Norma Hollis FREE Live Events
The Authenticity Movement comes to the Bay Area
In today's climate of falling economies, endangered
ecologies and unregulated human greed and need it
is time to establish authority for truth and correctness
and enhance a genuine and sincere focus on the
common good. Norma's signature presentation
introduces the dimensions of authenticity and
connects them to a World Wide Authenticity
Norma has taken 30 years of authenticity research
and created a full day 'live-event' that will assist you to
become your authentic best! This authenticity
movement has positive implications for individuals,
organizations and society at large.
Norma Hollis Invites the Community to attend the The
First Bay Area Authenticity Event of the Year!
America's Leading Authenticity Expert
Norma's message is touching hearts and helping
people connect with their authentic core. On
Saturday, January 31st you can meet Norma,
be touched by her energy and hear her powerful
message. Her complimentary full day live event is a
life changing experience.
-Are you utilizing your natural gifts and talents?
-Are you on your authentic career path?
-Are you financially comfortable?
-Are you happy, joyful and satisfied?
-Have you recently been downsized and not sure what
to do next?
-Are you an entrepreneur who is not reaping your
financial rewards?
-Are you a corporate executive seeking balance in
-Are you a parent seeking to help your child discover
their authentic gifts & talents?
-Are you a student who wants to develop authentic
communication skills?
-Are you a public speaker looking to improve your
skills or become a highly paid professional speaker?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, we
have just what the doctor ordered for you!
Come and learn how you can find, live and share your
authentic voice and create more authenticity in the
world. Celebrate the beginning of an incredible year
with the Norma Hollis Companies.
We know there's only six
degrees of separation between you and someone
you know in Northern California who will benefit from
attending Saturday's FR.EE event. Think of your
personal and business contacts, social networks,
community, civic and fraternal organizations - in other
words everyone you know. Send them this flyer or call
them on the phone and invite them to attend.
You will network with like minded people, learn
priceless information about yourself, uncover your
authenticity score and transform your life.
Last year was phenomenal for Norma Hollis
Companies. Norma Hollis has taken her
message of Authentic Communication
across the country and has initiated an Authenticity Movement.
Over 100 people have signed up as Protégés to be a
part of this exciting opportunity to make positive and
authentic change in themselves and in the world.
The First Authenticity Movement Live Event in the San
Francisco Bay Area will be held Saturday, January
31st. The event is F.R.E.E. to the Public.
From more Free Event:Norma Hollis FREE Live EventsAbout Norma T. Hollis
"Finding your Authentic Voice is like discovering
buried treasure: the change is immediate and life-
altering." - Norma T. Hollis
Norma T. Hollis knows firsthand how tapping
into your authentic voice creates success. After
experiencing painful trauma in her youth, Norma
found her authentic voice but kept it a secret. She
kept it secret because she could not find anyone who
would talk with her about the 'quiet' voice she was
hearing in her mind, so she kept the secret to herself.
Now she is sharing her secret with you.
Norma's authentic inner voice led her to pursue a
Bachelor's Degree in early childhood development
and Masters Degree in Administration. During
Norma's 'first career' in early childhood development,
she created early intervention programs, directed
multi-million dollar Head Start programs, and
pioneered developing the spirit of the young child.
Later, a 'second career' and an entrepreneurial
venture in the professional speaking industry
positioned her as the owner of a speakers bureau
and trainer of professional speakers.
Authenticity Tool: More than 30 years of
communication research led Norma to the creation of
a proprietary methodology and diagnostic tool that
can actually rate a person's authenticity. Her
authenticity assessment is breaking new ground and
paving the way for a new generation of speakers and
entrepreneurs. You can rate your authenticity now by
Norma's first career revealed her unique talent for
discovering the gifts and talents in others that leads to
authenticity. Norma's second career and series of
entrepreneurial successes, has made her the voice
of experience for leadership. She inspires
companies and individuals to lead with authenticity by
maintaining their life's purpose.
For more Information:Norma Hollis FREE Live Events "