The rhaw pan african ministers
Forty Day Fast for Freedom
(uhuru Sikelele)
All people of African descent to join us
April 15 – May 25, 2011
On April 15, 1958, in Ghana, African leaders and political activists gathered at the first Conference of Independent States. The conference was significant in that it represented the first Pan African Conference held on African soil after the 5th Pan African Congress in 1945. The Conference called for the founding of African Freedom Day, a day to “mark each year the onward progress of the liberation movement, and to symbolize the determination of the People of Africa to free themselves from foreign domination and exploitation.” Five years later, after the First Conference of Independent African States in Ethiopian, another historic meeting occurred.
On May 25, 1963, leaders of thirty-two independent African States met to form the Organization of African Unity (OAU). By then more than two thirds of the continent had achieved independence, mostly from imperial European states. At this meeting, the date of Africa Freedom Day was changed from April 15 to May 25, and Africa Freedom Day was declared African Liberation Day (ALD). By the opening of the 21st century, the OAU became the African Union (AU) as a transitional continental institution to establish a powerful United States of Africa by the 2017. The response to African empowerment over the years is the U.S. and its European colonial allies began pushing for military, economic and political destabilization of Africa. Recently, Asian nations have had escalated their efforts to compete with European-American powers for African resources. This has led to the ‘new scramble for the conquest for African resources.'
The RHAWPAM is urging Africans everywhere to participate in The Forty Day Fast for Freedom or Uhuru Sikelele in your State or community to renew, redouble and rededicate our efforts to save ourselves. Africans globally are losing the gains won by our Ancestors and the most symbolic of our loss is the recent horrific attacks on Africa by European powers. If one African is attacked such as in Ivory Coast, Libya, Congo, etc., all Africans are attacked. RHAWPAM is declaring that the time has come to finally declare ‘NEVER AGAIN’ to re-enslavement, re-colonization and dehumanization. For the next forty days, let us prepare ourselves to act decisively across the African world to finally stop the 500 continuous assault on African people.
Our immediate and short term objectives are to press: 1. the African Union to begin implementing the United States of Africa and the African High Command as a Pan African government and military command for the full integration and protection of Africans; 2. The African Union to promote Diaspora dual-citizenship and encourage ways for the African Diaspora to invest in empowering Africa in the 21st century; and 3. former enslavers of Black people to pay Reparations and to eliminate their military forts and bases established to subjugate Africans.