A letter a day to number 10. No 738.
Sunday 11 May 2014. The government of waste, private profit and poverty.
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Dear Mr Cameron,
I find it sickening that whilst you and your government are hounding the poor, many of them into an early grave, there is always money available to bolster up ideologically driven failures.
The news that Michael Gove has raided £400m from the Basic Need fund to shore up his lunatic free schools program is just another example of a government failing the people for its own ends.
Wasting public funds on schemes that are not fit for purpose and not in the public interest is a speciality of your government. The write off of £140 million for Iain Duncan Smiths Universal Credit, the implementation of which was described by Margaret Hodge as "extraordinarily poor", is just par for the course for a man whose aim in life is hounding the poor.
Wasting public hard earned money in the pursuit of ideological austerity aimed maliciously at the poor, the sick and disabled is the measure of your government.
Privatising the state has never been in the public interest, the sole beneficiaries are the companies who buy and profit from them. As with the selling off of our Royal Mail, the public loses out. Public services have been and continue to be devastated in your cavalier pursuit of privatisation to profit the few at the expense of the many.
Food bank Britain is awash with poverty and all you and your government can do is deny and ignore the consequences of the government policies that drive it. In saying that Zero-hours contracts will be 'enabling', Esther McVey is endorsing poverty and insecurity as both laudable and virtuous.
Poverty is violence, Mr Cameron, there is no virtue in poverty. The extensive and growing use of sanctions by Iain Duncan Smith and the DWP are acts of violence committed against the most vulnerable. The Claimant Commitment Contract is the implementation of forced labour in Britain. Failing the people is no part of any government mandate. You are duty bound to serve the people, for which we pay you handsomely, and you have failed in that duty.
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