
  • West

    Beloved One::


    I agree with Phoenix Rising, Olatunji Mwamba,Coumba Brooks, and Emma Lewis.


    When we speak of Truth, we must identify what truth we are speaking about. There is profane truth and there is Divine Truth, and there is no Divine Truth in Haiti now, because Divine Truth is about Divine Truth/Reality, harmony, order, and balance whereas profane truth is about chaos, confusion...and the likes of, the false realities/illusions.


    Divine Truth is about Divine reconciliation and that reconciliation is about reconciling in Beloved Afrika our Original home land. Our people in Haiti should have taken the President of Senegal offer to return to the Motherland where there is Solid grounds. Much of their continuous suffering and pain is due to DISOBEDEIENCE (not going to SENEGAL) and the embracing of VOODOO which did not warn them that an earthquake was coming and does not help them now.  What type of gods does not warns its people and help them? Our people in Haiti should have taken that offer and all those who oppressed them pick up the tab for the trip back to the Motherland. All those who oppressed them would be responsible for funding their trip back to the Motherland, making sure they had decent housing, food, clothing for the rest of their lives, liken unto REPARATIONS. The people in Haiti had the Window of Opportunity to have their REPARATIONS and they rebelled/rebuked against the SENEGAL offer.  That is disrespect for self, the children, Divine Truth/Reality, harmony, order and balance and our ancestors.


    I heard that only (50) people in Haiti accepted the President of SENEGAL offer and went through the process to go to SENGAL. I call these (50) wise people.


    If the People in Haiti Advocated, demand, command chanted REPARATIONS NOW  24/7, taking shift, the whole world where our people are will join in the Chant and we would come together collectively and get our enslaved Ancestors REPARATIONS NOW. That is simple to do. So many find the simplest things to do to be the hardest thing to do. Some many rather stay in pain and suffering the mother of ignorance rather than do the Divine right thing. That profane deep evil conditioning and programming the oppressors did to our people have caused many of our people to be mentally ill. A mentally ill person cannot recognize their Help, their Ark, their Savior, OUR enslaved Ancestors REPARATIONS now is. 


    The past genocide crimes have not bought those who committed those crimes to be punished for their crimes and now we are witnessing their bloodlines going back amongst our people to repeat the same things over again.



    One sister a (DR) said %%%Obama%%% has set us back another 400 years.


    %%%OBama%%% statement when he went to Ghana. He told our people in Ghana not to blame genocide for their problems.


    What a slap in the face to all of us that statement was.


    Anyone who gives a people a Belief/Believe System are our enemies, and we are enemies to self when we embrace it.


    Haiti present foundations (grounds) aren’t stable and where we found instability we will find more collapsing. Yes, there will be more to come to Haiti because they aren't on Solid grounds and operating in their once Divine right mind, Mind being the Ultimate weapon and tool, and REPARATIONS NOW is the Ultimate weapon and tool against the oppressors.


    I have said this over the Internet countless times. 


    I have contacted ezili danto at below link



    I gave her the suggestion to go into Haiti or contact Wyclef and anyone she think she could trust in Haiti, and informed the people to Chant Reparations now. She wrote me back saying that REPARATIONS is my vision.

    Ezili does not see the ignorance in her statement that REPARATIONS NOW is my vision. I know for a fact that, THIS LIFE WE LIVE IS NOT FOR SELF ALONE, and therefore Reparations is the vision for all of our people, not my vision alone.  She disrespected the Ancestors (within) who reveal  to me and other like minds what I suggested to her. She disrespected Divine Truth/Reality. She disrespected the Divine Intelligent Energy that revealed/created us.


    Her law degree, and all that singing and dancing that Ezili do, have not bought about Haiti Divine salvation, liberation, and freedom. See what earthly man made degrees will do to a person cause them to not use their Divine insight. She disrespected the sayings. A NATION WILL RISE NO HIGHER THAN ITS WOMAN. THE DESTINY OF THE WOMAN: IS THE DESITNY OF THE WORLD. There are so many so call elites in the way of what we must do Divinely right. A true Mother of Beloved Afrika Knows, not believe, Knows how to save her people.


    Hell common sense says if another vision is off focus and not working it time to embrace another vision that will work. I add the quotes. Condemnation without investigation is the ultimate ignorance (Einstein). Truth is a treason to lies (Ron Paul). Believing without thinking is criminal (Osiris/Common Sense). It does not matter how many earthly man made degrees we have if common Sense is not part of what we do. We too become equally responsible for what happens to our people because we fail to try something else that will work


    I contacted Wyclef and shared with him the same thing I shared with Ezili. I said to Wyclef, if you truly desire to be President in Haiti you can be a king in Haiti when you go into Haiti and tell the people to chant REPARATIONS now 24/7 taking shifts. The people in Haiti are looking for a new direction to travel mentally and Reparations Now 24/7 will become global among our people. Wyclef when he is in Haiti with his music has the Divine Opportunity to do this I share because he has the attention/audience.



    All of our people need is Divine Seers/Visionaries, not preachers, chameleons, ilk’s, charlatans, mountebanks, sheep in wolves clothes, Vampires in sheep clothing, Snakes in sheep clothing...and the likes of.


    I know for a fact when I was in Haiti calling myself going to Divinely raise the conscious level of our people there. I was told people like me and like minds would disappear.


    My deepest empathy and sympathy goes out to the innocent children. I do have empathy and sympathy for the parents who are not operating in their once Divine right mind-set who cannot save themselves and can not save the children. Parents who is not operating in their once Divine right mind-set are enemies to self and enemies to the children.


    DR: RAY Hagin: When we deny we have been hook winked, bamboozled, lied to, we are dangerous people and that is the case in Haiti, and where ever our non thinking people are.


    Divine Free Critical Thinkers, lien holders of their own conscious, non conformist among us are the saviors for self and our people and again we would be denied or disappear when going in the midst of pain and suffering people bringing them the Divine Truth/Reality, harmony, order, and balance because the evil one hates Divine Truth/Reality, harmony, order and balance.


    What many of our people fail to comprehend is the oppressors see our people as sub humans, monkeys with voices…and the likes of. Oh what great evil pretenders they are, they who have made our people in their own evil image.


    I salute and bow to the Critical Thinkers who commented on this post and those else where, the few there are.



    This evil DOPE  HOPE Campaign Billy Graham...and the likes are going on in Haiti is the below.



    HOPE: “Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torment of man”.



    HOPE:  Hope keeps you focused on the illusionary future, and this persistent focus perpetuates your denial of the Now (present moment) resulting in your unhappiness. The secret attempts. The feeling you got that the feeling you got ain't permanent. (Dr. Blynd, Funktionary)



    HOPE: Is a meaningless emotion because its fruits are always in the future and, by definition, never in the NOW.(David Icke)



    HOPE : Is like riding a carousel horse; no matter how fast you go you never get closer to the one in front. The idea, however, is to persuade you to stay on the horse, despite the evitable disappointment, in the 'hope' that things will change. But they don't because the very system is designed to prevent it.(David Icke)


    OUR ENSLAVED Ancestors REPARATIONS NOW, or, we need to prepare to go out of the Black Afrikan people business

  • West

    Read the entire article and see the pictures at below link.
    U.S. Government-Funded Mission to Make Haiti Christian: Your Tax Dollars, Billy Graham’s Son, Monsanto and Sarah Palin

    “…Haiti that’s become a massively swelled teat on which NGOs profitably
    suckle. Overall, Haiti has become one of the greatest money laundering
    operations in history, an island engine turning public funds into private
    profits. What’s more, U.S. taxpayer dollars are, against Presidential
    directive, being funneled from the United States Agency for International
    Development to Billy Graham’s charities for use in Christian




    I have read the whole article and I hate with a passion that these so called great Pretenders white hope are in our Beloved people midst, getting ready to kill, steal, and rob their minds.

    Oh is there anyone who can come into heir midst and make sure they are not conditioned and programmed to become Christians.

    As a matter of fact there are a few who can, but those few will not be allowed to go into Haiti to show the people that this Christianity is not the way to think and be.

    It was the white Jesus that got our people in the situation they are in now.

    They do not need no Jesus. They need Help in every way that will help their pain and suffering.

    Billy Graham’s Son, Monsanto & Sarah Palin...and the likes of, all sheep in wolves clothing.

