“The building of a United States of Africa is most critical for the security and the sustainable economic development of African people in the world”, declared Omowale Clay, Vice Chair of the African Union Diaspora Task Team (AUDITT). Omowale was speaking at the second annual African Diaspora-Strategy Session on the African Union (ADISSAU) to report on AUDTT and the 2012 Global Diaspora Summit scheduled for South Africa. The meeting took place at African Union (AU) Mission in Washington, D.C. on June 17, 2011.
The meeting called by the RHAW Pan African Ministers and the World African Diaspora Union (WADU) had representatives from other key organizations across the African Diaspora, including of embassies and the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). WADU commissioners Nana Farika Birhane, Queen Mother Yaa Dorothy Lewis presided over the meeting with Traditional Priest Ifaniyi (Chief Elder of North Carolina) providing divine guidance. WADU is an umbrella organization with a representative leadership of organizations with thousands of Africa activist leaders across the African Diaspora.
Some key objectives of the meeting were to: 1. Ensure a wide representation and participation of the African Diaspora in shaping the African Union Diaspora Task Team (AUDITT) sixth region proposal for action; 2. Identify ways to intensify the next phase of African liberation for African security and sustainable economic development; and 3. Commit a new generation of leaders for the fulfillment of the Pan African mission.
Ms. Angelle Kwemo of Congressman Bobby Rush’s Office made a presentation of HR 656 - The African Investment and Diaspora Act (AIDA) of 2011. During the meeting, Min. P.D. Menelik Harris (Secretary General of WADU) called for the mobilization of the African Diaspora in support of AIDA. He stressed that it creates an unprecedented economic model for the African Diaspora to stimulate economic growth, investments and trade between African Diaspora in the United States of America and Africa, enhancing the current AGOA bill, strengthening U.S. - Africa bilateral relations and creating jobs in both continents. Min. Menelik helped to spearhead the passing of AGOA at the turn of the century as a way to initiate Africa’s ‘second liberation’ for African economic empowerment.
The ADISSAU meeting came as the AU prepares to meet for its annual Summit to strategize on ways to end the unrelenting attack on Africa by former colonial nations. Mr. Yao L. McCarthy, WADU Commissioner in North Carolina, urged for “volunteers from the African Diaspora to provide unconditional support to the AU at this critical moment in history.” Mr. Senghor Baye, President General of the UNIA/ACL issued an urgent appeal to all African Diaspora organizations to work in unity to end the attack on Africa and to support Africa’s empowerment. On the issue of culture, Obi Egbuna called for the African people to establish educational programs such as more rites of passage to ensure the generational transference of African heritage and knowledge. The ADISSAU also called for prioritizing an African Diaspora banking system to increase the flow of capital for African investments.
Other Key leaders participating in the meeting are Marcos Garcia, (Representative of Venezuela to the U.S.); Ms. Julia Imene-Chanduru (Embassy of Namibia); Ms. Nicole Boden, Congressional Black Caucus (CBC): Rev. Samuel Nixon, Jr. (African American Unity Caucus); Queen Mother Dr. Blakely (New Future Foundation); Mwariama Kamau, International Organizer (UNIA/ACL); Baba Kassayi Hailu (African Unity of Harlem); Dr. Rosemary Segero (Hope4Tomorrow); Belinda Shepard (Africa - City Friendship Project); and Barbara Stewart (AU6th Region-Canada). Some other key organizations represented were UNIA/ACL, December -12th Movement, African Union 6th Region Canada/Europe, HABESHA, All African peoples Revolutionary Party, NCOBRA, Global African Congress, Black Power Media and PANAFSTRAG.
Finally, ADISSAU participants were reminded to support the NCOBRA conference in Chicago on June 25, 2011 and the ‘Millions March’ for Africa in Harlem on August 13, 2011. The participants were urged to promote ADISSAU as a strategic and action oriented committee of leaders representing diverse organizations to support critical issues affecting Africa such as ‘Africa’s re-colonization’, AUDITT, AIDA, Diaspora citizenship and reparations.
Next AUDITT briefing will be July 17, 2011 in Atlanta, GA.
For more information, please contact WADUPAM.ORG. or 718-523-3312/404-527-7756