content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> By H. Khalif Khalifah

Boycott Koch, Vote for the re-election of the President of the United States of America, agree with Dhoruba BinWahad, or any other of the rabid anti Barack Obama class="IL_AD">Black Men and Women; that is ok with me IF YOU ARE USING YOUR POWER PROPERLY at the same time.

But ask yourself, “Is voting with Tea Party types a proper use of the hard fought, bloody, won victory to vote?”
In a protracted war, you win battles to place yourself in strategic positions to win. Now unless you are a Revolutionary (i.e. id="IL_AD3" class="IL_AD">Nat Turner or Assata Shakur, Herman Ferguson, etc.) you acquire and utilize your power in methods less than revolutionary acts against the slave owner, or Overseer (President Obama's position in the Slavery System). There are no exceptions to methodologies that Revolutionaries use to acquire (expropriate) and utilize power.


When we know we are in a war, and also know we are NOT REVOLUTIONARIES (we know, if we are intelligent and committed) because we don't have the skills required of a Revolutionary); if we know it is not our work at any particular time in our evolvement, we must be careful to not present ourselves in "Word,s Acts or Deeds" as revolutionaries. Doing so only invites the enemy to smash you, hurt you up real bad or force you to use up precious resources.



The climate created by the election of Barack Obama is an opportune time to acquire power. But many are so vested in condemning Obama that it raises the question in my mind as to HOW is their commentary, questions, hatred, and other emotion driven arguments empowering them or Black people. I don't know everyone of the Obama haters so i don't know the nature of how they are taking advantage of this opportune in America.


But it appears to me that many of the sincere ones need some help. Help is available!
I personally would like for us all to look at the election of Barack Obama strategically.


The work of reformers like Thrugood Marshall, Martin Luther King, jr., Fannie Lou Hamer, Daisy Bates and other sincere proponents and others broke down segregation and Voting Right Laws that severely handicapped Black people. In Reform struggle, this represents the use of your power (putting yourself, your family, your congregation and others who follow you into danger is using your power) to win a "territory."


The problem here is we didn't put in things to protect what they had acquired; so the enemy took back some of the territory” (rollbacks by Reagan and Bush, etc.).
All acts since the time that the heroic acts of Martin Luthing King, jr. and others have been to advance Black People: these acts include the work of The Black Panther Party, CORE & SNCC. Some other formations are not included, like NOI, RNA, RAM & N’COBRA, because they either represent alternatives to “the system” or victory over the system.


Personally, I’d surely like to see the language that helps id="IL_AD11" class="IL_AD">the Tea Party achieve their objectives stopped; I would also like to see anti-Barack Obama folk stop voting for Republicans by default. When a Black people don’t vote he or she is supporting one or the other party by default.


In fact those who are not comfortable speaking in harmony with Tea Party types can take instruction from Minister Malcolm: “Don’t air your dirty laundry out in public.”
Malcolm also said: “A Freedom Fighter is not singing because he is too busy swinging!” Swinging in this case is availing yourself of the opportunity to act to empower yourself; an opportunity that was caused by the election of Barack Obama to the presidency of the United States of America.


H. KHALIF KHALIFAH can be reached via href="">
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