
  • Chicago-Midwest

    my opinion, until they began creating movies which show how we over came our aggression of all this mess we are founded in, there is nothing to watch, they have made nothing but movies to keep you in the stage of believing that this is it and that there is no way out of believing and feeling it not to be true, I think its called contained thinking.  me, I think critical, and so should we all! 

    • Why should "they" do that?
      Does the bee make honey for you?

      "They" will must will must and aught to create what speaks to their self interest.


      Kujichagulia (Self-Determination): To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves. 

      One who stands in the spirit of Kwanzaa 365 x 24 x 7 does not speak of "they", but, like god - the god he is, creates for himself in his own images.

      Now why go to the movies?

    • Chicago-Midwest

      I get you, my intent is not show the empowerment of others over the impressions given to the thoughts imposed in the minds of others such as myself included, personally speaking I choose not to spend my money to watch the type of "junk" that Hollywood choose to put out to the screen about blacks in the black communities of the USA as entertainment. As long as these movies only take the blacks back to slavery times or always as in a servitude state of mind where there is no room for growth of the mind to a people who need it very badly according to what has being perceived as being facts to them about the type of life they have chosen to be living. But to play with a people mind however you go by doing it is not impressive to persons aware of what is being presented to the minds who have not had a real history lesson taught to them about who they really are, what their true purpose for existing is, mislead for years, no real understanding of self,  so ok, I will not  say "they" but I will say that until "we" (blacks)as a people began making better movies about "us", Hollywood (Holly weird) can go bankrupt waiting for me to allow them to impose their brainwashing garbage in my mind. I like to present this video I created a while back to give you a general idea of how I think and feel about it., thank you very much! rather than say: "I need!" we say: "I desire!" rather than say: "I want!" we say: "I will create!" therefore I would only say "they" is because Hollywood is they to me because to me it is certainly not "we" nor is it "us"

    • Thanks for being out there and for being one committed to making a difference.

      I invite you to consider that only person you and I can empower is ourselves. The only person you and I have control over is ourselves. Therefore, it is virtually not possible to empower others - they are willing.
      Our quest is to identify the willing and while living a life that is consistent to our ideals - "LET YOUR LIGHT SO SHINE BEFORE MEN THAT THEY..." MAY MOTIVATED BY YOUR WAYS OF BEING. 


    • Chicago-Midwest

      this I agreed with you 100% it is the only way, only we can empower us, this is our job as being the male of the culture we breed. also education of the past, present,& future is a must for all of us to learn and understand about and than began discussions about the things among ourselves that we think we've come to learn about. it is said that in order to know where you're going you will have got to know where it is that you have been, therefore hind sight give fore sight which give insight(the future)  I've also written a novel to attempt to bring awareness by presenting some situations & solutions of the conditions we share as a people, I do believe that The sleeping giant can be stirred , so others had better become beware! ( I can be  google) to see my efforts)

    • Why not share and market your novel and all the things you do here?

      The intention of TheBlackList is to promote you and to talk smack.

      Market yourself. Network!

    • Chicago-Midwest

      this I will look into, thank you for bringing it to my attention, I'm attempting to set a website up now, perhaps I can link it to you some way also when I get finish with it, I will be getting back with you soon.

  • Canada
    Django was gut wrenching movie to watch..Though it had a moral ending to the movie .They ALL ARE !.I saw a movie at Toronto Film Festival a while Back called Kingston Paradise .Leading up i thought it would be a poétic commentary on society ,life in Jamiaca and Hope for the future as poor strugglers trying to make a success of themselves as a whole .And additionaly support my black film makers in the process . Not only was this another coon movie.That portraye dblacks as thieves hustlers And hoes .Same racist stereotype hiearchy with wealthy intelligent whites on top. And the shuck And jiving. blacks at. the bottem living in the ghetto. The story is based upon a brother playing a pimp taxi rivera hustler .Looking to make it out. of the rampant gun toting ghetto street life.His idea is to steal a Mitsubishi. Revolution. model car. And sell the parts. to a high. end. car. distributers with not. too bright. side. kick. who. works. in a chop ..The. movie is made by a non black busieur high faluting team
    • Thanks for been bold and daring enough to respond to the question. Thank you!!!

      Did you need to go to the movies to have your gut wrenched about anything to do about Slavery?

      You said: "Though it had a moral ending to the movie".  Do you need to go to the movies for anything moral, morals or morality?

      Do you need to go to the movies to be demeaned? Really?

      Why go to the movies?

      What's the impact of these movies that targeted to Black Communities?

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