The 29th year of Black Love Day, Feb. 13, 2022, will encourage a global focus on The Creator as “the source” instead of government to get us through these trying times and reconnect the love as self-help within our Black community for Black joy. Black Love Day (BLD) is the 4th commemorated African American Holiday (wholyday) observance of atonement, reconciliation, celebration, and 24-hour demonstration of Black Love through 5 tenets (acts of love) – showing love for the Creator, for Self, for the Black family, the Black community and Black People. Ayo Handy-Kendi, founder of Black Love Day (BLD), stewarded by her African American Holiday Association (AAHA) and PositivEnergy Works, is collaborating with Baltimore-based, Eliza Cooper of Live Holistically Balanced (LHB) together with Thriving Communities Collaborative (TCC) to host a Black Love Day weekend of activities on February 12 from 9 a.m. to 6. p.m. and the 29th Official Black Love Relationship Ceremony, Feb. 13, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. under the theme, "Finding Spiritual Joy Thru Black Love”.

Renown as Sekou Mama Ayo, she stated, “Without question, the world is facing uncertain times and extreme challenges, so our 2022 theme envisions a collective focus on the first tenet of BLD-: ”Love for the Creator”- to inspire hope, resilience, and joy to reduce fear, grief, and trauma. The times require we stay prayed up to our Higher Power, so we can feel Black Joy despite the times. Stop pointing at the government but instead point up and within for self-determination. Yes, Black people have struggled disproportionately than White people due to COVID-related deaths, illnesses, and economic down-turns. But, we can’t afford to get COVID “burned out”. Yes, we’re overwhelmed by violence, grief, trauma, racism, but in the best of times and worst of times, when facing historical, major challenges, The Creator sustained us and our love fostered self-help as a unified vibration of joy because love is opposite of fear. Stay connected to each other and breathe in the Creator’s love as our sustaining power to experience Spiritual Joy through our Black Love”.

Ayo Handy-Kendi founded Black Love Day in 1993, in her hometown, Washington, D.C., and has yearly hosted a Black Love Day Relationship Ceremony and her Ritual of Reconciliation, in many parts of the nation and world. In 2016, Eliza Cooper’s Live Holistically Balanced group created an annual Black Love Day Celebration in Baltimore City. In December 2021, Handy-Kendi put out the call for Black Love event organizers to collaborate and Cooper agreed to come together for the official Black Love Day activity and ceremony.
The goals of BLD are to increase peace, stop violence, end Black self-hatred, and White supremacy/racism, and encourage White people in the 24-hour period of February 13th to show love in action towards Black people, by working on their own racial attitudes, and behaviors. BLD further offers a spiritual, African-centered, alternative to the commercialized, and sometimes violent, Valentine's Day. The 5 Tenets of Black Love are 365 days of the year value system to heal all of our relationships
Learn “what to do on BLD” and see a calendar of BLD local/national/global events @ or (202) 667-2577 |
Register for the Official Black Love Day Weekend of events: