Obama's Support of Israel and Not Palestine

Obama's Support of Israel and Not Palestine by Kola Boof You constantly hear the "African Americans" despair over Obama's support of Israel and not Palestine--but that's because the Black Americans (who are only 400 years old, which is a "baby") do not have the FACTS. As a Black Person from North Africa...I also support Israel over Palestine. The Israelis don't purchase Black African slaves as the Palestinians do and the Israelis don't sterilize black women so as to use them as sex slaves. Dinka girl children are purchased from Sudan for $14 a piece and you can find them in Arab territorities like Palestine, Syria and Jordan with their tongues cut out and working in Arab kitchens. I have lived in Israel, and other than the troops in the street, it was very much like living in the United States. If I had to find a husband--I could get one in Israel, but not in Palestine. The White Israeli man is less colorstruck than the Brown-skinned Palestinian man. The Palestinians, who used to be "black", have a notorious fear of producing black babies and returning to their former dark coloring. That's why they prefer to sterilize black little girls before using them as sex slaves. The Israelis also don't have a word like "abeed" that denigrates the black race, a word that all Arabs (including the Palestinians) use on a daily basis. Israel is a White, Racist nation...in the same way that the United States is a White, Racist nation. It's definitely no worse than here. But Palestine and the Arab world is much worse. No black woman who has been free would ever want to live in the Arab nations unless she was a "mulatto" Black American---because then, she would not be considered "black" by the Arabs and could enjoy taking part in their colorist racism. Of course, Black Americans are notoriously IGNORANT about what the Arab world USES THEM for in relation to leverage in American Politics and have not actually attempted to live in these colorstruck racist fanatical Arab Muslim countries that they so romanticize. The only time I've ever heard Palestinians and Arabs talk their "brown brother" b.s. is over here in the United States where they have a political agenda that requires the support of Black Americans. But go to North Africa and see what they're talking. And of course Black American MEN have a particular fondness for Muslim countries, because of the chronic "sexism" that less powerful men have always craved in their struggle to feel more like men. In my opinion, being covered up from head to toe and being told that "woman is impure" is nothing more than enslavement of the soul. Women's bodies are not dirty and the woman's menstrual cycle is the symbol of humanity itself, so it's an abomination against God for women to be covered up and marginalized in this way. And, as far as I'm concerned, both Christianity and Islam are the two worse things that ever happened to the African continent. Naturally, my comments on this issue have caused me to be demonized, lied on and discredited by all manner of Oil Company, Black American Pro-Palestine speaker and Arab-American millionaire businessmen who pay the media to silence those of us from North Africa who dare expose "brown brothers" of the Arab Empire for what they really are--but yet and still, I am the more powerful one. As an African mother, I will always support powerful white Israel before oppressed brown Palestine. As one of my poems says: "the slave is the devil, too." And because Palestine knows so well about the evils of oppression, it is all the more shocking and unacceptable that they consider Black Africans to be mere "animals" and "abeed" unworthy of full human recognition--yet expect me to march in the streets for their greasy rat faced asses just because they raped a black woman and waved their fists in their air. No. What I want as National Chairwoman of the SSPP is guns and ammunition from Israel. That is what South Sudan needs. The lesser devil can be used by Blacks in Sudan as we struggle to fight back against the Imperialist Arab Empire. It's one of the reasons I love and support Barack Obama---because he's for Israel. Kola Boof kolaprivate@yahoo.com;

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  • NYMetro
    Peace black queen. from what you have told me about the so-called arab racism in the middle east today it makes me want to slap the sxxt out of those parties involved. I understand your father was a white skin. did he speak arabic? was he considered a arab to? I see he chose a jet black queen to produce you. As many white skin arabs have done in the past. Did he share those racist feelings? I hope you are more enlightened after reading the responses from others. I have no love for those azkhenazi jews in so-called israel they are imposters. Obama is a weakling when it comes to them. However he could be bold in his denouncing of his pastor and minister farakhan and others of the black voices that speak the truth about the racism of america. He sounds like a chump to me and afar as for us black people he really can't be trusted. I wonder whats his stance on reparations. Becareful I got love for him to but i don't trust him.. I am well known amoungst the brothers from sudan and egypt and yeman who operate theirs stores in the neightborhoods. I had to mentally slap the sxxt out of one of them brothers(the white skinned ones) who tried to act like he was a true muslim and i wasn't. Not that i follow the orthodox muslim religion for i am part of the nation of GODS AND EARTHS. But this nigga tried to insinuate that muslims came from prophet muhammads time. Which i had to put him in his place quick. I have notice some of them think they are superior to us black people however after they meet me they humble up quick. Thats because i got knowledge of self but many black americans don't. Of course those who responded to you definitely do. stay in touch with us conscious brothers and sisters cause we gonna straighten these rascist bastards out trust that. Peace your brother in the struggle El.
  • Hetep,

    now, what you state may be a verifiable fact, because i've done my homework too. and i commend you for being bold enough to bring the facts to those of us afrikans, who live in the hells of the united snakes of amerikkka. but to say that you support israel seems to be based on an emotional sentiment bent against arabism. and since there is the old adage that my enemy's enemies is my friend, you've chosen to side with the israelis, who have been the mortal enemies of the palestinians. but, the israelis have been the enemies of afrikans too, which you briefly stated, but didn't go into detail, as you did on the arabs.