    This is history repeating itself.

    Like many of our people in/on earth, if we do not correct the past, we will repeat it. It is our children who will be enslaved/slaves for the errors we made because we did not correct the errors by returning to our once Divine right mind-set, return to rebuild Beloved Afrika with our enslaved ancestors Reparations in our hands.


    I will say this and I will not waiver.


    When a people make a pact with the devils mind-set and that includes our people every where we are, this is the results and can be expected.


    I have been to Haiti for three weeks back in 1998, when it was 95 percent unemployment.


    A 21 year old young Haitian and I both saw a disaster coming to Haiti but we did not expect an earthquake. He was so disappointed in what he saw in Haiti back in 1998, he said the only way Haiti can be rebuilt again is that Haiti would have to disappear under the Atlantic Ocean and start all over again. That came from a Haitian born 21 year old male.


    For those who do not know how the original enslavement of our people got started Haiti is a good example. The evil ones made in so bad for our people than they sent in the Military, followed with the missionaries, mercenaries, and their religion.




  • Europe

    Truth and Reconciliation Cttee in South Africa basically provided AMNESTY

    for the crimes committted by the apartheid dictatorship. The damage done by

    the T& R is clear there. History shows the overwhelming evidence everyday

    that the present (economic and social) arrangement is not working for the

    best interest of Haitians (or Africans in general) It will only keep us

    subjugated and force us to sacrifice our dignity. Justice needs to be


    • Chicago-Midwest
      I must agree with the two above post: The Truth and Reconciliation, did nothing for South Africans. The criminals and invaders of this nation, continued the exploitation of the indigenous people of South Africa. Please see video "Facing the Truth" with Desmond Tutu. Also, the Tribunals of Rwanda, did the same. This is just a waste of time energy and money, to make you feel that the Europeans in control and their paid African/Black politicians are trying to find justice. but at the end. The truth is that it wreaks of Dread Scott findings in the USA. "There is no law that a White Man will be punished for against an African man or his decendants"

      Baby Doc, and Michelle Bennett, destroyed their own nation, beginning with human life, and even the quality of air, by destroying Nature. Baby Doc, and all that participated with him, should be held accountable. The Jewish community is still prosecuting Nazi's and their sympathizers. Why should we not do the same, so this vicious cycle of exploitation to Blacks can stop.
  • DMV
    I totally disagree with any type of forgiveness, which is what will occur with this silly nonsense called a 'Truth and Reconciliation Commission'. The crimes that have been perpetrated against our people cannot go unpunished. Those who have perpetrated such heinous crimes against our people must suffer the consequences of their actions-period. Otherwise, why waste time holding a 'Commission' in the first place?
  • NYMetro

    South Africa's "Truth and Reconciliation" has left the Indigeneous People of South Africa in basically the same circumstances.  The people who brutallized them for centuries, apologized and kept on stepping.  Apologies are part of the Christian doctrine, I will brutalize you, rape your mother, wife, daughter and son in front of you, then apologize, ask your forgiveness in the name of Jesus, then continue with business as usual, just in another variation and call it by another name.  "A Rose by any other name is still a Rose".


    The majority of the Indigeneous of South Africa are still living in poverty, still fighting to get their land back.  The Invaders retained their stolen wealth, land and mineral resources, are able to travel freely all over the world, continue to build up "gated" areas where the Indigeneous are not permitted to be.  "Truth and Reconciliation" is the same as "Integration".   Nothing changes for the masses of the people, while they run around in circles like "dogs trying to catch their tails".  We speak Truth and Reconcile, while they continue the colonization.  Another Time, Energy, Spirit and Money Waste, just like the Elections.  The Haitians are struggling to gain a solid foundation under their feet, a place for their families to live, a source of income, a food and water supply.  They are fighting the Occupiers of their Country, the Ravages of an Earthquake, a Cholera Epidemic, the loss of untold member of their Family and Community and you talk about a Truth and Reconciliation.  Did you vote for Wycleff Jean too?

  • I believe the the time has come for Haiti to welcome home all its sons and daughters, forgive those of its sons and daughter who have wronged her, be forgive by those it has wronged and to galvanize all the skills and talents of its diaspora to build a grand and glorious Haiti.
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