AmeriKKKan Hypocrisy KNows No Bounds

From The Ramparts Junious Ricardo StantonAmeriKKKan Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds“The idea that the U.S. can, should and must be, more or less, in a state of permanent war, and can start wars in a whole host of circumstances having nothing to do with defending the country from an attack or imminent attack, is as close to an unchallengeable, bipartisan article of faith as it gets. We're a country that fights wars and uses military force in far more places and for far broader reasons than any other country in the world, by far. Again, regardless of one's views about whether our wars are really Good and Just -- even if one believes that what we drop on other countries are Good and Loving Freedom Bombs -- it's still just a fact that no country views military action as a more appropriate response in more situations than the U.S. does.” Glenn Greenwald Martin Luther King Jr stated so succinctly over forty years ago, “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today is my own government.” In the guise of freedom, democracy, national security, manifest destiny and “the only good Indian is a dead Indian” white AmeriKKKa and anyone else it could coerce or brainwash into doing its dirty work, have wrecked havoc and shed oceans of blood since even before its’ inception as a nation. Some economists and historians say the United States has been a warfare state, a nation in a permanent state of war since the end of WWII. I say no, AmeriKKKa has been in a permanent state of war since day one!We see examples of imperial hubris and greed in Iraq where the Bu$h-Cheney cabal aided and abetted by psychopathic NeoCon chicken hawks and the corporate media launched an illegal and preemptive war based upon lies. It matter not innocent Iraqis were getting killed by AMeriKKKa’s “Shock and Awe”, deep down inside AMeriKKKans thought they were going to have access to cheap oil for the foreseeable future. AmeriKKKans have never been big on morality. The goal for conquering Iraq is obviously to capture and control their oil and facilitate Anglo-American and Israeli hegemony in the region. It has been proven and chronicled by countless sources Bu$h and Co. lied about WMD and Saddam Hussein’s involvement with 9-11. Most thinking people know by now the administration launched these wars at the behest of the multinational oil consortiums, and military industrial complex to whom they are beholden and in cahoots.We are seeing US blood lust and imperialist avarice play itself out as the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan stretches into its seventh year. This invasion/occupation too was a war based on lies and imperial overreach. The US government’s propaganda narrative is the Bu$hites invaded Afghanistan to capture Osama bib-Laden and to punish the Taliban for giving him sanctuary. The truth is, the Taliban were no threat to US national security and the US government has yet to produce one scintilla of hard evidence Osama bin-Laden had anything to do with 9-11. The real deal about the Afghanistan invasion has to do with the US going in to revitalize and control the opium crop growth and traffic that the Taliban had shut down and take over the country so a trans-Afghani oil pipeline could be green lighted, constructed, maintained and protected. This is why the warmongers in the Bu$h administration keep telling us without batting an eye these wars will be multi-generational. What they really mean is this is the new AmeriKKKan Empire.In light of all this, it is the epitome of hypocrisy for the Bu$h administration to criticize or denounce Russia for invading Georgia to put a stop to Georgia’s cold-blooded assault on and invasion of South Ossetia. This is akin to the kettle calling the pot black. Not only is it hypocritical it is totally disingenuous because the Bu$hites along with their partner in crime, the Israelis, encouraged and emboldened Georgian president Saakhashvili by supplying him with arms, replacement parts, military advisors, mercenaries and promising him NATO protection and back up. But even before Saakhashvili drank the US/Israeli Kool-Aid, it was Western mischief that put him in the presidency in the first place so quite naturally he was beholden to them and “trusted” them, which as we have seen in the past can be a fatal error. Bu$h’s interest in Georgia and his administration’s support of Saakhashvili had nothing to do with “reform” or “democracy”, it was all about the oil baby. “This struggle commenced during the Clinton administration when the former Soviet republics of the Caspian Sea basin became independent and began seeking Western customers for their oil and natural gas resources. Western oil companies eagerly sought production deals with the governments of the new republics, but faced a critical obstacle in exporting the resulting output. Because the Caspian itself is landlocked, any energy exiting the region has to travel by pipeline – and, at that time, Russia controlled all of the available pipeline capacity. To avoid exclusive reliance on Russian conduits, President Clinton sponsored the construction of an alternative pipeline from Baku in Azerbaijan to Tbilisi in Georgia and then onward to Ceyhan on Turkey’s Mediterranean coast -- the BTC pipeline, as it is known today. The BTC pipeline, which began operation in 2006, passes some of the most unsettled areas of the world, including Chechnya and Georgia’s two breakaway provinces of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. With this in mind, the Clinton and Bush administrations provided Georgia with hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid, making it the leading recipient of U.S. arms and equipment in the former Soviet space. President Bush has also lobbied U.S. allies in Europe to ‘fast track’ Georgia’s application for membership in NATO.” Russia and Georgia: All About Oil Michael Klare | August 13, 2008 ttp:// situation percolating in the Caucasus has been exacerbated by the machinations of the US and Israel. It’s the old divide and rule game, manipulate ethnic differences and divisions and reap the benefits. Only this time the Russians are not backing down and have asserted themselves to send a clear message to the axis of evil (the US, Britain and Israel.) Hopefully this will deter the crazies’, plans to attack Iran, a country Russia has heavy economic investment partnerships (the Russians are constructing the Iranian nuclear power plant) as does China.The other aspect of the situation in Central Asia is it allows punks like Bu$h to talk tough. While the US military is in no position to back up Bu$h, Cheney and Rice’s tough talk (when I was growing up I was told never let your mouth write a check your ass can’t cash) it does allow the Bu$hites and their media acolytes to create a more frightening enemy, big bad Russia which will justify their cranking up the Cold War again. This will undoubtably translate to a more bloated budget, more “defense” spending thus enriching Bu$h’s military industrial complex buddies and rationalizing the permanent warfare state. The con game continues. Only this time we have the added element of fiscal meltdown as the US drifts deeper and deeper into insolvency borrowing two billion dollars a day just to keep the lights on (this doesn’t take into account the money for war.)In a sane country where the people were aware of what is going on and had even a modicum of morality, the Bu$h cabal would be in jail preparing to face charges as war criminals. The supreme irony is a relatively new “democracy” like Pakistan has exercised its constitutional prerogative to move to impeach its’ president (which led to President Pervez Musharraf’s resignation) while the much older one it was supposedly modeled after, the US, has dismally failed to act both in a constitutional and moral fashion. By now, AmeriKKKans should be deeply ashamed of all three branches of this government. The stench of its hypocrisy, cowardice and corruption are becoming unbearable.-
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