    i'll put it like this, anybody, and i mean anybody that perpetrates an offense against afrikanism is our enemy. and we should view them all the same, whether or not they've called us niggers or done what you've stated. so, in essence, israel ain't no damned better than the arabs. the israelis have done all kinds of shit, but, somehow, seems to have ducked the media. that's because they've mastered the art of media manipulation. and the same white jews, who have control over the media also have the control to obama, which means obama is the enemy too, or a conscious and willing accomplice, whether you like it or not.

    how come he refuses to relinquish the sources to over a half billion dollars that he has spent to run for the presidency of the snakes? how come he has ducked the issue of black oppression and constant repression in the occupied colonies that afrikan people have been huddled into without any economic infrastructure? how come he hasn't spent anytime with the black media, so-called? it is all because obama knows full well that he is an agent and friend of the enemy p.i.g. state of amerikkka. simply put, obama is a house nigger and not a field nigger like malcolm x, patrice lumumba, assata shakur and a whole host of other afrikans, who knew what time it was, which is why they were either assassinated or became prisoners of the war on afrikan people.

    israel is an imposter state, an ill-legitimate state, based on white terrorism, disguised as a pretended and concocted story of god's promise of a promised land to the so-called israelites. and who exactly are the true israelites, if there ever was such a group of people, which existed during ancient times? just the mere question shows that there could never have been any jews, so-called because jewishness is a recent phenomenon, out of the eastern block of europe, which is even an illusion itself.

    in afrika the israelis have had their hands in the cookie jar too and still do. they've looted afrika, no different than the white christian or pale to light-skinned arab, and even chinese. the white jew was also instrumental in the slave trade, although he may not have been to the extent of the white christian. but, so what. that doesn't mean we should leave them out of the equation of the exploitation and raping of afrikan people. look at the oppenheimers and their masking huge profits from afrikan diamonds. look at how the rothschilds have benefitted from financing various lucrative business ventures throughout afrika.

    so, we shouldn't be supporting anyone of them, neither arab nor israeli. but, again, i understand your sentiments, because you can bring the facts of arab racism toward afrikan people. and, you are quite correct when you state how the arabs come here to the united snakes and pretend like they're brothers to the afrikans-n-amerikkka. i've seen with my own eyes.

    what it all boils down to is afrikans taking back our lives into our own hands, no matter where we're at on the globe. even if it means we got to shed some more blood doing it. because freedom ain't gonna be given, it must be taken at all cost.

    and can you give me a brief summary of the sspp?

  • West
    Black Americans HAVE A SAYING,

    "No permament allies, ONLY PERMANENT INTERESTS.'

    We surely know who our enemies are and who our friends are. We for the most part are neither Christian nor the religions of the Semites -- MOST AFRICAN-AMERICANS, AFRO-BRAZILIANS, AFRO-LATIN AMERICANS follow the militaristic and powerful aspect of Shango, Vadu, Orisha and Ancestor Veneration in secret, while going to church on Sundays.






    As for following like slaves.


    The oppression of Blacks in the MIDDLE EAST will have to be put to a stop and halt. ONE REMEMERS EMPEROR ABRAHA OF ETHIOPIA, who initiated a 1000-year war against the Middle Eastern, North African and European kingdoms. THIS WAR WAS STARTED BECAUSE JEWS IN YEMEN BEGAN TO PERSECUTE CHRISTIANS THERE.

    As Pan-Africans, we will always be oppressed as long as the SEMITE PROBLEM CONTINUES TO STAND IN OUR WAY.
  • DMV
    you do too.......know that the so-called Jew is two faced and has never ever kept a covenanat!
  • DMV
    Brother Obama needs to be careful..........................The Jew has never ever kept a covenant!
  • NYMetro
    First of all, your statement of being against Islam, is in my view, the "colored-glass" by which you form your bias against the Palestinians and for the Israelis. First and foremost, the Israelis stole the land from the Palestinians in 1948. Second, I wonder what type of proof your assertions about slave traffiking in Palestine. You consider a woman being covered from head to toe as being oppressive. based on what? How is the soul being surpressed? I will argue that the opinion that Muslim women must wear face veils is subjective, at best, and has no basis as being Islamic Law. At the same time, the ultra-orthodiz Jews believe that women should wear wigs upon marriage. You going to criticize them? In the same circles, they have to take a ritual, cleansing bath after menses.

