RHAW Pan African Ministers
African Diaspora Leaders to hold Special Session at AU Office in WDC
Atlanta. The RHAW Pan African Ministers, World African Diaspora Union (WADU) and other key African organizations will participate in the second annual African Diaspora-Strategy Session on the African Union (ADISSAU) on Friday, June 17, 2011 at the African Union (AU) Office in Washington, D.C. The June 2011 meeting will include African ambassadors and representatives of major African Diaspora organizations.
The meeting comes as the African Union prepares to meet for its annual 2011 Summit focusing on youth. Also, the meeting comes at period of overwhelming and relentless attacks by former colonial foreign forces on Africa. Additionally, the meeting comes at the eve of Juneteenth, a period of remembrance of centuries of mass rape, genocidal killings and enslavement of Africans in the USA and promoting ways to restore African dignity and humanity, for the service of African people and the world.
This June 17, 2011 meeting at the AU office is to expand on our successful 2010 strategy session that has expedited the AU Diaspora agenda. A successful 2011 meeting will set the foundation for the mobilization of our beloved people in the African Diaspora for the rebuilding of our global communities in the 21st century. Some key objectives are to: 1. Ensure a wide representation and participation of key African Diaspora partners and stakeholders in the African Union Diaspora Task Team (AUDITT) sixth region proposal for action; 2. Identify ways to intensify the next phase of African liberation for African security and sustainable economic development; and 3. Commit a new generation of leaders for the fulfillment of the Pan African mission.
If you are not able to attend, you may help in several ways: 1. Send us your ideas for advancing African people, especially for the union of the African Diaspora; 2. Call your U.S. government representatives and urge them to stop the war on Africa and to support Black economic development; and 3. Contact the African Union, the Nigerian, South African and Ugandan governments and urge them to immediately establish a Union Government of Africa to ensure our long term freedom, security and development.
Finally, those attending ADISSAU are urged to visit congressional offices in the morning to promote economic justice, peace and unity in the African world. For more information, please contact us at WADUPAM.ORG, 404-527- 7756 (Menelik, ATL), 718-523-3312 (Watusi), NYC) or 240-277-5140 (Yaa, WDC).