
  • Europe

    Trump is no Khadafi. I'll tell you later what Trump is, but I would like to make you aware of what Khadafi tried to do for Libya and Africa as a whole:

    Programmed people liquidation began back in the 1960s when people did not raise up when the intelligence community began assassinating members of the Black Panther party....  Now they are going into countries and assassinating leaders because they do not like the way they run their countries.

    The Jesuit's organized the Contra mercenaries that landed in Libya five years ago (2007) to plan the overthrow of Khadafi. My understand is that they paid them $10,000 a month. When Khadafi was killed they left and went back to Colombia, South America. Provided by a supporter of my work who lives in the United States

    Hillary and Obama are responsible for the disappearance and death of 30,000 Black Libyans
    Clinton Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention

    Gaddafi was trying to transform Africa, and as appointed leader of the African Union, he had bold plans. One of these plans cost him his life, and the life of many others.

    Gaddafi was planning the launch of a Pan-African currency called the Dinar made out of gold, which would replace Western Currency for trade in Africa, especially concerning Oil.

    The United States, Britain and France, all had an interest in stopping this....
    ....unlike other Arab countries, women could travel without an escort, get an education and participate in their government.

    More importantly, Gaddafi embraced Black Libyans living in his country, and visiting Black African workers in his country. There was no Arab / African divide such as in now separated Sudan. Here is, however, ample documentation by journalists, academics, and human rights groups demonstrating that black Libyan civilians and sub-Saharan contract workers, a population favored by Gaddafi in his pro-African Union policies, were targets of “racial cleansing” by rebels who saw black Libyans as tied closely with the regime.[1]
    Black Libyans were commonly branded as “foreign mercenaries” by the rebel opposition for their perceived general loyalty to Gaddafi as a community and subjected to torture, executions, and their towns “liberated” by ethnic cleansing. This is demonstrated in the most well-documented example of Tawergha, an entire town of 30,000 black and “dark-skinned” Libyans which vanished by August 2011 after its takeover by NATO-backed NTC Misratan

    -----Forwarded Message-----
    From: xoyasway - LJ Comment
    Sent: Apr 13, 2011 5:46 AM
    Subject: Reply to your entry...

    xoyasway (xoyasway) replied to your LiveJournal post in which you said:
    The Truth About Libya (Beloved Qaddafi /West Oil Invasion)
By Stephen Goodson    4-1-11
    Colonel Muammar Gadaffi is frequently referred to in the media as a "mad dictator" and "bloody tyrant", but do these allegations accord with the facts?
    Libya consists of over 15O tribes, with the two main groups, the Meghabra living in Tripolitania in the west and the Wafallah living in Cyrenaica in the east. Previous attempts to unite these tribes by the Turkish (1855-1911) and ltalian {1911-43) colonial rulers failed and the country was split in two for administrative purposes.
    Oil was discovered in Libya in 1959, but King ldris of the Senussi tribe allowed most of the oil profits to be siphoned into the coffers of the oil companies. The coup d'etat on 1 September 1969 led by Colonel Gadaffi had countrywide support. He subsequently married a woman from the royal Barqa tribe and adroitly unified the nation.
    By retaining Libya's oil wealth for the benefit of all its people, Gadaffi had created a socialist paradise. There is no unemployment, Libya has the highest GDP in Africa, less than 5% of the population is classified as poor and it has fewer people living below the poverty datum line than for example in Holland. Life expectancy is 75 years and is the highest in Africa and I0% above the world average.
    With the exception of the nomadic Bedouin and Tuareg tribes, most Libyan families possess a house and a car. There is free health care and education and not surprisingly Libya has a literacy rate of 82%. Last year Gadaffi distributed $500 to each man, woman and child (population 6.5 million).
    Libya has a tolerable human rights record and stands at 61 on the International Incarceration Index, comparable with countries in central Europe (the lower the rating, the lower the standing - the USA occupies the no.1 spot!). There is hardly any crime and only rebels and traitors are dealt with harshly.
    Anyone who has read Gadaffi's little Green Book will realize that he is a thoughtful and enlightened leader. Libya has been accused of having committed numerous acts of terrorism in the past, but many of these have been perpetrated by foreign intelligence agencies as false flag operations - the Lockerbie bombing being a prime example.
    The CIA and MI6 and their frontmen have been stoking up dissent in the east of the country for almost 30 years. Libya produces exceptionally high quality light crude oil and its production cost of $1 a barrel, compared to the current price of $115, is the lowest in the world.
    Riba (usury) is not permitted. The Central bank of Libya is a wholly-owned by the Libyan Government and is run as a state bank, issuing all government loans free of interest. This is in contrast to the exploitative fractional reserve banking system of the West. The no-fly zone and the bombing of Libya have nothing to do with the protection of civilians. It is an act of war ­ a blatant and crude attempt by the oil corporations and international bankers to steal the wealth of Libya.
    Their reply was:
    found your site on today and really liked it.. i bookmarked it and will be back to check it out some more later

    Arlene's note: Since the assassination of Khadafi, Libya's central bank is now owned by the Rothschild cabal as are Iraq's, Iran's, Syria's, and Afghanistan's central banks.

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    Now, compare that with this which is about Trump and Hillary: 11:16 38:19 and you'll see why they will never assassinate Trump.


    Arlene Johnson


    To access my work, click on the icon that says Magazine.

  • NYMetro
    It would work for the least melinated people not for sun kissed molasses colored persons. It would be Cecil Rhodes Rhodesia Trump=Hitlery Clinton we do not need South Africa name It is Azania. apartheid all over we need equity in economics not plantation politics. Isn't that why they killed Khadifi Cancer to Chavez, Kwame Ture, Capitalism is corruption. Azania all over again.
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