of life counseling—including the case of his own mother—"were a statement that genocide is now an acceptable policy," said Lyndon LaRouche today.
"Genocide is not an acceptable policy," stated LaRouche. "It was not acceptable to us when Hitler was in power, and it is not acceptable to decent human beings today. Rockefeller's comment is that genocide, in fact, is an acceptable policy, and anyone who is silly, will still attack us for putting a moustache on Obama. Rockefeller's saying 'it is the moustache.' And Rockefeller better talk to the President about whose moustache it is."
"Rockefeller has lost sight of the fact that what he is proposing is genocide; that his policies are exactly those of IMAC policy of the President, which is why we put a moustache on the President—for his Hitler-like policies. If he wants the moustache removed, remove the policies, remove the Hitler-like policies. We are not going to be complicit in condoning NAZI genocide, and the President is, so far, supporting Nazi style genocide. This is also the policy of genocide of the former Prime Minister of Britain who is a notorious liar among his other qualifications."
"The Hitler moustache stays on Obama," LaRouche concluded, "though others may share it."
Emanuel Explained In 2005 Why Euthanasia Would Need an Obama
"The world’s power structures have always ‘divided to conquer’ and have always ‘kept divided to keep conquered.’ As a consequence the power structure has so divided humanity--not only into special function categories but into religious and language and color categories--that individual humans are now helplessly inarticulate in the face of the present crisis. They consider their political representation to be completely corrupted, therefore, they feel almost utterly helpless.” R. Buckminster Fuller, Critical Path
we do we still waste our time trying to figure out why and how could such negroes behave the way they do mentally? the simple reason is because they've made up their minds to sacrifice their afrikanity in exchange ofr being allowed access to material luxury. that's that! there need be anything more than understanding that beside the effects of psychological warfare, which has the majority of afrikans-n-amerikkka in an impaired state of mind. in turn, this has solely benefitted the benefactors of white supremacy, which is the white collective.
what it boils down to at the end of day is whether black folk wanna continue to keep getting swift kicks up the ass by their mortal enemy and his negro henchmen, who wanna parade around as though they have the key to our problems (whether jackass or elephant it doesn't matter), or do we wanna be sovereign just like white folk, eventhough they appear to be getting the shaft by their own elitist brethren and sistren. and like malcolm x once said when the question reporter asked him: what's the price of freedom? he responded by saying that the price of freedom is death. so, until then ain't trying to understand them pitiful negroes beyond being white man made black amerikkkans. there are four types of us in the united snakes of amerikkka: afrikans, blacks, negroes and niggas. which one are you?
uhuru sasa (freedom now)!
I have never seen Black people so openly Tom and Jemima as I have seen in the past five or so years; these people are totally unashamed of their shuffling and head bowing. They do it openly as though we don't see them Tomming, or like we don't know Tomming when we see it. I will be keeping a close watch, for I am really interested in seeing who's going to take up your offer of air time on your radio show.
Now, just between me and you, I don't think any of them will take the offer simply because you're Black and they can't be seen associating with you; whitey might not like it, or worse, might view it with suspicion. And the last thing a Tom needs is suspicious massa.
Excellent post.
The American political system is "One Snake" with two heads, neither party is worth a dam, When one examines the issues that are supported by both sides, expl, Patriot Acts, Homeland Security, Warmongering, the upcoming Copenhagen Treason Treaty, Obama is expected to sign in Dec, which will give away the sovereignty of U.S. , so at the end of the day what does party politics accomplish for Black people? Remember the story about the woman walking through the woods and came upon a snake frozen in the snow, she picked it up and revived it, then it bit her, she was shocked, U bit me, and I saved U! says the women, the snake replied, U knew I was a snake when U picked me up.
"AMERCIA ,ONE SNAKE, TWO HEADS" so why expect loyalty racial or any other kind
from a snake of any hue?
The only Black People that these White People like, promote support and will have anything to do with are the ones that don't get along well with their own. Surely these same blacks do cater to the interest of their white constituency, exclusively.
And to run a campaign for office under the Republican banner means that you are not in tune with the flow of the majority of your own peoples' opinion, coming from poor!
Why is this so?
To me, an independent minded person (especially a Black) who is self-sufficient, progressive, and takes own any task in earnest, is as worthy as the next man. But why is the person who makes his own way depending on no one but self "always" viewed (by these Republicans, especially) as some kind of Black Nationalist or even worst ( and yet, recently more prevalent) a Socialist; suffice to say what's with this "radical" point of dissention ?
So to keep your campaign "PURE" , you side-step any assistance you might be offered by your own without any acknowledgement of said, and just keep right on with your KISS ASS and BROWN NOSE tactics.
Hence, the opportunity might be there for us to fall into, but at what price will we assimilate ourselves (and why for that matter) into an old out-dated way of political doing things?
Mr Jackson, this article is very clear and to the point, I just want to add one dimension that we often do not consider when racial antipathy has been stirred up in the land, CLASS WAREFARE, To understand it clearly, all we have do do is reflect on the politcal structure on the Continent of Africa.
Could it be possible that these candidates comments do not make sense because they have no loyaltiy to their "race" and even though you referenced "Jewish" people and how they interact with their constituent or fellow Jews, are they not a dominate force in this country already?
One other point, you asked the question;
"What does describing Obama as a Nazi have to do with healthcare? What does calling him a liar during a joint session of Congress have to do with healthcare? How does calling him a socialist, fascist, or communist, further the healthcare debate? So, you would think that if this debate was about healthcare, the signs at town hall meetings and rallies would read, “how will you pay for your plan, Mr. President, how will it be implemented, or what if I don’t want your plan?” Those would be legitimate questions."
Answer: EVERYTHING - The proposed Health Care Reform Bill is exactly the same as the T4 Bill implemented under Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany, But because we are so emotionally blinded by the game of race in Amerikkka, we are unable to exaime the facts of this Bill objectively.
October 14, 2009 (LPAC)—On Oct. 13, Sen. Jay Rockefeller's (D-WVa) comments at the Senate Finance Committee vote on the Baucus bill on IMAC and end of life counseling—including the case of his own mother—"were a statement that genocide is now an acceptable policy," said Lyndon LaRouche today.
"Genocide is not an acceptable policy," stated LaRouche. "It was not acceptable to us when Hitler was in power, and it is not acceptable to decent human beings today. Rockefeller's comment is that genocide, in fact, is an acceptable policy, and anyone who is silly, will still attack us for putting a moustache on Obama. Rockefeller's saying 'it is the moustache.' And Rockefeller better talk to the President about whose moustache it is."
"Rockefeller has lost sight of the fact that what he is proposing is genocide; that his policies are exactly those of IMAC policy of the President, which is why we put a moustache on the President—for his Hitler-like policies. If he wants the moustache removed, remove the policies, remove the Hitler-like policies. We are not going to be complicit in condoning NAZI genocide, and the President is, so far, supporting Nazi style genocide. This is also the policy of genocide of the former Prime Minister of Britain who is a notorious liar among his other qualifications."
"The Hitler moustache stays on Obama," LaRouche concluded, "though others may share it."
Emanuel Explained In 2005 Why Euthanasia Would Need an Obama
"The world’s power structures have always ‘divided to conquer’ and have always ‘kept divided to keep conquered.’ As a consequence the power structure has so divided humanity--not only into special function categories but into religious and language and color categories--that individual humans are now helplessly inarticulate in the face of the present crisis. They consider their political representation to be completely corrupted, therefore, they feel almost utterly helpless.” R. Buckminster Fuller, Critical Path