BABA MASTER KEIDI AWADU: RENASAINCE MANInternet Pioneer/Committed Businessman Is RevitalizingVisions Of The Great Marcus GarveyJANUARY 22, 2010SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY, VA. – When The Great Marcus Garvey was leaving America under a deportation order in the nineteen twenties, he promised that he would return. He said, “Look for me in the whirlwind.“When times are rough, I shall return, wrapped in the Red, Black And Green that you know so well.” Anyone who observes, or study the rise of Baba Master Keidi Awadu may well feel a sense of Deja vue. If you’d like to see what a UNIA Movement would look like in the 21st Century Technological Information Age, go to – but be mindful just as Marcus Garvey could not put all of the UNIA programs and systems in his newspaper, the Black World, the website is the internet base of operations for Baba Master Keidi Awadu.Not since the days of Marcus Garvey, himself, have anyone brought as many of his different ideals and visions into manifestation for Black people as have Master Baba Keidi Awadu.In many ways Keidi Awadu has actually exceeded the expectations and accomplishments of the Great Black Nationalist of the 20th century. This strictly in the sense of Keidi Awadu mastery of Internet based technology. He uses the internet to explode visions that Marcus Garvey gifted to the world. Technology back in the 1920’s was like horse and buggy measured to the possibility of what a SUV is to a 2010 family vacation.Garvey had a vision of “Africans for the Africans: those at Home and those Abroad.” Every generation of Garveyite since the death of the Great Man, in London in 1941, have tried to work to reflect and project that vision. In the years 2007 and 2008 Baba Master Keidi actually led a wave of people that supported the establishment of three settlements of Black people from America in Ghana, West Africa. And while there, he raised enough money to upgrade the broadcasting capability of a University in Ghana.In 2009, The Conscious Rasta, as many remember him from his early days in service to Black people – many still insist on affectionately calling him by that branded trade name (he’s written no less than thirty books and other publications under that name). But the man he calls “my Mentor, Baba Khalifah” has unofficially awarded him the mastership. It is expected that the title will be officially bestowed upon him during the Spring Equinox when a delegation of members of LIB will come to visit The Southeastern Ujima Region at The Khalifah Estate in Southampton County, Virginia The place where the Kujichalia Village will be established.WORKING THE GARVEY PROGRAMIN GHANA, WEST AFRICA“Blacks should control the economic and body politic in all communities where they are the resident majority.” Marcus GarveyDuring 2003 and 2004, Baba Master Keidi spent a great deal of his time traveling between America, Ghana and England. The travel and interval of time opened up another of the visions of Marcus Garvey.While many rightly associate Garvey with “The Back to Africa Movement,” students of the “Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey” are mindful of an equally, and perhaps a more practical and profound approach to the liberation of African people. Garvey, besides saying “Africans for the Africans….” Also said that, “Blacks should control the economic and body politic in the communities where they are the resident majority.”Whatever it was that peaked the intellect of Master Baba Keidi: the logistical difficulties; the expense, the indoctrination of Black people in White Supremacy, or whatever, controlling the space where Black people live in America is what he has returned to, in Force over the past six month, or so. While he has certainly not abandoned the ideal of Africa for the Africans, Keidi has embraced wholeheartedly the ideal of empowering Black people in America.In a carefully thought out plan of action, Keidi have initiated a system of action that will bring our people out of the “killing urban zones of America,” into Kujichalia Villages that LIB is presently laying the groundwork to build.The first of the Villages will be on the land that is documented to be part of the Slave Plantation where one of the most important attempts to free Black people in history was conceived, planned and carried out. That is the Revolt of Nat Turner back in 1831.For more information about Baba Master Keidi Awadu, please go to - For more information about Kujichalia Village: Southeast Ujima Region, please call (434) 378-2140.