
Acts of Treason

The main goal of the Elite is to create a Global Union, previously referred to as the New World Order. The Global Union will be made up of several Unions: The European Union and African Union were completed in 2000;
the South American Union was completed in 2008; and the North American Union is still under construction. Next will be the Asian Pacific Union, the Middle Eastern Union and Eastern Europe/or former Soviet Unions, all leading to the final Global Union. Their goal is to dominate the entire world, both politically and economically. Therefore, they want to eliminate nation states, such as the United States, which means that they want to nullify our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Members of the Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission who work for the federal government are then traitors under the Logan Act. In addition, when they assume their office they take this oath: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States." Therefore, all Elite members who hold federal positions should be tried for treason.

The Logan Act is a United States federal law that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. It was passed in 1799 and last amended in 1994. Violation of the Logan Act is a felony, punishable under federal law with imprisonment of up to three years.

The text of the Act is broad and is addressed at any attempt of a US citizen to conduct foreign relations without authority. However, there is no record of any convictions or even prosecutions under the Logan Act.

Source: Logan_Act
So, when members of the BB, CFR & TC conspire to avoid the sovereignty of the U.S. and to nullify the U.S. Constitution in order to create their Global Union, they are indeed traitors, and must be tried for this offence in the appropriate Federal Court of jurisdiction...
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  • South
    What Constitution? It only seems to apply for the wealthy Republicans. They claim to not want big gov't in their lives or money but want to control what a woman does with her vagina, whom can marry whom, and to declare war on any nation they want to steal their resources and oppress the people.
  • DMV
    Indeed. For if they are elected officials, they have violated their oaths of office. Baba Olatunji
  • Jo regarding the Republic, perhaps your already aware of the "Restore America Plan"
    TAKING NO PRISONERS, - by: Dr Sam Kennedy

    translated, freedom or death!

    there is only one problem, the NWO wants us all dead!

    so I guess it should now be,
    we will live and we will be free!;read=165974 (AUDIO)
  • Greetings, Iman Hameen,

    As long as the incorporated paper "Nation States" of Africa or any other continent are tied into Admirality Maritime, Commerical Law, and are bound by usage of the "British Monetary system" versus issuing their own credit, which if they do the IMF will crash their economies like they did the Asian economies within days of their refusal to join the WTO financial org. Then there shalll be no real independent "States " on the Continent of Africa, just look at what is happening to the PIGS, Portigal, Ireland, Iceland,Greece, and Spain, under the EU. Dependency on other nations for ecomomic development, and currency regulations is not conducive to a Free Nation State regardless of how many of them huddle together. The Royal Vultures and Bloodsucker International Private Banksters will have to somehow be dealt with severely, but who has the power to do it?


  • NYMetro
    As one who is in favor of a United States of Africa, I question the African Union being a ploy to create a Global Union. I never considered this because I do not envision a Pan African country so loosely constructed. If a Union of African States is structured and fortified with impenetrable Pan African tenets, constructs and beliefs, it does not leave room for it to become a puppet or arm of an Elitist Global Union. The people must not allow it. The will of the people must prevail. We must protect our interests at all costs. Iman Hameen, SRDC/PADU
  • Ah, the rub. I want and and Union of African States but fear that such a Union is but a cog within a Global Union and a net loss off power and soveignity and independence.
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