USA A Banana Republic

From The RampartsJunious Ricardo StantonUSA, A Banana Republic“Banana Republic: In modern usage the term has come to be used to describe a generally unstable or "backward" dictatorial regime, especially one where elections are often fraudulent and corruption is rife. By extension, the word is occasionally applied to governments where a strong leader hands out appointments and advantages to friends and supporters, without much consideration for the law. A banana republic can also be used to describe a country where a large part of its economy and politics are controlled by foreign powers or even corporations, e.g. the United States.” reports come in about early election “glitches” I find myself thinking, “Here we go again, the Republicans are stealing another election”. We know for certain the 2000, 2002 and 2004 elections were rigged and stolen. In 2000 the right wing dominated US Supreme Court intervened on behalf of George W Bu$h, ordering the presidential election recount in Florida stopped; essentially giving the election to Bu$h. In 2004 the fascists took advantage of the recently enacted Help America Vote Act to promote the use of electronic voting using machines controlled by supporters of George W Bush and operatives of the Republican Party. In almost every case where there were major problems with the machines, vote tabulation, vote switching or funny numbers, it always favored George W Bush never John Kerry! If that doesn’t suggest to you the fix was in, too many of your brain cells have atrophied. John Kerry unexpectedly refused to challenge the vote count in Ohio despite having an army of attorneys standing by ready to go. Kerry caved in and Bu$h won. In 2006 the Democrats retook control of the US House of Representative but sold the people who sent them to Washington out by siding with Bu$h on continuously funding the Iraq occupation, supporting corporate welfare and retroactively legalizing his domestic spy agenda! What we are seeing is class warfare being waged against the people by the stooges and surrogates of the Kleptocratic oligarchy who were deeply indebted to them for funding their political campaigns.I once interviewed a poet activist who called his home town of New Orleans a banana republic because of the rampant corruption and color caste politics there. By that reckoning and criteria AmeriKKKa has devolved into a big time banana republic in recent years. Based upon the early reports I have seen on the Internet, it appears the 2008 election will be no different. It seems the Republicans are striving to thwart and subvert the will of the people one more time.Two weeks ago the McCain campaign made a big deal about ACORN’s self policing of voter registration workers they hired when the ACORN people discovered some irregularities and brought them to the attention of the authorities. McCain who by all indications is trailing in the race for the presidency, raised the specter of vote fraud when the real issue is voter registration fraud; which in the case of ACORN was discovered and brought to the attention of the proper authorities. I suspect McCain’s whining is a clever psychological ploy to point the finger at the Obama campaign, focusing attention on them while diverting attention away from the Republicans who are doing what they’ve done in the past, finding ways to steal another election.The Republicans are up to their old tricks. “The McCain campaign's allegations of voter fraud ‘look like’ an attempt to suppress voting in battleground states, said a professor of George Washington University. Professor Jonathan Turley said there is an ‘uncanny similarity in term of timing,’ drawing a comparison with voting scandals shortly before the previous two presidential elections.‘I think it is fair to say that some of these challenges do look like suppression efforts,’ Turley said in an interview on MSNBC. ‘So I think there is really grounds to be concerned here.’The allegations of voter fraud made by the McCain campaign about ACORN and Sen. Obama's alleged connections to it sound similar to another scandal during President Bush's administration, said Robert Bauer, a lawyer or the Obama campaign. ‘This is an astonishing repeat of the kind of toxic intrusion of politics into the lawful administration of justice that we saw during the U.S. attorney scandal,’ Bauer said. ‘We're seeing a repeat of that.’” Turley: 'GOP challenges look like suppression' around the country charges are going back and forth by both sides of attempts to purge legitimate voters from the rolls and suppress voter turnout. In a more ominous sign of things to come, there are numerous reports of vote switching by the machines. In other words during early voting in several states people are saying they voted for Obama but saw the machine record their vote for McCain. So far there have been no indications or reports of any votes being switched from McCain to Obama. “As early voting in the US presidential elections gets underway, ES&S iVotronics touch-screen electronic voting machines have been observed in four separate states flipping the votes – mostly from Barack Obama to John McCain but sometimes to third party candidates too. This has already occurred during early voting in the states of West Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri and Texas. A county clerk in West Virginia invited a video crew to watch his demonstration of the reliability of the disputed voting machines but instead he saw the machine flipping the votes, as critics claimed. He put this down to the faulty calibration of the voting machine. However, even after he recalibrated the machine it continued to flip votes. Watch the video here: ”In spite of this I have seen no indications the Obama people are addressing these issues. Are they asleep at the wheel, or is the fix in like 2004? If Obama loses the election will he wimp out like Kerry?Nationwide the Republicans have mounted an effort to challenge or suppress the vote. Go to's_voter_suppression_incidents / and read for yourself how the Republicans are attempted to counter Obama’s army of new voters. As I said none of this is new. Vote rigging and election theft are as AmeriKKKan as cherry pie. Only in recent years the process has become endemic nation wide. AmeriKKKa is sinking into the cesspool of immorality, decadence, corruption and fascism. For all intents and purposes, AmeriKKKa in 2008 resembles a banana republic.-30-
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