    When you speak of your version of women's dignity, you sound more like a feminist, than a free, black, African woman. You make it seem, for one thing, that you have no clue about how the more "traditional" African societies have treated their women; neck rings, lip-plates are 2 that come to mind. And the last I checked, they weren't Muslim societies. In Africa, men have always been the leaders of their homes. Perhaps what attracts you to Obama, is his inherent weakness with respect to his wife, something that has been fostered in this country since the 1960's. A country that promotes lesbianism, abortion (as an indication of "strength"), fornication as standard culture. The problem with you, Miss Boof, is that you do NOT want strong, black men, but weak, effeminized ones.

    By the way, there are "free" black women from the USA, who live in the Middle East. From what I know, they seem to be doing quite fine. The problem here, is that many of us today, have bought into the notion that the present-day culture, whereby black women, on wholesale, challenge, banter with and disrepect their husbands and challenge their leadership in the home, and don't realize the damage that it has caused our families.

    It's convenient to target Islam (or unfortunate misunderstandings, thereof) as the "whipping boy" regarding gender issues, but I seriously doubt that even in "tradition;" Sudan, you would witness the "freedoms" of which you speak. And I know that in these societies, cultural practices, even rituals were so designed, to reinforce the our differences and respective roles. Do the Nuba woman wrestle? You think they should, to be "free women"? Funny, because I have always heard now "chauvanistic" African men were, religion not even being the noted issues. Maybe you should read, "Facing Mount Kenya", since you think that it's only Muslim men that seem to have such a distorted view of women, and read the Kikuyu account of female circumcision (to make this clear, so please don't use this issue to create a side-bar distraction, I do NOT endorse this practice).

    What you say about the Palestinians, with respect to black people could very well be correct, for we know that the Arab today, in his treatment of the black man, leaves much to be desired, but at the end of the day, you and I know FULL well, Obama's support of Israel has nothing to do with the issues of which you speak, but a cowardice and kow-towing.

    You say the Christianity and Islam are the worse things that have happened to Africa, to which I ask the following:

    1) What is Obama's religion?

    2) Which religious group, as a rule, wholeheartedly supports Israel?

    If the term "abid" is used in the manner in which you claim, and I have heard in the past, it is done so, in entirely the wrong context, because at the end of the day, the Holy Prophet said that we are abids of God and God alone.
  • DMV
    I am a 50 year old georgeous and healthy vibrant afrocentric Muslim woman and I know my purpose by Allah, and have not and will not be dictated to by any man with his HISLAM!
    I no longer wear the covering nor I allow any brother to tell me what to do in terms of my deen...........You see I am named Aisha, I know the scripture and the word......I follow no HADITHS BEFORE CONSULTING THE CRITERION WHICH IS THE HOLY QURAN!
    • NYMetro
      I am curious, sister, being a Muslim, how is it you do not wear the "covering"? Doesn't the Holy Qur'an provide instructions regarding women's dress?

      And while I understand your point about "Hislam", I think we should be careful, at the same time, not to fall into "Herslam" either. Allah is first and foremost.

      Saying that, he has given certain instructions regarding the role of the man and woman. He has said that men are the maintainers of women, which speaks to his role of providing for her needs and protecting her. One of her roles is to be his hafiz, protector of his affairs/business.
  • DMV
    I support all people but my main concern are black people. Its nothing we can do but fix our own situation.
    Honestly, I am gonna first side with the Palestinian people..............Israel is a whore!
    The so called Jew is brotha and sista of the Palestinian people and they sold them to white west for 30 billion pieces of silver along time ago...........the so call Jew has never kept a covenant since the times before Moses...with that said ....they aint to be trusted...............they are always the two face and the cause of many problems for generations and generations.............they are the mulatto, the people who pass so to speak. They are dangerous.
    We must operate on a common sense basis and remember the Principles of Maat.......................know your adversary, and accordingly.
    Forgive and deal with on a faith basis. However deal with them swiftly and cut where it dont grow back.
    The so called Jew has operated the same since times of old.
    Remember also, that the Causcasian white supremacist west has it hands all over this.

    Black Power!
  • West

    I know that someone out there has eyes to see... Why can't the rest of Africans (including the African American) to recognize the evils of the Arabs along with China in Sudan. There is a huge conspiracy of genocide with intent to push black Africa south. This is not new. They took over black Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and what not. Sudan is just another incident of the increasing Arab violence towards Africa. What can I say? The children of Africa are targeted by everyone and we still don't know WHY in the world they hate Africans so much! Thank you for putting the picture together for US... I hope you rise up as the person who will lead my people out of bondage.... SOON... Past due.

    Your servant, Lumumba
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